2023-07-26 21:33:29 +02:00

501 lines
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Information about PostgreSQL types
These types allow to read information from the system catalog and provide
information to the adapters if needed.
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional, overload
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
from . import errors as e
from .abc import AdaptContext, Query
from .rows import dict_row
from ._encodings import conn_encoding
from .connection import BaseConnection, Connection
from .connection_async import AsyncConnection
from .sql import Identifier, SQL
T = TypeVar("T", bound="TypeInfo")
RegistryKey: TypeAlias = Union[str, int, Tuple[type, int]]
class TypeInfo:
Hold information about a PostgreSQL base type.
__module__ = "psycopg.types"
def __init__(
name: str,
oid: int,
array_oid: int,
regtype: str = "",
delimiter: str = ",",
): = name
self.oid = oid
self.array_oid = array_oid
self.regtype = regtype or name
self.delimiter = delimiter
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f" {} (oid: {self.oid}, array oid: {self.array_oid})>"
def fetch(
cls: Type[T], conn: "Connection[Any]", name: Union[str, "Identifier"]
) -> Optional[T]:
async def fetch(
cls: Type[T], conn: "AsyncConnection[Any]", name: Union[str, "Identifier"]
) -> Optional[T]:
def fetch(
cls: Type[T], conn: "BaseConnection[Any]", name: Union[str, "Identifier"]
) -> Any:
"""Query a system catalog to read information about a type."""
from .sql import Composable
from .connection import Connection
from .connection_async import AsyncConnection
if isinstance(name, Composable):
name = name.as_string(conn)
if isinstance(conn, Connection):
return cls._fetch(conn, name)
elif isinstance(conn, AsyncConnection):
return cls._fetch_async(conn, name)
raise TypeError(
f"expected Connection or AsyncConnection, got {type(conn).__name__}"
def _fetch(cls: Type[T], conn: "Connection[Any]", name: str) -> Optional[T]:
# This might result in a nested transaction. What we want is to leave
# the function with the connection in the state we found (either idle
# or intrans)
with conn.transaction():
if conn_encoding(conn) == "ascii":
conn.execute("set local client_encoding to utf8")
with conn.cursor(row_factory=dict_row) as cur:
cur.execute(cls._get_info_query(conn), {"name": name})
recs = cur.fetchall()
except e.UndefinedObject:
return None
return cls._from_records(name, recs)
async def _fetch_async(
cls: Type[T], conn: "AsyncConnection[Any]", name: str
) -> Optional[T]:
async with conn.transaction():
if conn_encoding(conn) == "ascii":
await conn.execute("set local client_encoding to utf8")
async with conn.cursor(row_factory=dict_row) as cur:
await cur.execute(cls._get_info_query(conn), {"name": name})
recs = await cur.fetchall()
except e.UndefinedObject:
return None
return cls._from_records(name, recs)
def _from_records(
cls: Type[T], name: str, recs: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]
) -> Optional[T]:
if len(recs) == 1:
return cls(**recs[0])
elif not recs:
return None
raise e.ProgrammingError(f"found {len(recs)} different types named {name}")
def register(self, context: Optional[AdaptContext] = None) -> None:
Register the type information, globally or in the specified `!context`.
if context:
types = context.adapters.types
from . import postgres
types = postgres.types
if self.array_oid:
from .types.array import register_array
register_array(self, context)
def _get_info_query(cls, conn: "BaseConnection[Any]") -> Query:
from .sql import SQL
return SQL(
typname AS name, oid, typarray AS array_oid,
oid::regtype::text AS regtype, typdelim AS delimiter
FROM pg_type t
WHERE t.oid = {regtype}
ORDER BY t.oid
def _has_to_regtype_function(cls, conn: "BaseConnection[Any]") -> bool:
# to_regtype() introduced in PostgreSQL 9.4 and CockroachDB 22.2
info =
if info.vendor == "PostgreSQL":
return info.server_version >= 90400
elif info.vendor == "CockroachDB":
return info.server_version >= 220200
return False
def _to_regtype(cls, conn: "BaseConnection[Any]") -> "SQL":
# `to_regtype()` returns the type oid or NULL, unlike the :: operator,
# which returns the type or raises an exception, which requires
# a transaction rollback and leaves traces in the server logs.
from .sql import SQL
if cls._has_to_regtype_function(conn):
return SQL("to_regtype(%(name)s)")
return SQL("%(name)s::regtype")
def _added(self, registry: "TypesRegistry") -> None:
"""Method called by the `!registry` when the object is added there."""
class RangeInfo(TypeInfo):
"""Manage information about a range type."""
__module__ = "psycopg.types.range"
def __init__(
name: str,
oid: int,
array_oid: int,
regtype: str = "",
subtype_oid: int,
super().__init__(name, oid, array_oid, regtype=regtype)
self.subtype_oid = subtype_oid
def _get_info_query(cls, conn: "BaseConnection[Any]") -> Query:
from .sql import SQL
return SQL(
SELECT t.typname AS name, t.oid AS oid, t.typarray AS array_oid,
t.oid::regtype::text AS regtype,
r.rngsubtype AS subtype_oid
FROM pg_type t
JOIN pg_range r ON t.oid = r.rngtypid
WHERE t.oid = {regtype}
def _added(self, registry: "TypesRegistry") -> None:
# Map ranges subtypes to info
registry._registry[RangeInfo, self.subtype_oid] = self
class MultirangeInfo(TypeInfo):
"""Manage information about a multirange type."""
