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2023-07-22 12:04:19 +02:00
Code to manage the creation and SQL rendering of 'where' constraints.
import operator
from functools import reduce
from django.core.exceptions import EmptyResultSet, FullResultSet
from django.db.models.expressions import Case, When
from django.db.models.lookups import Exact
from django.utils import tree
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
# Connection types
OR = "OR"
class WhereNode(tree.Node):
An SQL WHERE clause.
The class is tied to the Query class that created it (in order to create
the correct SQL).
A child is usually an expression producing boolean values. Most likely the
expression is a Lookup instance.
However, a child could also be any class with as_sql() and either
relabeled_clone() method or relabel_aliases() and clone() methods and
contains_aggregate attribute.
default = AND
resolved = False
conditional = True
def split_having_qualify(self, negated=False, must_group_by=False):
Return three possibly None nodes: one for those parts of self that
should be included in the WHERE clause, one for those parts of self
that must be included in the HAVING clause, and one for those parts
that refer to window functions.
if not self.contains_aggregate and not self.contains_over_clause:
return self, None, None
in_negated = negated ^ self.negated
# Whether or not children must be connected in the same filtering
# clause (WHERE > HAVING > QUALIFY) to maintain logical semantic.
must_remain_connected = (
(in_negated and self.connector == AND)
or (not in_negated and self.connector == OR)
or self.connector == XOR
if (
and self.contains_aggregate
and not self.contains_over_clause
# It's must cheaper to short-circuit and stash everything in the
# HAVING clause than split children if possible.
return None, self, None
where_parts = []
having_parts = []
qualify_parts = []
for c in self.children:
if hasattr(c, "split_having_qualify"):
where_part, having_part, qualify_part = c.split_having_qualify(
in_negated, must_group_by
if where_part is not None:
if having_part is not None:
if qualify_part is not None:
elif c.contains_over_clause:
elif c.contains_aggregate:
if must_remain_connected and qualify_parts:
# Disjunctive heterogeneous predicates can be pushed down to
# qualify as long as no conditional aggregation is involved.
if not where_parts or (where_parts and not must_group_by):
return None, None, self
elif where_parts:
# In theory this should only be enforced when dealing with
# where_parts containing predicates against multi-valued
# relationships that could affect aggregation results but this
# is complex to infer properly.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Heterogeneous disjunctive predicates against window functions are "
"not implemented when performing conditional aggregation."
where_node = (
self.create(where_parts, self.connector, self.negated)
if where_parts
else None
having_node = (
self.create(having_parts, self.connector, self.negated)
if having_parts
else None
qualify_node = (
self.create(qualify_parts, self.connector, self.negated)
if qualify_parts
else None
return where_node, having_node, qualify_node
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
Return the SQL version of the where clause and the value to be
substituted in. Return '', [] if this node matches everything,
None, [] if this node is empty, and raise EmptyResultSet if this
node can't match anything.
result = []
result_params = []
if self.connector == AND:
full_needed, empty_needed = len(self.children), 1
full_needed, empty_needed = 1, len(self.children)
if self.connector == XOR and not connection.features.supports_logical_xor:
# Convert if the database doesn't support XOR:
# a XOR b XOR c XOR ...
# to:
# (a OR b OR c OR ...) AND (a + b + c + ...) == 1
lhs = self.__class__(self.children, OR)
rhs_sum = reduce(
(Case(When(c, then=1), default=0) for c in self.children),
rhs = Exact(1, rhs_sum)
return self.__class__([lhs, rhs], AND, self.negated).as_sql(
compiler, connection
for child in self.children:
sql, params = compiler.compile(child)
except EmptyResultSet:
empty_needed -= 1
except FullResultSet:
full_needed -= 1
if sql:
