""" Generators implementing communication protocols with the libpq Certain operations (connection, querying) are an interleave of libpq calls and waiting for the socket to be ready. This module contains the code to execute the operations, yielding a polling state whenever there is to wait. The functions in the `waiting` module are the ones who wait more or less cooperatively for the socket to be ready and make these generators continue. All these generators yield pairs (fileno, `Wait`) whenever an operation would block. The generator can be restarted sending the appropriate `Ready` state when the file descriptor is ready. """ # Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team import logging from typing import List, Optional, Union from . import pq from . import errors as e from .abc import Buffer, PipelineCommand, PQGen, PQGenConn from .pq.abc import PGconn, PGresult from .waiting import Wait, Ready from ._compat import Deque from ._cmodule import _psycopg from ._encodings import pgconn_encoding, conninfo_encoding OK = pq.ConnStatus.OK BAD = pq.ConnStatus.BAD POLL_OK = pq.PollingStatus.OK POLL_READING = pq.PollingStatus.READING POLL_WRITING = pq.PollingStatus.WRITING POLL_FAILED = pq.PollingStatus.FAILED COMMAND_OK = pq.ExecStatus.COMMAND_OK COPY_OUT = pq.ExecStatus.COPY_OUT COPY_IN = pq.ExecStatus.COPY_IN COPY_BOTH = pq.ExecStatus.COPY_BOTH PIPELINE_SYNC = pq.ExecStatus.PIPELINE_SYNC WAIT_R = Wait.R WAIT_W = Wait.W WAIT_RW = Wait.RW READY_R = Ready.R READY_W = Ready.W READY_RW = Ready.RW logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _connect(conninfo: str) -> PQGenConn[PGconn]: """ Generator to create a database connection without blocking. """ conn = pq.PGconn.connect_start(conninfo.encode()) while True: if conn.status == BAD: encoding = conninfo_encoding(conninfo) raise e.OperationalError( f"connection is bad: {pq.error_message(conn, encoding=encoding)}", pgconn=conn, ) status = conn.connect_poll() if status == POLL_OK: break elif status == POLL_READING: yield conn.socket, WAIT_R elif status == POLL_WRITING: yield conn.socket, WAIT_W elif status == POLL_FAILED: encoding = conninfo_encoding(conninfo) raise e.OperationalError( f"connection failed: {pq.error_message(conn, encoding=encoding)}", pgconn=conn, ) else: raise e.InternalError(f"unexpected poll status: {status}", pgconn=conn) conn.nonblocking = 1 return conn def _execute(pgconn: PGconn) -> PQGen[List[PGresult]]: """ Generator sending a query and returning results without blocking. The query must have already been sent using `pgconn.send_query()` or similar. Flush the query and then return the result using nonblocking functions. Return the list of results returned by the database (whether success or error). """ yield from _send(pgconn) rv = yield from _fetch_many(pgconn) return rv def _send(pgconn: PGconn) -> PQGen[None]: """ Generator to send a query to the server without blocking. The query must have already been sent using `pgconn.send_query()` or similar. Flush the query and then return the result using nonblocking functions. After this generator has finished you may want to cycle using `fetch()` to retrieve the results available. """ while True: f = pgconn.flush() if f == 0: break ready = yield WAIT_RW if ready & READY_R: # This call may read notifies: they will be saved in the # PGconn buffer and passed to Python later, in `fetch()`. pgconn.consume_input() def _fetch_many(pgconn: PGconn) -> PQGen[List[PGresult]]: """ Generator retrieving results from the database without blocking. The query must have already been sent to the server, so pgconn.flush() has already returned 0. Return the list of results returned by the database (whether success or error). """ results: List[PGresult] = [] while True: res = yield from _fetch(pgconn) if not res: break results.append(res) status = res.status if status == COPY_IN or status == COPY_OUT or status == COPY_BOTH: # After entering copy mode the libpq will create a phony result # for every request so let's break the endless loop. break if status == PIPELINE_SYNC: # PIPELINE_SYNC is not followed by a NULL, but we return it alone # similarly to other result sets. assert len(results) == 1, results break return results def _fetch(pgconn: PGconn) -> PQGen[Optional[PGresult]]: """ Generator retrieving a single result from the database without blocking. The query must have already been sent to the server, so pgconn.flush() has already returned 0. Return a result from the database (whether success or error). """ if pgconn.is_busy(): yield WAIT_R while True: pgconn.consume_input() if not pgconn.is_busy(): break yield WAIT_R _consume_notifies(pgconn) return pgconn.get_result() def _pipeline_communicate( pgconn: PGconn, commands: Deque[PipelineCommand] ) -> PQGen[List[List[PGresult]]]: """Generator to send queries from a connection in pipeline mode while also receiving results. Return a list results, including single PIPELINE_SYNC elements. """ results = [] while True: ready = yield WAIT_RW if ready & READY_R: pgconn.consume_input() _consume_notifies(pgconn) res: List[PGresult] = [] while not pgconn.is_busy(): r = pgconn.get_result() if r is None: if not res: break results.append(res) res = [] elif r.status == PIPELINE_SYNC: assert not res results.append([r]) else: res.append(r) if ready & READY_W: pgconn.flush() if not commands: break commands.popleft()() return results def _consume_notifies(pgconn: PGconn) -> None: # Consume notifies while True: n = pgconn.notifies() if not n: break if pgconn.notify_handler: pgconn.notify_handler(n) def notifies(pgconn: PGconn) -> PQGen[List[pq.PGnotify]]: yield WAIT_R pgconn.consume_input() ns = [] while True: n = pgconn.notifies() if n: ns.append(n) else: break return ns def copy_from(pgconn: PGconn) -> PQGen[Union[memoryview, PGresult]]: while True: nbytes, data = pgconn.get_copy_data(1) if nbytes != 0: break # would block yield WAIT_R pgconn.consume_input() if nbytes > 0: # some data return data # Retrieve the final result of copy results = yield from _fetch_many(pgconn) if len(results) > 1: # TODO: too brutal? Copy worked. raise e.ProgrammingError("you cannot mix COPY with other operations") result = results[0] if result.status != COMMAND_OK: encoding = pgconn_encoding(pgconn) raise e.error_from_result(result, encoding=encoding) return result def copy_to(pgconn: PGconn, buffer: Buffer) -> PQGen[None]: # Retry enqueuing data until successful. # # WARNING! This can cause an infinite loop if the buffer is too large. (see # ticket #255). We avoid it in the Copy object by splitting a large buffer # into smaller ones. We prefer to do it there instead of here in order to # do it upstream the queue decoupling the writer task from the producer one. while pgconn.put_copy_data(buffer) == 0: yield WAIT_W def copy_end(pgconn: PGconn, error: Optional[bytes]) -> PQGen[PGresult]: # Retry enqueuing end copy message until successful while pgconn.put_copy_end(error) == 0: yield WAIT_W # Repeat until it the message is flushed to the server while True: yield WAIT_W f = pgconn.flush() if f == 0: break # Retrieve the final result of copy (result,) = yield from _fetch_many(pgconn) if result.status != COMMAND_OK: encoding = pgconn_encoding(pgconn) raise e.error_from_result(result, encoding=encoding) return result # Override functions with fast versions if available if _psycopg: connect = _psycopg.connect execute = _psycopg.execute send = _psycopg.send fetch_many = _psycopg.fetch_many fetch = _psycopg.fetch pipeline_communicate = _psycopg.pipeline_communicate else: connect = _connect execute = _execute send = _send fetch_many = _fetch_many fetch = _fetch pipeline_communicate = _pipeline_communicate