# # Copyright (C) 2009-2020 the sqlparse authors and contributors # # # This module is part of python-sqlparse and is released under # the BSD License: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause import re from sqlparse import sql, tokens as T from sqlparse.utils import split_unquoted_newlines class StripCommentsFilter: @staticmethod def _process(tlist): def get_next_comment(): # TODO(andi) Comment types should be unified, see related issue38 return tlist.token_next_by(i=sql.Comment, t=T.Comment) def _get_insert_token(token): """Returns either a whitespace or the line breaks from token.""" # See issue484 why line breaks should be preserved. # Note: The actual value for a line break is replaced by \n # in SerializerUnicode which will be executed in the # postprocessing state. m = re.search(r'((\r|\n)+) *$', token.value) if m is not None: return sql.Token(T.Whitespace.Newline, m.groups()[0]) else: return sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') tidx, token = get_next_comment() while token: pidx, prev_ = tlist.token_prev(tidx, skip_ws=False) nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx, skip_ws=False) # Replace by whitespace if prev and next exist and if they're not # whitespaces. This doesn't apply if prev or next is a parenthesis. if (prev_ is None or next_ is None or prev_.is_whitespace or prev_.match(T.Punctuation, '(') or next_.is_whitespace or next_.match(T.Punctuation, ')')): # Insert a whitespace to ensure the following SQL produces # a valid SQL (see #425). if prev_ is not None and not prev_.match(T.Punctuation, '('): tlist.tokens.insert(tidx, _get_insert_token(token)) tlist.tokens.remove(token) else: tlist.tokens[tidx] = _get_insert_token(token) tidx, token = get_next_comment() def process(self, stmt): [self.process(sgroup) for sgroup in stmt.get_sublists()] StripCommentsFilter._process(stmt) return stmt class StripWhitespaceFilter: def _stripws(self, tlist): func_name = '_stripws_{cls}'.format(cls=type(tlist).__name__) func = getattr(self, func_name.lower(), self._stripws_default) func(tlist) @staticmethod def _stripws_default(tlist): last_was_ws = False is_first_char = True for token in tlist.tokens: if token.is_whitespace: token.value = '' if last_was_ws or is_first_char else ' ' last_was_ws = token.is_whitespace is_first_char = False def _stripws_identifierlist(self, tlist): # Removes newlines before commas, see issue140 last_nl = None for token in list(tlist.tokens): if last_nl and token.ttype is T.Punctuation and token.value == ',': tlist.tokens.remove(last_nl) last_nl = token if token.is_whitespace else None # next_ = tlist.token_next(token, skip_ws=False) # if (next_ and not next_.is_whitespace and # token.ttype is T.Punctuation and token.value == ','): # tlist.insert_after(token, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')) return self._stripws_default(tlist) def _stripws_parenthesis(self, tlist): while tlist.tokens[1].is_whitespace: tlist.tokens.pop(1) while tlist.tokens[-2].is_whitespace: tlist.tokens.pop(-2) self._stripws_default(tlist) def process(self, stmt, depth=0): [self.process(sgroup, depth + 1) for sgroup in stmt.get_sublists()] self._stripws(stmt) if depth == 0 and stmt.tokens and stmt.tokens[-1].is_whitespace: stmt.tokens.pop(-1) return stmt class SpacesAroundOperatorsFilter: @staticmethod def _process(tlist): ttypes = (T.Operator, T.Comparison) tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=ttypes) while token: nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx, skip_ws=False) if next_ and next_.ttype != T.Whitespace: tlist.insert_after(tidx, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')) pidx, prev_ = tlist.token_prev(tidx, skip_ws=False) if prev_ and prev_.ttype != T.Whitespace: tlist.insert_before(tidx, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')) tidx += 1 # has to shift since token inserted before it # assert tlist.token_index(token) == tidx tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=ttypes, idx=tidx) def process(self, stmt): [self.process(sgroup) for sgroup in stmt.get_sublists()] SpacesAroundOperatorsFilter._process(stmt) return stmt # --------------------------- # postprocess class SerializerUnicode: @staticmethod def process(stmt): lines = split_unquoted_newlines(stmt) return '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in lines)