__module__ = "psycopg.types.multirange"
def __init__(
name: str,
oid: int,
array_oid: int,
regtype: str = "",
range_oid: int,
subtype_oid: int,
super().__init__(name, oid, array_oid, regtype=regtype)
self.range_oid = range_oid
self.subtype_oid = subtype_oid
def _get_info_query(cls, conn: "BaseConnection[Any]") -> Query:
from .sql import SQL
if < 140000:
raise e.NotSupportedError(
"multirange types are only available from PostgreSQL 14"
return SQL(
SELECT t.typname AS name, t.oid AS oid, t.typarray AS array_oid,
t.oid::regtype::text AS regtype,
r.rngtypid AS range_oid, r.rngsubtype AS subtype_oid
FROM pg_type t
JOIN pg_range r ON t.oid = r.rngmultitypid
WHERE t.oid = {regtype}
def _added(self, registry: "TypesRegistry") -> None:
# Map multiranges ranges and subtypes to info
registry._registry[MultirangeInfo, self.range_oid] = self
registry._registry[MultirangeInfo, self.subtype_oid] = self
class CompositeInfo(TypeInfo):
"""Manage information about a composite type."""
__module__ = "psycopg.types.composite"
def __init__(
name: str,
oid: int,
array_oid: int,
regtype: str = "",
field_names: Sequence[str],
field_types: Sequence[int],
super().__init__(name, oid, array_oid, regtype=regtype)
self.field_names = field_names
self.field_types = field_types
# Will be set by register() if the `factory` is a type
self.python_type: Optional[type] = None
def _get_info_query(cls, conn: "BaseConnection[Any]") -> Query:
from .sql import SQL
return SQL(
t.typname AS name, t.oid AS oid, t.typarray AS array_oid,
t.oid::regtype::text AS regtype,
coalesce(a.fnames, '{{}}') AS field_names,
coalesce(a.ftypes, '{{}}') AS field_types
FROM pg_type t
array_agg(attname) AS fnames,
array_agg(atttypid) AS ftypes
SELECT a.attrelid, a.attname, a.atttypid
FROM pg_attribute a
JOIN pg_type t ON t.typrelid = a.attrelid
WHERE t.oid = {regtype}
AND a.attnum > 0
AND NOT a.attisdropped
ORDER BY a.attnum
) x
GROUP BY attrelid
) a ON a.attrelid = t.typrelid
WHERE t.oid = {regtype}
class EnumInfo(TypeInfo):
"""Manage information about an enum type."""
__module__ = "psycopg.types.enum"
def __init__(
name: str,
oid: int,
array_oid: int,
labels: Sequence[str],
super().__init__(name, oid, array_oid)
self.labels = labels
# Will be set by register_enum()
self.enum: Optional[Type[Enum]] = None
def _get_info_query(cls, conn: "BaseConnection[Any]") -> Query:
from .sql import SQL
return SQL(
SELECT name, oid, array_oid, array_agg(label) AS labels
t.typname AS name, t.oid AS oid, t.typarray AS array_oid,
e.enumlabel AS label
FROM pg_type t
LEFT JOIN pg_enum e
ON e.enumtypid = t.oid
WHERE t.oid = {regtype}
ORDER BY e.enumsortorder
) x
GROUP BY name, oid, array_oid
class TypesRegistry:
Container for the information about types in a database.
__module__ = "psycopg.types"
def __init__(self, template: Optional["TypesRegistry"] = None):
self._registry: Dict[RegistryKey, TypeInfo]
# Make a shallow copy: it will become a proper copy if the registry
# is edited.
if template:
self._registry = template._registry
self._own_state = False
template._own_state = False
def clear(self) -> None:
self._registry = {}
self._own_state = True
def add(self, info: TypeInfo) -> None:
if info.oid:
self._registry[info.oid] = info
if info.array_oid:
self._registry[info.array_oid] = info
self._registry[] = info
if info.regtype and info.regtype not in self._registry:
self._registry[info.regtype] = info
# Allow info to customise further their relation with the registry
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[TypeInfo]:
seen = set()
for t in self._registry.values():
if id(t) not in seen:
yield t
def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, int]) -> TypeInfo:
def __getitem__(self, key: Tuple[Type[T], int]) -> T:
def __getitem__(self, key: RegistryKey) -> TypeInfo:
Return info about a type, specified by name or oid
:param key: the name or oid of the type to look for.
Raise KeyError if not found.
if isinstance(key, str):
if key.endswith("[]"):
key = key[:-2]
elif not isinstance(key, (int, tuple)):
raise TypeError(f"the key must be an oid or a name, got {type(key)}")
return self._registry[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"couldn't find the type {key!r} in the types registry")
def get(self, key: Union[str, int]) -> Optional[TypeInfo]:
def get(self, key: Tuple[Type[T], int]) -> Optional[T]:
def get(self, key: RegistryKey) -> Optional[TypeInfo]:
Return info about a type, specified by name or oid
:param key: the name or oid of the type to look for.
Unlike `__getitem__`, return None if not found.
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return None
def get_oid(self, name: str) -> int:
Return the oid of a PostgreSQL type by name.
:param key: the name of the type to look for.
Return the array oid if the type ends with "``[]``"
Raise KeyError if the name is unknown.
t = self[name]
if name.endswith("[]"):
return t.array_oid
return t.oid
def get_by_subtype(self, cls: Type[T], subtype: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[T]:
Return info about a `TypeInfo` subclass by its element name or oid.
:param cls: the subtype of `!TypeInfo` to look for. Currently
supported are `~psycopg.types.range.RangeInfo` and
:param subtype: The name or OID of the subtype of the element to look for.
:return: The `!TypeInfo` object of class `!cls` whose subtype is
`!subtype`. `!None` if the element or its range are not found.
info = self[subtype]
except KeyError:
return None
return self.get((cls, info.oid))
def _ensure_own_state(self) -> None:
# Time to write! so, copy.
if not self._own_state:
self._registry = self._registry.copy()
self._own_state = True