2023-07-26 21:33:29 +02:00

296 lines
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Mapping from types/oids to Dumpers/Loaders
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
from typing import cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from . import pq
from . import errors as e
from .abc import Dumper, Loader
from ._enums import PyFormat as PyFormat
from ._cmodule import _psycopg
from ._typeinfo import TypesRegistry
from .connection import BaseConnection
RV = TypeVar("RV")
class AdaptersMap:
Establish how types should be converted between Python and PostgreSQL in
an ``.
`!AdaptersMap` maps Python types to `~psycopg.adapt.Dumper` classes to
define how Python types are converted to PostgreSQL, and maps OIDs to
`~psycopg.adapt.Loader` classes to establish how query results are
converted to Python.
Every `!AdaptContext` object has an underlying `!AdaptersMap` defining how
types are converted in that context, exposed as the
`` attribute: changing such map allows
to customise adaptation in a context without changing separated contexts.
When a context is created from another context (for instance when a
`~psycopg.Cursor` is created from a `~psycopg.Connection`), the parent's
`!adapters` are used as template for the child's `!adapters`, so that every
cursor created from the same connection use the connection's types
configuration, but separate connections have independent mappings.
Once created, `!AdaptersMap` are independent. This means that objects
already created are not affected if a wider scope (e.g. the global one) is
The connections adapters are initialised using a global `!AdptersMap`
template, exposed as `psycopg.adapters`: changing such mapping allows to
customise the type mapping for every connections created afterwards.
The object can start empty or copy from another object of the same class.
Copies are copy-on-write: if the maps are updated make a copy. This way
extending e.g. global map by a connection or a connection map from a cursor
is cheap: a copy is only made on customisation.
__module__ = "psycopg.adapt"
types: TypesRegistry
_dumpers: Dict[PyFormat, Dict[Union[type, str], Type[Dumper]]]
_dumpers_by_oid: List[Dict[int, Type[Dumper]]]
_loaders: List[Dict[int, Type[Loader]]]
# Record if a dumper or loader has an optimised version.
_optimised: Dict[type, type] = {}
def __init__(
template: Optional["AdaptersMap"] = None,
types: Optional[TypesRegistry] = None,
if template:
self._dumpers = template._dumpers.copy()
self._own_dumpers = _dumpers_shared.copy()
template._own_dumpers = _dumpers_shared.copy()
self._dumpers_by_oid = template._dumpers_by_oid[:]
self._own_dumpers_by_oid = [False, False]
template._own_dumpers_by_oid = [False, False]
self._loaders = template._loaders[:]
self._own_loaders = [False, False]
template._own_loaders = [False, False]
self.types = TypesRegistry(template.types)
self._dumpers = {fmt: {} for fmt in PyFormat}
self._own_dumpers = _dumpers_owned.copy()
self._dumpers_by_oid = [{}, {}]
self._own_dumpers_by_oid = [True, True]
self._loaders = [{}, {}]
self._own_loaders = [True, True]
self.types = types or TypesRegistry()
# implement the AdaptContext protocol too
def adapters(self) -> "AdaptersMap":
return self
def connection(self) -> Optional["BaseConnection[Any]"]:
return None
def register_dumper(
self, cls: Union[type, str, None], dumper: Type[Dumper]
) -> None:
Configure the context to use `!dumper` to convert objects of type `!cls`.
If two dumpers with different `~Dumper.format` are registered for the
same type, the last one registered will be chosen when the query
doesn't specify a format (i.e. when the value is used with a ``%s``
"`~PyFormat.AUTO`" placeholder).
:param cls: The type to manage.
:param dumper: The dumper to register for `!cls`.
If `!cls` is specified as string it will be lazy-loaded, so that it
will be possible to register it without importing it before. In this
case it should be the fully qualified name of the object (e.g.
