2023-07-26 21:33:29 +02:00

805 lines
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libpq access using ctypes
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team
import sys
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
from ctypes import Structure, CFUNCTYPE, POINTER
from ctypes import c_char, c_char_p, c_int, c_size_t, c_ubyte, c_uint, c_void_p
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from .misc import find_libpq_full_path
from ..errors import NotSupportedError
libname = find_libpq_full_path()
if not libname:
raise ImportError("libpq library not found")
pq = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libname)
class FILE(Structure):
if sys.platform == "linux":
libcname = ctypes.util.find_library("c")
assert libcname
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libcname)
fdopen = libc.fdopen
fdopen.argtypes = (c_int, c_char_p)
fdopen.restype = FILE_ptr
# Get the libpq version to define what functions are available.
PQlibVersion = pq.PQlibVersion
PQlibVersion.argtypes = []
PQlibVersion.restype = c_int
libpq_version = PQlibVersion()
# libpq data types
Oid = c_uint
class PGconn_struct(Structure):
_fields_: List[Tuple[str, type]] = []
class PGresult_struct(Structure):
_fields_: List[Tuple[str, type]] = []
class PQconninfoOption_struct(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("keyword", c_char_p),
("envvar", c_char_p),
("compiled", c_char_p),
("val", c_char_p),
("label", c_char_p),
("dispchar", c_char_p),
("dispsize", c_int),
class PGnotify_struct(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("relname", c_char_p),
("be_pid", c_int),
("extra", c_char_p),
class PGcancel_struct(Structure):
_fields_: List[Tuple[str, type]] = []
class PGresAttDesc_struct(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("name", c_char_p),
("tableid", Oid),
("columnid", c_int),
("format", c_int),
("typid", Oid),
("typlen", c_int),
("atttypmod", c_int),
PGconn_ptr = POINTER(PGconn_struct)
PGresult_ptr = POINTER(PGresult_struct)
PQconninfoOption_ptr = POINTER(PQconninfoOption_struct)
PGnotify_ptr = POINTER(PGnotify_struct)
PGcancel_ptr = POINTER(PGcancel_struct)
PGresAttDesc_ptr = POINTER(PGresAttDesc_struct)
# Function definitions as explained in PostgreSQL 12 documentation
# 33.1. Database Connection Control Functions
# PQconnectdbParams: doesn't seem useful, won't wrap for now
PQconnectdb = pq.PQconnectdb
PQconnectdb.argtypes = [c_char_p]
PQconnectdb.restype = PGconn_ptr
# PQsetdbLogin: not useful
# PQsetdb: not useful
# PQconnectStartParams: not useful
PQconnectStart = pq.PQconnectStart
PQconnectStart.argtypes = [c_char_p]
PQconnectStart.restype = PGconn_ptr
PQconnectPoll = pq.PQconnectPoll
PQconnectPoll.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQconnectPoll.restype = c_int
PQconndefaults = pq.PQconndefaults
PQconndefaults.argtypes = []
PQconndefaults.restype = PQconninfoOption_ptr
PQconninfoFree = pq.PQconninfoFree
PQconninfoFree.argtypes = [PQconninfoOption_ptr]
PQconninfoFree.restype = None
PQconninfo = pq.PQconninfo
PQconninfo.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQconninfo.restype = PQconninfoOption_ptr
PQconninfoParse = pq.PQconninfoParse
PQconninfoParse.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(c_char_p)]
PQconninfoParse.restype = PQconninfoOption_ptr
PQfinish = pq.PQfinish
PQfinish.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQfinish.restype = None
PQreset = pq.PQreset
PQreset.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQreset.restype = None
PQresetStart = pq.PQresetStart
PQresetStart.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQresetStart.restype = c_int
PQresetPoll = pq.PQresetPoll
PQresetPoll.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQresetPoll.restype = c_int
PQping = pq.PQping
PQping.argtypes = [c_char_p]
PQping.restype = c_int
# 33.2. Connection Status Functions
PQdb = pq.PQdb
PQdb.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQdb.restype = c_char_p
PQuser = pq.PQuser
PQuser.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQuser.restype = c_char_p
