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2023-07-26 21:33:29 +02:00
Adapters for date/time types.
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team
import re
import struct
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from .. import postgres
from ..pq import Format
from .._tz import get_tzinfo
from import AdaptContext, DumperKey
from ..adapt import Buffer, Dumper, Loader, PyFormat
from ..errors import InterfaceError, DataError
from .._struct import pack_int4, pack_int8, unpack_int4, unpack_int8
from ..connection import BaseConnection
_struct_timetz = struct.Struct("!qi") # microseconds, sec tz offset
_pack_timetz = cast(Callable[[int, int], bytes], _struct_timetz.pack)
_unpack_timetz = cast(Callable[[Buffer], Tuple[int, int]], _struct_timetz.unpack)
_struct_interval = struct.Struct("!qii") # microseconds, days, months
_pack_interval = cast(Callable[[int, int, int], bytes], _struct_interval.pack)
_unpack_interval = cast(
Callable[[Buffer], Tuple[int, int, int]], _struct_interval.unpack
utc = timezone.utc
_pg_date_epoch_days = date(2000, 1, 1).toordinal()
_pg_datetime_epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
_pg_datetimetz_epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=utc)
_py_date_min_days = date.min.toordinal()
class DateDumper(Dumper):
oid = postgres.types["date"].oid
def dump(self, obj: date) -> bytes:
# NOTE: whatever the PostgreSQL DateStyle input format (DMY, MDY, YMD)
# the YYYY-MM-DD is always understood correctly.
return str(obj).encode()
class DateBinaryDumper(Dumper):
format = Format.BINARY
oid = postgres.types["date"].oid
def dump(self, obj: date) -> bytes:
days = obj.toordinal() - _pg_date_epoch_days
return pack_int4(days)
class _BaseTimeDumper(Dumper):
def get_key(self, obj: time, format: PyFormat) -> DumperKey:
# Use (cls,) to report the need to upgrade to a dumper for timetz (the
# Frankenstein of the data types).
if not obj.tzinfo:
return self.cls
return (self.cls,)
def upgrade(self, obj: time, format: PyFormat) -> Dumper:
raise NotImplementedError
class _BaseTimeTextDumper(_BaseTimeDumper):
def dump(self, obj: time) -> bytes:
return str(obj).encode()
class TimeDumper(_BaseTimeTextDumper):
oid = postgres.types["time"].oid
def upgrade(self, obj: time, format: PyFormat) -> Dumper:
if not obj.tzinfo:
return self
return TimeTzDumper(self.cls)
class TimeTzDumper(_BaseTimeTextDumper):
oid = postgres.types["timetz"].oid
class TimeBinaryDumper(_BaseTimeDumper):
format = Format.BINARY
oid = postgres.types["time"].oid
def dump(self, obj: time) -> bytes:
us = obj.microsecond + 1_000_000 * (
obj.second + 60 * (obj.minute + 60 * obj.hour)
return pack_int8(us)
def upgrade(self, obj: time, format: PyFormat) -> Dumper:
if not obj.tzinfo:
return self
return TimeTzBinaryDumper(self.cls)
class TimeTzBinaryDumper(_BaseTimeDumper):
format = Format.BINARY
oid = postgres.types["timetz"].oid
def dump(self, obj: time) -> bytes:
us = obj.microsecond + 1_000_000 * (
obj.second + 60 * (obj.minute + 60 * obj.hour)
off = obj.utcoffset()
assert off is not None
return _pack_timetz(us, -int(off.total_seconds()))
class _BaseDatetimeDumper(Dumper):
def get_key(self, obj: datetime, format: PyFormat) -> DumperKey:
# Use (cls,) to report the need to upgrade (downgrade, actually) to a
# dumper for naive timestamp.
if obj.tzinfo:
return self.cls
return (self.cls,)
def upgrade(self, obj: datetime, format: PyFormat) -> Dumper:
raise NotImplementedError
class _BaseDatetimeTextDumper(_BaseDatetimeDumper):
def dump(self, obj: datetime) -> bytes:
