2023-07-26 21:33:29 +02:00

163 lines
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Entry point into the adaptation system.
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING
from . import pq, abc
from . import _adapters_map
from ._enums import PyFormat as PyFormat
from ._cmodule import _psycopg
from .connection import BaseConnection
AdaptersMap = _adapters_map.AdaptersMap
Buffer = abc.Buffer
ORD_BS = ord("\\")
class Dumper(abc.Dumper, ABC):
Convert Python object of the type `!cls` to PostgreSQL representation.
oid: int = 0
"""The oid to pass to the server, if known."""
format: pq.Format = pq.Format.TEXT
"""The format of the data dumped."""
def __init__(self, cls: type, context: Optional[abc.AdaptContext] = None):
self.cls = cls
self.connection: Optional["BaseConnection[Any]"] = (
context.connection if context else None
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f" (oid={self.oid}) at 0x{id(self):x}>"
def dump(self, obj: Any) -> Buffer:
def quote(self, obj: Any) -> Buffer:
By default return the `dump()` value quoted and sanitised, so
that the result can be used to build a SQL string. This works well
for most types and you won't likely have to implement this method in a
value = self.dump(obj)
if self.connection:
esc = pq.Escaping(self.connection.pgconn)
# escaping and quoting
return esc.escape_literal(value)
# This path is taken when quote is asked without a connection,
# usually it means by psycopg.sql.quote() or by
# 'Composible.as_string(None)'. Most often than not this is done by
# someone generating a SQL file to consume elsewhere.
# No quoting, only quote escaping, random bs escaping. See further.
esc = pq.Escaping()
out = esc.escape_string(value)
# b"\\" in memoryview doesn't work so search for the ascii value
if ORD_BS not in out:
# If the string has no backslash, the result is correct and we
# don't need to bother with standard_conforming_strings.
return b"'" + out + b"'"
# The libpq has a crazy behaviour: PQescapeString uses the last
# standard_conforming_strings setting seen on a connection. This
# means that backslashes might be escaped or might not.
# A syntax E'\\' works everywhere, whereas E'\' is an error. OTOH,
# if scs is off, '\\' raises a warning and '\' is an error.
# Check what the libpq does, and if it doesn't escape the backslash
# let's do it on our own. Never mind the race condition.
rv: bytes = b" E'" + out + b"'"
if esc.escape_string(b"\\") == b"\\":
rv = rv.replace(b"\\", b"\\\\")
return rv
def get_key(self, obj: Any, format: PyFormat) -> abc.DumperKey:
Implementation of the `` member of the
`` protocol. Look at its definition for details.
This implementation returns the `!cls` passed in the constructor.
Subclasses needing to specialise the PostgreSQL type according to the
*value* of the object dumped (not only according to to its type)
should override this class.
return self.cls
def upgrade(self, obj: Any, format: PyFormat) -> "Dumper":
Implementation of the `` member of the
`` protocol. Look at its definition for details.
This implementation just returns `!self`. If a subclass implements
`get_key()` it should probably override `!upgrade()` too.
return self
class Loader(abc.Loader, ABC):
Convert PostgreSQL values with type OID `!oid` to Python objects.
format: pq.Format = pq.Format.TEXT
"""The format of the data loaded."""
def __init__(self, oid: int, context: Optional[abc.AdaptContext] = None):
self.oid = oid
self.connection: Optional["BaseConnection[Any]"] = (
context.connection if context else None
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> Any:
"""Convert a PostgreSQL value to a Python object."""
Transformer: Type["abc.Transformer"]
# Override it with fast object if available
if _psycopg:
Transformer = _psycopg.Transformer
from . import _transform
Transformer = _transform.Transformer
class RecursiveDumper(Dumper):
"""Dumper with a transformer to help dumping recursive types."""
def __init__(self, cls: type, context: Optional[abc.AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(cls, context)
self._tx = Transformer.from_context(context)
class RecursiveLoader(Loader):
"""Loader with a transformer to help loading recursive types."""
def __init__(self, oid: int, context: Optional[abc.AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(oid, context)
self._tx = Transformer.from_context(context)