PQpass = pq.PQpass
PQpass.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQpass.restype = c_char_p
PQhost = pq.PQhost
PQhost.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQhost.restype = c_char_p
_PQhostaddr = None
if libpq_version >= 120000:
_PQhostaddr = pq.PQhostaddr
_PQhostaddr.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
_PQhostaddr.restype = c_char_p
def PQhostaddr(pgconn: PGconn_struct) -> bytes:
if not _PQhostaddr:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQhostaddr requires libpq from PostgreSQL 12,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
return _PQhostaddr(pgconn)
PQport = pq.PQport
PQport.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQport.restype = c_char_p
PQtty = pq.PQtty
PQtty.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQtty.restype = c_char_p
PQoptions = pq.PQoptions
PQoptions.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQoptions.restype = c_char_p
PQstatus = pq.PQstatus
PQstatus.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQstatus.restype = c_int
PQtransactionStatus = pq.PQtransactionStatus
PQtransactionStatus.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQtransactionStatus.restype = c_int
PQparameterStatus = pq.PQparameterStatus
PQparameterStatus.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQparameterStatus.restype = c_char_p
PQprotocolVersion = pq.PQprotocolVersion
PQprotocolVersion.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQprotocolVersion.restype = c_int
PQserverVersion = pq.PQserverVersion
PQserverVersion.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQserverVersion.restype = c_int
PQerrorMessage = pq.PQerrorMessage
PQerrorMessage.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQerrorMessage.restype = c_char_p
PQsocket = pq.PQsocket
PQsocket.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQsocket.restype = c_int
PQbackendPID = pq.PQbackendPID
PQbackendPID.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQbackendPID.restype = c_int
PQconnectionNeedsPassword = pq.PQconnectionNeedsPassword
PQconnectionNeedsPassword.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQconnectionNeedsPassword.restype = c_int
PQconnectionUsedPassword = pq.PQconnectionUsedPassword
PQconnectionUsedPassword.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQconnectionUsedPassword.restype = c_int
PQsslInUse = pq.PQsslInUse
PQsslInUse.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQsslInUse.restype = c_int
# TODO: PQsslAttribute, PQsslAttributeNames, PQsslStruct, PQgetssl
# 33.3. Command Execution Functions
PQexec = pq.PQexec
PQexec.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQexec.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQexecParams = pq.PQexecParams
PQexecParams.argtypes = [
PQexecParams.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQprepare = pq.PQprepare
PQprepare.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(Oid)]
PQprepare.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQexecPrepared = pq.PQexecPrepared
PQexecPrepared.argtypes = [
PQexecPrepared.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQdescribePrepared = pq.PQdescribePrepared
PQdescribePrepared.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQdescribePrepared.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQdescribePortal = pq.PQdescribePortal
PQdescribePortal.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQdescribePortal.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQresultStatus = pq.PQresultStatus
PQresultStatus.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQresultStatus.restype = c_int
# PQresStatus: not needed, we have pretty enums
PQresultErrorMessage = pq.PQresultErrorMessage
PQresultErrorMessage.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQresultErrorMessage.restype = c_char_p
# TODO: PQresultVerboseErrorMessage
PQresultErrorField = pq.PQresultErrorField
PQresultErrorField.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQresultErrorField.restype = c_char_p
PQclear = pq.PQclear
PQclear.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQclear.restype = None