# NOTE: whatever the PostgreSQL DateStyle input format (DMY, MDY, YMD)
# the YYYY-MM-DD is always understood correctly.
return str(obj).encode()
class DatetimeDumper(_BaseDatetimeTextDumper):
oid = postgres.types["timestamptz"].oid
def upgrade(self, obj: datetime, format: PyFormat) -> Dumper:
if obj.tzinfo:
return self
return DatetimeNoTzDumper(self.cls)
class DatetimeNoTzDumper(_BaseDatetimeTextDumper):
oid = postgres.types["timestamp"].oid
class DatetimeBinaryDumper(_BaseDatetimeDumper):
format = Format.BINARY
oid = postgres.types["timestamptz"].oid
def dump(self, obj: datetime) -> bytes:
delta = obj - _pg_datetimetz_epoch
micros = delta.microseconds + 1_000_000 * (86_400 * delta.days + delta.seconds)
return pack_int8(micros)
def upgrade(self, obj: datetime, format: PyFormat) -> Dumper:
if obj.tzinfo:
return self
return DatetimeNoTzBinaryDumper(self.cls)
class DatetimeNoTzBinaryDumper(_BaseDatetimeDumper):
format = Format.BINARY
oid = postgres.types["timestamp"].oid
def dump(self, obj: datetime) -> bytes:
delta = obj - _pg_datetime_epoch
micros = delta.microseconds + 1_000_000 * (86_400 * delta.days + delta.seconds)
return pack_int8(micros)
class TimedeltaDumper(Dumper):
oid = postgres.types["interval"].oid
def __init__(self, cls: type, context: Optional[AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(cls, context)
if self.connection:
if (
== b"sql_standard"
setattr(self, "dump", self._dump_sql)
def dump(self, obj: timedelta) -> bytes:
# The comma is parsed ok by PostgreSQL but it's not documented
# and it seems brittle to rely on it. CRDB doesn't consume it well.
return str(obj).encode().replace(b",", b"")
def _dump_sql(self, obj: timedelta) -> bytes:
# sql_standard format needs explicit signs
# otherwise -1 day 1 sec will mean -1 sec
return b"%+d day %+d second %+d microsecond" % (
class TimedeltaBinaryDumper(Dumper):
format = Format.BINARY
oid = postgres.types["interval"].oid
def dump(self, obj: timedelta) -> bytes:
micros = 1_000_000 * obj.seconds + obj.microseconds
return _pack_interval(micros, obj.days, 0)
class DateLoader(Loader):
def __init__(self, oid: int, context: Optional[AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(oid, context)
ds = _get_datestyle(self.connection)
if ds.startswith(b"I"): # ISO
self._order = self._ORDER_YMD
elif ds.startswith(b"G"): # German
self._order = self._ORDER_DMY
elif ds.startswith(b"S") or ds.startswith(b"P"): # SQL or Postgres
self._order = self._ORDER_DMY if ds.endswith(b"DMY") else self._ORDER_MDY
raise InterfaceError(f"unexpected DateStyle: {ds.decode('ascii')}")
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> date:
if self._order == self._ORDER_YMD:
ye = data[:4]
mo = data[5:7]
da = data[8:]
elif self._order == self._ORDER_DMY:
da = data[:2]
mo = data[3:5]
ye = data[6:]
mo = data[:2]
da = data[3:5]
ye = data[6:]
return date(int(ye), int(mo), int(da))
except ValueError as ex:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
if s == "infinity" or (s and len(s.split()[0]) > 10):
raise DataError(f"date too large (after year 10K): {s!r}") from None
elif s == "-infinity" or "BC" in s:
raise DataError(f"date too small (before year 1): {s!r}") from None
raise DataError(f"can't parse date {s!r}: {ex}") from None
class DateBinaryLoader(Loader):
format = Format.BINARY
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> date:
days = unpack_int4(data)[0] + _pg_date_epoch_days
return date.fromordinal(days)
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
if days < _py_date_min_days:
raise DataError("date too small (before year 1)") from None
raise DataError("date too large (after year 10K)") from None
class TimeLoader(Loader):
_re_format = re.compile(rb"^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?")
