from collections import namedtuple from django.db.backends.base.introspection import BaseDatabaseIntrospection from django.db.backends.base.introspection import FieldInfo as BaseFieldInfo from django.db.backends.base.introspection import TableInfo as BaseTableInfo from django.db.models import Index FieldInfo = namedtuple("FieldInfo", BaseFieldInfo._fields + ("is_autofield", "comment")) TableInfo = namedtuple("TableInfo", BaseTableInfo._fields + ("comment",)) class DatabaseIntrospection(BaseDatabaseIntrospection): # Maps type codes to Django Field types. data_types_reverse = { 16: "BooleanField", 17: "BinaryField", 20: "BigIntegerField", 21: "SmallIntegerField", 23: "IntegerField", 25: "TextField", 700: "FloatField", 701: "FloatField", 869: "GenericIPAddressField", 1042: "CharField", # blank-padded 1043: "CharField", 1082: "DateField", 1083: "TimeField", 1114: "DateTimeField", 1184: "DateTimeField", 1186: "DurationField", 1266: "TimeField", 1700: "DecimalField", 2950: "UUIDField", 3802: "JSONField", } # A hook for subclasses. index_default_access_method = "btree" ignored_tables = [] def get_field_type(self, data_type, description): field_type = super().get_field_type(data_type, description) if description.is_autofield or ( # Required for pre-Django 4.1 serial columns. description.default and "nextval" in description.default ): if field_type == "IntegerField": return "AutoField" elif field_type == "BigIntegerField": return "BigAutoField" elif field_type == "SmallIntegerField": return "SmallAutoField" return field_type def get_table_list(self, cursor): """Return a list of table and view names in the current database.""" cursor.execute( """ SELECT c.relname, CASE WHEN c.relispartition THEN 'p' WHEN c.relkind IN ('m', 'v') THEN 'v' ELSE 't' END, obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind IN ('f', 'm', 'p', 'r', 'v') AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast') AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) """ ) return [ TableInfo(*row) for row in cursor.fetchall() if row[0] not in self.ignored_tables ] def get_table_description(self, cursor, table_name): """ Return a description of the table with the DB-API cursor.description interface. """ # Query the pg_catalog tables as cursor.description does not reliably # return the nullable property and information_schema.columns does not # contain details of materialized views. cursor.execute( """ SELECT a.attname AS column_name, NOT (a.attnotnull OR (t.typtype = 'd' AND t.typnotnull)) AS is_nullable, pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) AS column_default, CASE WHEN collname = 'default' THEN NULL ELSE collname END AS collation, a.attidentity != '' AS is_autofield, col_description(a.attrelid, a.attnum) AS column_comment FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON a.attrelid = ad.adrelid AND a.attnum = ad.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_collation co ON a.attcollation = co.oid JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE c.relkind IN ('f', 'm', 'p', 'r', 'v') AND c.relname = %s AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast') AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) """, [table_name], ) field_map = {line[0]: line[1:] for line in cursor.fetchall()} cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1" % self.connection.ops.quote_name(table_name) ) return [ FieldInfo(, line.type_code, # display_size is always None on psycopg2. line.internal_size if line.display_size is None else line.display_size, line.internal_size, line.precision, line.scale, *field_map[], ) for line in cursor.description ] def get_sequences(self, cursor, table_name, table_fields=()): cursor.execute( """ SELECT s.relname AS sequence_name, a.attname AS colname FROM pg_class s JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = s.oid AND d.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass JOIN pg_attribute a ON d.refobjid = a.attrelid AND d.refobjsubid = a.attnum JOIN pg_class tbl ON tbl.oid = d.refobjid AND tbl.relname = %s AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(tbl.oid) WHERE s.relkind = 'S'; """, [table_name], ) return [ {"name": row[0], "table": table_name, "column": row[1]} for row in cursor.fetchall() ] def get_relations(self, cursor, table_name): """ Return a dictionary of {field_name: (field_name_other_table, other_table)} representing all foreign keys in the given table. """ cursor.execute( """ SELECT a1.attname, c2.relname, a2.attname FROM pg_constraint con LEFT JOIN pg_class c1 ON con.conrelid = c1.oid LEFT JOIN pg_class c2 ON con.confrelid = c2.oid LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a1 ON c1.oid = a1.attrelid AND a1.attnum = con.conkey[1] LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a2 ON c2.oid = a2.attrelid AND a2.attnum = con.confkey[1] WHERE c1.relname = %s AND con.contype = 'f' AND c1.relnamespace = c2.relnamespace AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid) """, [table_name], ) return {row[0]: (row[2], row[1]) for row in cursor.fetchall()} def get_constraints(self, cursor, table_name): """ Retrieve any constraints or keys (unique, pk, fk, check, index) across one or more columns. Also retrieve the definition of expression-based indexes. """ constraints = {} # Loop over the key table, collecting things as constraints. The column # array must return column names in the same order in which they were # created. cursor.execute( """ SELECT c.conname, array( SELECT attname FROM unnest(c.conkey) WITH ORDINALITY cols(colid, arridx) JOIN pg_attribute AS ca ON cols.colid = ca.attnum WHERE ca.attrelid = c.conrelid ORDER BY cols.arridx ), c.contype, (SELECT fkc.relname || '.' || fka.attname FROM pg_attribute AS fka JOIN pg_class AS fkc ON fka.attrelid = fkc.oid WHERE fka.attrelid = c.confrelid AND fka.attnum = c.confkey[1]), cl.reloptions FROM pg_constraint AS c JOIN pg_class AS cl ON c.conrelid = cl.oid WHERE cl.relname = %s AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(cl.oid) """, [table_name], ) for constraint, columns, kind, used_cols, options in cursor.fetchall(): constraints[constraint] = { "columns": columns, "primary_key": kind == "p", "unique": kind in ["p", "u"], "foreign_key": tuple(used_cols.split(".", 1)) if kind == "f" else None, "check": kind == "c", "index": False, "definition": None, "options": options, } # Now get indexes cursor.execute( """ SELECT indexname, array_agg(attname ORDER BY arridx), indisunique, indisprimary, array_agg(ordering ORDER BY arridx), amname, exprdef, s2.attoptions FROM ( SELECT c2.relname as indexname, idx.*, attr.attname, am.amname, CASE WHEN idx.indexprs IS NOT NULL THEN pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid) END AS exprdef, CASE am.amname WHEN %s THEN CASE (option & 1) WHEN 1 THEN 'DESC' ELSE 'ASC' END END as ordering, c2.reloptions as attoptions FROM ( SELECT * FROM pg_index i, unnest(i.indkey, i.indoption) WITH ORDINALITY koi(key, option, arridx) ) idx LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON idx.indrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_class c2 ON idx.indexrelid = c2.oid LEFT JOIN pg_am am ON c2.relam = am.oid LEFT JOIN pg_attribute attr ON attr.attrelid = c.oid AND attr.attnum = idx.key WHERE c.relname = %s AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) ) s2 GROUP BY indexname, indisunique, indisprimary, amname, exprdef, attoptions; """, [self.index_default_access_method, table_name], ) for ( index, columns, unique, primary, orders, type_, definition, options, ) in cursor.fetchall(): if index not in constraints: basic_index = ( type_ == self.index_default_access_method and # '_btree' references # django.contrib.postgres.indexes.BTreeIndex.suffix. not index.endswith("_btree") and options is None ) constraints[index] = { "columns": columns if columns != [None] else [], "orders": orders if orders != [None] else [], "primary_key": primary, "unique": unique, "foreign_key": None, "check": False, "index": True, "type": Index.suffix if basic_index else type_, "definition": definition, "options": options, } return constraints