# 33.3.2. Retrieving Query Result Information
PQntuples = pq.PQntuples
PQntuples.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQntuples.restype = c_int
PQnfields = pq.PQnfields
PQnfields.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQnfields.restype = c_int
PQfname = pq.PQfname
PQfname.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQfname.restype = c_char_p
# PQfnumber: useless and hard to use
PQftable = pq.PQftable
PQftable.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQftable.restype = Oid
PQftablecol = pq.PQftablecol
PQftablecol.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQftablecol.restype = c_int
PQfformat = pq.PQfformat
PQfformat.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQfformat.restype = c_int
PQftype = pq.PQftype
PQftype.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQftype.restype = Oid
PQfmod = pq.PQfmod
PQfmod.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQfmod.restype = c_int
PQfsize = pq.PQfsize
PQfsize.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQfsize.restype = c_int
PQbinaryTuples = pq.PQbinaryTuples
PQbinaryTuples.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQbinaryTuples.restype = c_int
PQgetvalue = pq.PQgetvalue
PQgetvalue.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int, c_int]
PQgetvalue.restype = POINTER(c_char) # not a null-terminated string
PQgetisnull = pq.PQgetisnull
PQgetisnull.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int, c_int]
PQgetisnull.restype = c_int
PQgetlength = pq.PQgetlength
PQgetlength.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int, c_int]
PQgetlength.restype = c_int
PQnparams = pq.PQnparams
PQnparams.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQnparams.restype = c_int
PQparamtype = pq.PQparamtype
PQparamtype.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int]
PQparamtype.restype = Oid
# PQprint: pretty useless
# 33.3.3. Retrieving Other Result Information
PQcmdStatus = pq.PQcmdStatus
PQcmdStatus.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQcmdStatus.restype = c_char_p
PQcmdTuples = pq.PQcmdTuples
PQcmdTuples.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQcmdTuples.restype = c_char_p
PQoidValue = pq.PQoidValue
PQoidValue.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr]
PQoidValue.restype = Oid
# 33.3.4. Escaping Strings for Inclusion in SQL Commands
PQescapeLiteral = pq.PQescapeLiteral
PQescapeLiteral.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p, c_size_t]
PQescapeLiteral.restype = POINTER(c_char)
PQescapeIdentifier = pq.PQescapeIdentifier
PQescapeIdentifier.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p, c_size_t]
PQescapeIdentifier.restype = POINTER(c_char)
PQescapeStringConn = pq.PQescapeStringConn
# TODO: raises "wrong type" error
# PQescapeStringConn.argtypes = [
# PGconn_ptr, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_size_t, POINTER(c_int)
# ]
PQescapeStringConn.restype = c_size_t
PQescapeString = pq.PQescapeString
# TODO: raises "wrong type" error
# PQescapeString.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_size_t]
PQescapeString.restype = c_size_t
PQescapeByteaConn = pq.PQescapeByteaConn
PQescapeByteaConn.argtypes = [
POINTER(c_char), # actually POINTER(c_ubyte) but this is easier
PQescapeByteaConn.restype = POINTER(c_ubyte)
PQescapeBytea = pq.PQescapeBytea
PQescapeBytea.argtypes = [
POINTER(c_char), # actually POINTER(c_ubyte) but this is easier
PQescapeBytea.restype = POINTER(c_ubyte)
PQunescapeBytea = pq.PQunescapeBytea
PQunescapeBytea.argtypes = [
POINTER(c_char), # actually POINTER(c_ubyte) but this is easier
PQunescapeBytea.restype = POINTER(c_ubyte)
# 33.4. Asynchronous Command Processing
PQsendQuery = pq.PQsendQuery
PQsendQuery.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQsendQuery.restype = c_int
PQsendQueryParams = pq.PQsendQueryParams
PQsendQueryParams.argtypes = [
PQsendQueryParams.restype = c_int
PQsendPrepare = pq.PQsendPrepare
PQsendPrepare.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER(Oid)]