full_needed -= 1
# Check if this node matches nothing or everything.
# First check the amount of full nodes and empty nodes
# to make this node empty/full.
# Now, check if this node is full/empty using the
# counts.
if empty_needed == 0:
if self.negated:
raise FullResultSet
raise EmptyResultSet
if full_needed == 0:
if self.negated:
raise EmptyResultSet
raise FullResultSet
conn = " %s " % self.connector
sql_string = conn.join(result)
if not sql_string:
raise FullResultSet
if self.negated:
# Some backends (Oracle at least) need parentheses around the inner
# SQL in the negated case, even if the inner SQL contains just a
# single expression.
sql_string = "NOT (%s)" % sql_string
elif len(result) > 1 or self.resolved:
sql_string = "(%s)" % sql_string
return sql_string, result_params
def get_group_by_cols(self):
cols = []
for child in self.children:
return cols
def get_source_expressions(self):
return self.children[:]
def set_source_expressions(self, children):
assert len(children) == len(self.children)
self.children = children
def relabel_aliases(self, change_map):
Relabel the alias values of any children. 'change_map' is a dictionary
mapping old (current) alias values to the new values.
for pos, child in enumerate(self.children):
if hasattr(child, "relabel_aliases"):
# For example another WhereNode
elif hasattr(child, "relabeled_clone"):
self.children[pos] = child.relabeled_clone(change_map)
def clone(self):
clone = self.create(connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
for child in self.children:
if hasattr(child, "clone"):
child = child.clone()
return clone
def relabeled_clone(self, change_map):
clone = self.clone()
return clone
def replace_expressions(self, replacements):
if replacement := replacements.get(self):
return replacement
clone = self.create(connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
for child in self.children:
return clone
def get_refs(self):
refs = set()
for child in self.children:
refs |= child.get_refs()
return refs
def _contains_aggregate(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, tree.Node):
return any(cls._contains_aggregate(c) for c in obj.children)
return obj.contains_aggregate
def contains_aggregate(self):
return self._contains_aggregate(self)
def _contains_over_clause(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, tree.Node):
return any(cls._contains_over_clause(c) for c in obj.children)
return obj.contains_over_clause
def contains_over_clause(self):
return self._contains_over_clause(self)
def is_summary(self):
return any(child.is_summary for child in self.children)
def _resolve_leaf(expr, query, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(expr, "resolve_expression"):
expr = expr.resolve_expression(query, *args, **kwargs)
return expr
def _resolve_node(cls, node, query, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(node, "children"):
for child in node.children:
cls._resolve_node(child, query, *args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(node, "lhs"):
node.lhs = cls._resolve_leaf(node.lhs, query, *args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(node, "rhs"):
node.rhs = cls._resolve_leaf(node.rhs, query, *args, **kwargs)
def resolve_expression(self, *args, **kwargs):
clone = self.clone()
clone._resolve_node(clone, *args, **kwargs)
clone.resolved = True
return clone
def output_field(self):
from django.db.models import BooleanField
return BooleanField()
def _output_field_or_none(self):
return self.output_field
def select_format(self, compiler, sql, params):
# Wrap filters with a CASE WHEN expression if a database backend
# (e.g. Oracle) doesn't support boolean expression in SELECT or GROUP
# BY list.
if not compiler.connection.features.supports_boolean_expr_in_select_clause:
sql = f"CASE WHEN {sql} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END"
return sql, params
def get_db_converters(self, connection):
return self.output_field.get_db_converters(connection)
def get_lookup(self, lookup):
return self.output_field.get_lookup(lookup)
def leaves(self):
for child in self.children:
if isinstance(child, WhereNode):
yield from child.leaves()
yield child
class NothingNode:
"""A node that matches nothing."""
contains_aggregate = False
contains_over_clause = False
def as_sql(self, compiler=None, connection=None):
raise EmptyResultSet
class ExtraWhere:
# The contents are a black box - assume no aggregates or windows are used.
contains_aggregate = False
contains_over_clause = False
def __init__(self, sqls, params):
self.sqls = sqls
self.params = params
def as_sql(self, compiler=None, connection=None):
sqls = ["(%s)" % sql for sql in self.sqls]
return " AND ".join(sqls), list(self.params or ())
class SubqueryConstraint:
# Even if aggregates or windows would be used in a subquery,
# the outer query isn't interested about those.
contains_aggregate = False
contains_over_clause = False
def __init__(self, alias, columns, targets, query_object):
self.alias = alias
self.columns = columns
self.targets = targets
self.query_object = query_object
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
query = self.query_object
query_compiler = query.get_compiler(connection=connection)
return query_compiler.as_subquery_condition(self.alias, self.columns, compiler)