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> time:
m = self._re_format.match(data)
if not m:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
raise DataError(f"can't parse time {s!r}")
ho, mi, se, fr = m.groups()
# Pad the fraction of second to get micros
if fr:
us = int(fr)
if len(fr) < 6:
us *= _uspad[len(fr)]
us = 0
return time(int(ho), int(mi), int(se), us)
except ValueError as e:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
raise DataError(f"can't parse time {s!r}: {e}") from None
class TimeBinaryLoader(Loader):
format = Format.BINARY
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> time:
val = unpack_int8(data)[0]
val, us = divmod(val, 1_000_000)
val, s = divmod(val, 60)
h, m = divmod(val, 60)
return time(h, m, s, us)
except ValueError:
raise DataError(f"time not supported by Python: hour={h}") from None
class TimetzLoader(Loader):
_re_format = re.compile(
(\d+) : (\d+) : (\d+) (?: \. (\d+) )? # Time and micros
([-+]) (\d+) (?: : (\d+) )? (?: : (\d+) )? # Timezone
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> time:
m = self._re_format.match(data)
if not m:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
raise DataError(f"can't parse timetz {s!r}")
ho, mi, se, fr, sgn, oh, om, os = m.groups()
# Pad the fraction of second to get the micros
if fr:
us = int(fr)
if len(fr) < 6:
us *= _uspad[len(fr)]
us = 0
# Calculate timezone
off = 60 * 60 * int(oh)
if om:
off += 60 * int(om)
if os:
off += int(os)
tz = timezone(timedelta(0, off if sgn == b"+" else -off))
return time(int(ho), int(mi), int(se), us, tz)
except ValueError as e:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
raise DataError(f"can't parse timetz {s!r}: {e}") from None
class TimetzBinaryLoader(Loader):
format = Format.BINARY
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> time:
val, off = _unpack_timetz(data)
val, us = divmod(val, 1_000_000)
val, s = divmod(val, 60)
h, m = divmod(val, 60)
return time(h, m, s, us, timezone(timedelta(seconds=-off)))
except ValueError:
raise DataError(f"time not supported by Python: hour={h}") from None
class TimestampLoader(Loader):
_re_format = re.compile(
(\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) # Date
(?: T | [^a-z0-9] ) # Separator, including T
(\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) # Time
(?: \.(\d+) )? # Micros
_re_format_pg = re.compile(
[a-z]+ [^a-z0-9] # DoW, separator
(\d+|[a-z]+) [^a-z0-9] # Month or day
(\d+|[a-z]+) [^a-z0-9] # Month or day
(\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) # Time
(?: \.(\d+) )? # Micros
[^a-z0-9] (\d+) # Year
def __init__(self, oid: int, context: Optional[AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(oid, context)
ds = _get_datestyle(self.connection)
if ds.startswith(b"I"): # ISO
self._order = self._ORDER_YMD
elif ds.startswith(b"G"): # German
self._order = self._ORDER_DMY
elif ds.startswith(b"S"): # SQL
self._order = self._ORDER_DMY if ds.endswith(b"DMY") else self._ORDER_MDY
elif ds.startswith(b"P"): # Postgres
self._order = self._ORDER_PGDM if ds.endswith(b"DMY") else self._ORDER_PGMD
self._re_format = self._re_format_pg
raise InterfaceError(f"unexpected DateStyle: {ds.decode('ascii')}")
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> datetime:
m = self._re_format.match(data)
if not m:
raise _get_timestamp_load_error(self.connection, data) from None
if self._order == self._ORDER_YMD:
ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se, fr = m.groups()
imo = int(mo)
elif self._order == self._ORDER_DMY:
da, mo, ye, ho, mi, se, fr = m.groups()
imo = int(mo)
elif self._order == self._ORDER_MDY:
mo, da, ye, ho, mi, se, fr = m.groups()
imo = int(mo)