PQsendPrepare.restype = c_int
PQsendQueryPrepared = pq.PQsendQueryPrepared
PQsendQueryPrepared.argtypes = [
PQsendQueryPrepared.restype = c_int
PQsendDescribePrepared = pq.PQsendDescribePrepared
PQsendDescribePrepared.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQsendDescribePrepared.restype = c_int
PQsendDescribePortal = pq.PQsendDescribePortal
PQsendDescribePortal.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQsendDescribePortal.restype = c_int
PQgetResult = pq.PQgetResult
PQgetResult.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQgetResult.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQconsumeInput = pq.PQconsumeInput
PQconsumeInput.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQconsumeInput.restype = c_int
PQisBusy = pq.PQisBusy
PQisBusy.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQisBusy.restype = c_int
PQsetnonblocking = pq.PQsetnonblocking
PQsetnonblocking.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_int]
PQsetnonblocking.restype = c_int
PQisnonblocking = pq.PQisnonblocking
PQisnonblocking.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQisnonblocking.restype = c_int
PQflush = pq.PQflush
PQflush.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQflush.restype = c_int
# 33.5. Retrieving Query Results Row-by-Row
PQsetSingleRowMode = pq.PQsetSingleRowMode
PQsetSingleRowMode.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQsetSingleRowMode.restype = c_int
# 33.6. Canceling Queries in Progress
PQgetCancel = pq.PQgetCancel
PQgetCancel.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQgetCancel.restype = PGcancel_ptr
PQfreeCancel = pq.PQfreeCancel
PQfreeCancel.argtypes = [PGcancel_ptr]
PQfreeCancel.restype = None
PQcancel = pq.PQcancel
# TODO: raises "wrong type" error
# PQcancel.argtypes = [PGcancel_ptr, POINTER(c_char), c_int]
PQcancel.restype = c_int
# 33.8. Asynchronous Notification
PQnotifies = pq.PQnotifies
PQnotifies.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQnotifies.restype = PGnotify_ptr
# 33.9. Functions Associated with the COPY Command
PQputCopyData = pq.PQputCopyData
PQputCopyData.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p, c_int]
PQputCopyData.restype = c_int
PQputCopyEnd = pq.PQputCopyEnd
PQputCopyEnd.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_char_p]
PQputCopyEnd.restype = c_int
PQgetCopyData = pq.PQgetCopyData
PQgetCopyData.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, POINTER(c_char_p), c_int]
PQgetCopyData.restype = c_int
# 33.10. Control Functions
PQtrace = pq.PQtrace
PQtrace.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, FILE_ptr]
PQtrace.restype = None
_PQsetTraceFlags = None
if libpq_version >= 140000:
_PQsetTraceFlags = pq.PQsetTraceFlags
_PQsetTraceFlags.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_int]
_PQsetTraceFlags.restype = None
def PQsetTraceFlags(pgconn: PGconn_struct, flags: int) -> None:
if not _PQsetTraceFlags:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQsetTraceFlags requires libpq from PostgreSQL 14,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
_PQsetTraceFlags(pgconn, flags)
PQuntrace = pq.PQuntrace
PQuntrace.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
PQuntrace.restype = None
# 33.11. Miscellaneous Functions
PQfreemem = pq.PQfreemem
PQfreemem.argtypes = [c_void_p]
PQfreemem.restype = None
if libpq_version >= 100000:
_PQencryptPasswordConn = pq.PQencryptPasswordConn
_PQencryptPasswordConn.argtypes = [
_PQencryptPasswordConn.restype = POINTER(c_char)
def PQencryptPasswordConn(
pgconn: PGconn_struct, passwd: bytes, user: bytes, algorithm: bytes
) -> Optional[bytes]:
if not _PQencryptPasswordConn:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQencryptPasswordConn requires libpq from PostgreSQL 10,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
return _PQencryptPasswordConn(pgconn, passwd, user, algorithm)
PQmakeEmptyPGresult = pq.PQmakeEmptyPGresult
PQmakeEmptyPGresult.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, c_int]
PQmakeEmptyPGresult.restype = PGresult_ptr
PQsetResultAttrs = pq.PQsetResultAttrs