If `!cls` is None, only use the dumper when looking up using
`get_dumper_by_oid()`, which happens when we know the Postgres type to
adapt to, but not the Python type that will be adapted (e.g. in COPY
after using `~psycopg.Copy.set_types()`).
if not (cls is None or isinstance(cls, (str, type))):
raise TypeError(
f"dumpers should be registered on classes, got {cls} instead"
if _psycopg:
dumper = self._get_optimised(dumper)
# Register the dumper both as its format and as auto
# so that the last dumper registered is used in auto (%s) format
if cls:
for fmt in (PyFormat.from_pq(dumper.format), PyFormat.AUTO):
if not self._own_dumpers[fmt]:
self._dumpers[fmt] = self._dumpers[fmt].copy()
self._own_dumpers[fmt] = True
self._dumpers[fmt][cls] = dumper
# Register the dumper by oid, if the oid of the dumper is fixed
if dumper.oid:
if not self._own_dumpers_by_oid[dumper.format]:
self._dumpers_by_oid[dumper.format] = self._dumpers_by_oid[
self._own_dumpers_by_oid[dumper.format] = True
self._dumpers_by_oid[dumper.format][dumper.oid] = dumper
def register_loader(self, oid: Union[int, str], loader: Type["Loader"]) -> None:
Configure the context to use `!loader` to convert data of oid `!oid`.
:param oid: The PostgreSQL OID or type name to manage.
:param loader: The loar to register for `!oid`.
If `oid` is specified as string, it refers to a type name, which is
looked up in the `types` registry. `
if isinstance(oid, str):
oid = self.types[oid].oid
if not isinstance(oid, int):
raise TypeError(f"loaders should be registered on oid, got {oid} instead")
if _psycopg:
loader = self._get_optimised(loader)
fmt = loader.format
if not self._own_loaders[fmt]:
self._loaders[fmt] = self._loaders[fmt].copy()
self._own_loaders[fmt] = True
self._loaders[fmt][oid] = loader
def get_dumper(self, cls: type, format: PyFormat) -> Type["Dumper"]:
Return the dumper class for the given type and format.
Raise `~psycopg.ProgrammingError` if a class is not available.
:param cls: The class to adapt.
:param format: The format to dump to. If `~psycopg.adapt.PyFormat.AUTO`,
use the last one of the dumpers registered on `!cls`.
# Fast path: the class has a known dumper.
return self._dumpers[format][cls]
except KeyError:
if format not in self._dumpers:
raise ValueError(f"bad dumper format: {format}")
# If the KeyError was caused by cls missing from dmap, let's
# look for different cases.
dmap = self._dumpers[format]
# Look for the right class, including looking at superclasses
for scls in cls.__mro__:
if scls in dmap:
return dmap[scls]
# If the adapter is not found, look for its name as a string
fqn = scls.__module__ + "." + scls.__qualname__
if fqn in dmap:
# Replace the class name with the class itself
d = dmap[scls] = dmap.pop(fqn)
return d
raise e.ProgrammingError(
f"cannot adapt type {cls.__name__!r} using placeholder '%{format}'"
f" (format: {PyFormat(format).name})"
def get_dumper_by_oid(self, oid: int, format: pq.Format) -> Type["Dumper"]:
Return the dumper class for the given oid and format.
Raise `~psycopg.ProgrammingError` if a class is not available.
:param oid: The oid of the type to dump to.
:param format: The format to dump to.
dmap = self._dumpers_by_oid[format]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"bad dumper format: {format}")
return dmap[oid]
except KeyError:
info = self.types.get(oid)
if info:
msg = (
f"cannot find a dumper for type {} (oid {oid})"
f" format {pq.Format(format).name}"
msg = (
f"cannot find a dumper for unknown type with oid {oid}"
f" format {pq.Format(format).name}"
raise e.ProgrammingError(msg)
def get_loader(self, oid: int, format: pq.Format) -> Optional[Type["Loader"]]:
Return the loader class for the given oid and format.
Return `!None` if not found.
:param oid: The oid of the type to load.
:param format: The format to load from.
return self._loaders[format].get(oid)
def _get_optimised(self, cls: Type[RV]) -> Type[RV]:
"""Return the optimised version of a Dumper or Loader class.
Return the input class itself if there is no optimised version.
return self._optimised[cls]
except KeyError:
# Check if the class comes from psycopg.types and there is a class
# with the same name in psycopg_c._psycopg.
from psycopg import types
if cls.__module__.startswith(types.__name__):
new = cast(Type[RV], getattr(_psycopg, cls.__name__, None))
if new:
self._optimised[cls] = new
return new
self._optimised[cls] = cls
return cls
# Micro-optimization: copying these objects is faster than creating new dicts
_dumpers_owned = dict.fromkeys(PyFormat, True)
_dumpers_shared = dict.fromkeys(PyFormat, False)