if self._order == self._ORDER_PGDM:
da, mo, ho, mi, se, fr, ye = m.groups()
mo, da, ho, mi, se, fr, ye = m.groups()
imo = _month_abbr[mo]
except KeyError:
s = mo.decode("utf8", "replace")
raise DataError(f"can't parse month: {s!r}") from None
# Pad the fraction of second to get the micros
if fr:
us = int(fr)
if len(fr) < 6:
us *= _uspad[len(fr)]
us = 0
return datetime(int(ye), imo, int(da), int(ho), int(mi), int(se), us)
except ValueError as ex:
raise _get_timestamp_load_error(self.connection, data, ex) from None
class TimestampBinaryLoader(Loader):
format = Format.BINARY
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> datetime:
micros = unpack_int8(data)[0]
return _pg_datetime_epoch + timedelta(microseconds=micros)
except OverflowError:
if micros <= 0:
raise DataError("timestamp too small (before year 1)") from None
raise DataError("timestamp too large (after year 10K)") from None
class TimestamptzLoader(Loader):
_re_format = re.compile(
(\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) # Date
(?: T | [^a-z0-9] ) # Separator, including T
(\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) [^a-z0-9] (\d+) # Time
(?: \.(\d+) )? # Micros
([-+]) (\d+) (?: : (\d+) )? (?: : (\d+) )? # Timezone
def __init__(self, oid: int, context: Optional[AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(oid, context)
self._timezone = get_tzinfo(self.connection.pgconn if self.connection else None)
ds = _get_datestyle(self.connection)
if not ds.startswith(b"I"): # not ISO
setattr(self, "load", self._load_notimpl)
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> datetime:
m = self._re_format.match(data)
if not m:
raise _get_timestamp_load_error(self.connection, data) from None
ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se, fr, sgn, oh, om, os = m.groups()
# Pad the fraction of second to get the micros
if fr:
us = int(fr)
if len(fr) < 6:
us *= _uspad[len(fr)]
us = 0
# Calculate timezone offset
soff = 60 * 60 * int(oh)
if om:
soff += 60 * int(om)
if os:
soff += int(os)
tzoff = timedelta(0, soff if sgn == b"+" else -soff)
# The return value is a datetime with the timezone of the connection
# (in order to be consistent with the binary loader, which is the only
# thing it can return). So create a temporary datetime object, in utc,
# shift it by the offset parsed from the timestamp, and then move it to
# the connection timezone.
dt = None
ex: Exception
dt = datetime(int(ye), int(mo), int(da), int(ho), int(mi), int(se), us, utc)
return (dt - tzoff).astimezone(self._timezone)
except OverflowError as e:
# If we have created the temporary 'dt' it means that we have a
# datetime close to max, the shift pushed it past max, overflowing.
# In this case return the datetime in a fixed offset timezone.
if dt is not None:
return dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone(tzoff))
ex = e
except ValueError as e:
ex = e
raise _get_timestamp_load_error(self.connection, data, ex) from None
def _load_notimpl(self, data: Buffer) -> datetime:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
ds = _get_datestyle(self.connection).decode("ascii")
raise NotImplementedError(
f"can't parse timestamptz with DateStyle {ds!r}: {s!r}"
class TimestamptzBinaryLoader(Loader):
format = Format.BINARY
def __init__(self, oid: int, context: Optional[AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(oid, context)
self._timezone = get_tzinfo(self.connection.pgconn if self.connection else None)
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> datetime:
micros = unpack_int8(data)[0]
ts = _pg_datetimetz_epoch + timedelta(microseconds=micros)
return ts.astimezone(self._timezone)
except OverflowError:
# If we were asked about a timestamp which would overflow in UTC,
# but not in the desired timezone (e.g. datetime.max at Chicago
# timezone) we can still save the day by shifting the value by the
# timezone offset and then replacing the timezone.
if self._timezone:
utcoff = self._timezone.utcoffset(
datetime.min if micros < 0 else datetime.max
if utcoff:
usoff = 1_000_000 * int(utcoff.total_seconds())
ts = _pg_datetime_epoch + timedelta(microseconds=micros + usoff)
except OverflowError:
pass # will raise downstream
return ts.replace(tzinfo=self._timezone)
if micros <= 0:
raise DataError("timestamp too small (before year 1)") from None
raise DataError("timestamp too large (after year 10K)") from None
class IntervalLoader(Loader):
_re_interval = re.compile(
(?: ([-+]?\d+) \s+ years? \s* )? # Years
(?: ([-+]?\d+) \s+ mons? \s* )? # Months
(?: ([-+]?\d+) \s+ days? \s* )? # Days
(?: ([-+])? (\d+) : (\d+) : (\d+ (?:\.\d+)?) # Time
def __init__(self, oid: int, context: Optional[AdaptContext] = None):
super().__init__(oid, context)
if self.connection:
ints = self.connection.pgconn.parameter_status(b"IntervalStyle")
if ints != b"postgres":
setattr(self, "load", self._load_notimpl)
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> timedelta:
m = self._re_interval.match(data)
if not m:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
raise DataError(f"can't parse interval {s!r}")
ye, mo, da, sgn, ho, mi, se = m.groups()
days = 0
seconds = 0.0
if ye:
days += 365 * int(ye)
if mo:
days += 30 * int(mo)
if da:
days += int(da)
if ho:
seconds = 3600 * int(ho) + 60 * int(mi) + float(se)
if sgn == b"-":
seconds = -seconds
return timedelta(days=days, seconds=seconds)
except OverflowError as e:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
raise DataError(f"can't parse interval {s!r}: {e}") from None
def _load_notimpl(self, data: Buffer) -> timedelta:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
ints = (
and self.connection.pgconn.parameter_status(b"IntervalStyle")
or b"unknown"
).decode("utf8", "replace")
raise NotImplementedError(
f"can't parse interval with IntervalStyle {ints}: {s!r}"
class IntervalBinaryLoader(Loader):
format = Format.BINARY
def load(self, data: Buffer) -> timedelta:
micros, days, months = _unpack_interval(data)
if months > 0:
years, months = divmod(months, 12)
days = days + 30 * months + 365 * years
elif months < 0:
years, months = divmod(-months, 12)
days = days - 30 * months - 365 * years
return timedelta(days=days, microseconds=micros)
except OverflowError as e:
raise DataError(f"can't parse interval: {e}") from None
def _get_datestyle(conn: Optional["BaseConnection[Any]"]) -> bytes:
if conn:
ds = conn.pgconn.parameter_status(b"DateStyle")
if ds:
return ds
return b"ISO, DMY"
def _get_timestamp_load_error(
conn: Optional["BaseConnection[Any]"], data: Buffer, ex: Optional[Exception] = None
) -> Exception:
s = bytes(data).decode("utf8", "replace")
def is_overflow(s: str) -> bool:
if not s:
return False
ds = _get_datestyle(conn)
if not ds.startswith(b"P"): # Postgres
return len(s.split()[0]) > 10 # date is first token
return len(s.split()[-1]) > 4 # year is last token
if s == "-infinity" or s.endswith("BC"):
return DataError("timestamp too small (before year 1): {s!r}")
elif s == "infinity" or is_overflow(s):
return DataError(f"timestamp too large (after year 10K): {s!r}")
return DataError(f"can't parse timestamp {s!r}: {ex or '(unknown)'}")
_month_abbr = {
n: i
for i, n in enumerate(b"Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(), 1)
# Pad to get microseconds from a fraction of seconds
_uspad = [0, 100_000, 10_000, 1_000, 100, 10, 1]
def register_default_adapters(context: AdaptContext) -> None:
adapters = context.adapters
adapters.register_dumper("", DateDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("", DateBinaryDumper)
# first register dumpers for 'timetz' oid, then the proper ones on time type.
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.time", TimeTzDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.time", TimeTzBinaryDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.time", TimeDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.time", TimeBinaryDumper)
# first register dumpers for 'timestamp' oid, then the proper ones
# on the datetime type.
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.datetime", DatetimeNoTzDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.datetime", DatetimeNoTzBinaryDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.datetime", DatetimeDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.datetime", DatetimeBinaryDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.timedelta", TimedeltaDumper)
adapters.register_dumper("datetime.timedelta", TimedeltaBinaryDumper)
adapters.register_loader("date", DateLoader)
adapters.register_loader("date", DateBinaryLoader)
adapters.register_loader("time", TimeLoader)
adapters.register_loader("time", TimeBinaryLoader)
adapters.register_loader("timetz", TimetzLoader)
adapters.register_loader("timetz", TimetzBinaryLoader)
adapters.register_loader("timestamp", TimestampLoader)
adapters.register_loader("timestamp", TimestampBinaryLoader)
adapters.register_loader("timestamptz", TimestamptzLoader)
adapters.register_loader("timestamptz", TimestamptzBinaryLoader)
adapters.register_loader("interval", IntervalLoader)
adapters.register_loader("interval", IntervalBinaryLoader)