PQsetResultAttrs.argtypes = [PGresult_ptr, c_int, PGresAttDesc_ptr]
PQsetResultAttrs.restype = c_int
# 33.12. Notice Processing
PQnoticeReceiver = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, PGresult_ptr)
PQsetNoticeReceiver = pq.PQsetNoticeReceiver
PQsetNoticeReceiver.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr, PQnoticeReceiver, c_void_p]
PQsetNoticeReceiver.restype = PQnoticeReceiver
# 34.5 Pipeline Mode
_PQpipelineStatus = None
_PQenterPipelineMode = None
_PQexitPipelineMode = None
_PQpipelineSync = None
_PQsendFlushRequest = None
if libpq_version >= 140000:
_PQpipelineStatus = pq.PQpipelineStatus
_PQpipelineStatus.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
_PQpipelineStatus.restype = c_int
_PQenterPipelineMode = pq.PQenterPipelineMode
_PQenterPipelineMode.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
_PQenterPipelineMode.restype = c_int
_PQexitPipelineMode = pq.PQexitPipelineMode
_PQexitPipelineMode.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
_PQexitPipelineMode.restype = c_int
_PQpipelineSync = pq.PQpipelineSync
_PQpipelineSync.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
_PQpipelineSync.restype = c_int
_PQsendFlushRequest = pq.PQsendFlushRequest
_PQsendFlushRequest.argtypes = [PGconn_ptr]
_PQsendFlushRequest.restype = c_int
def PQpipelineStatus(pgconn: PGconn_struct) -> int:
if not _PQpipelineStatus:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQpipelineStatus requires libpq from PostgreSQL 14,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
return _PQpipelineStatus(pgconn)
def PQenterPipelineMode(pgconn: PGconn_struct) -> int:
if not _PQenterPipelineMode:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQenterPipelineMode requires libpq from PostgreSQL 14,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
return _PQenterPipelineMode(pgconn)
def PQexitPipelineMode(pgconn: PGconn_struct) -> int:
if not _PQexitPipelineMode:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQexitPipelineMode requires libpq from PostgreSQL 14,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
return _PQexitPipelineMode(pgconn)
def PQpipelineSync(pgconn: PGconn_struct) -> int:
if not _PQpipelineSync:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQpipelineSync requires libpq from PostgreSQL 14,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
return _PQpipelineSync(pgconn)
def PQsendFlushRequest(pgconn: PGconn_struct) -> int:
if not _PQsendFlushRequest:
raise NotSupportedError(
"PQsendFlushRequest requires libpq from PostgreSQL 14,"
f" {libpq_version} available instead"
return _PQsendFlushRequest(pgconn)
# 33.18. SSL Support
PQinitOpenSSL = pq.PQinitOpenSSL
PQinitOpenSSL.argtypes = [c_int, c_int]
PQinitOpenSSL.restype = None
def generate_stub() -> None:
import re
from ctypes import _CFuncPtr # type: ignore
def type2str(fname, narg, t):
if t is None:
return "None"
elif t is c_void_p:
return "Any"
elif t is c_int or t is c_uint or t is c_size_t:
return "int"
elif t is c_char_p or t.__name__ == "LP_c_char":
if narg is not None:
return "bytes"
return "Optional[bytes]"
elif t.__name__ in (
if narg is not None:
return f"Optional[{t.__name__[3:]}]"
return t.__name__[3:]
elif t.__name__ in ("LP_PQconninfoOption_struct",):
return f"Sequence[{t.__name__[3:]}]"
elif t.__name__ in (
return f"_Pointer[{t.__name__[3:]}]"
assert False, f"can't deal with {t} in {fname}"
fn = __file__ + "i"
with open(fn) as f:
lines =
istart, iend = (
for i, line in enumerate(lines)
if re.match(r"\s*#\s*autogenerated:\s+(start|end)", line)
known = {
line[4:].split("(", 1)[0] for line in lines[:istart] if line.startswith("def ")
signatures = []
for name, obj in globals().items():
if name in known:
if not isinstance(obj, _CFuncPtr):
params = []
for i, t in enumerate(obj.argtypes):
params.append(f"arg{i + 1}: {type2str(name, i, t)}")
resname = type2str(name, None, obj.restype)
signatures.append(f"def {name}({', '.join(params)}) -> {resname}: ...")
lines[istart + 1 : iend] = signatures
with open(fn, "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":