# # Copyright (C) 2009-2020 the sqlparse authors and contributors # # # This module is part of python-sqlparse and is released under # the BSD License: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause """filter""" from sqlparse import lexer from sqlparse.engine import grouping from sqlparse.engine.statement_splitter import StatementSplitter class FilterStack: def __init__(self): self.preprocess = [] self.stmtprocess = [] self.postprocess = [] self._grouping = False def enable_grouping(self): self._grouping = True def run(self, sql, encoding=None): stream = lexer.tokenize(sql, encoding) # Process token stream for filter_ in self.preprocess: stream = filter_.process(stream) stream = StatementSplitter().process(stream) # Output: Stream processed Statements for stmt in stream: if self._grouping: stmt = grouping.group(stmt) for filter_ in self.stmtprocess: filter_.process(stmt) for filter_ in self.postprocess: stmt = filter_.process(stmt) yield stmt