
288 lines
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# coding=utf-8
Imports the proper Readline for the platform and provides utility functions for it
import sys
from enum import (
from typing import (
# On Linux/Mac, the underlying readline API may be implemented by libedit instead of GNU readline.
# We don't support libedit because it doesn't implement all the readline features cmd2 needs.
# For example:
# cmd2 sets a custom display function using Python's readline.set_completion_display_matches_hook() to
# support many of its advanced tab completion features (e.g. tab completion tables, displaying path basenames,
# colored results, etc.). This function "sets or clears the rl_completion_display_matches_hook callback in the
# underlying library". libedit has never implemented rl_completion_display_matches_hook. It merely sets it to NULL
# and never references it.
# The workaround for Python environments using libedit is to install the gnureadline Python library.
# Prefer statically linked gnureadline if installed due to compatibility issues with libedit
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import gnureadline as readline # type: ignore[import]
except ImportError:
# Note: If this actually fails, you should install gnureadline on Linux/Mac or pyreadline3 on Windows.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import readline # type: ignore[no-redef]
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
class RlType(Enum):
"""Readline library types we recognize"""
GNU = 1
NONE = 3
# Check what implementation of Readline we are using
rl_type = RlType.NONE
# Tells if the terminal we are running in supports vt100 control characters
vt100_support = False
# Explanation for why Readline wasn't loaded
_rl_warn_reason = ''
# The order of this check matters since importing pyreadline3 will also show readline in the modules list
if 'pyreadline3' in sys.modules:
rl_type = RlType.PYREADLINE
import atexit
from ctypes import (
from ctypes.wintypes import (
# Check if we are running in a terminal
if sys.stdout.isatty(): # pragma: no cover
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnresolvedReferences
def enable_win_vt100(handle: HANDLE) -> bool:
Enables VT100 character sequences in a Windows console
This only works on Windows 10 and up
:param handle: the handle on which to enable vt100
:return: True if vt100 characters are enabled for the handle
# Get the current mode for this handle in the console
cur_mode = DWORD(0)
readline.rl.console.GetConsoleMode(handle, byref(cur_mode))
retVal = False
# Check if ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING is already enabled
if (cur_mode.value & ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) != 0:
retVal = True
elif readline.rl.console.SetConsoleMode(handle, cur_mode.value | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING):
# Restore the original mode when we exit
atexit.register(readline.rl.console.SetConsoleMode, handle, cur_mode)
retVal = True
return retVal
# Enable VT100 sequences for stdout and stderr
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
vt100_stdout_support = enable_win_vt100(readline.rl.console.GetStdHandle(STD_OUT_HANDLE))
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
vt100_stderr_support = enable_win_vt100(readline.rl.console.GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE))
vt100_support = vt100_stdout_support and vt100_stderr_support
# pyreadline3 is incomplete in terms of the Python readline API. Add the missing functions we need.
# readline.redisplay()
getattr(readline, 'redisplay')
except AttributeError:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences
readline.redisplay = readline.rl.mode._update_line
# readline.remove_history_item()
getattr(readline, 'remove_history_item')
except AttributeError:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences
def pyreadline_remove_history_item(pos: int) -> None:
An implementation of remove_history_item() for pyreadline3
:param pos: The 0-based position in history to remove
# Save of the current location of the history cursor
saved_cursor = readline.rl.mode._history.history_cursor
# Delete the history item
del readline.rl.mode._history.history[pos]
# Update the cursor if needed
if saved_cursor > pos:
readline.rl.mode._history.history_cursor -= 1
readline.remove_history_item = pyreadline_remove_history_item
elif 'gnureadline' in sys.modules or 'readline' in sys.modules:
# We don't support libedit. See top of this file for why.
if 'libedit' not in readline.__doc__:
# Load the readline lib so we can access members of it
import ctypes
readline_lib = ctypes.CDLL(readline.__file__)
except (AttributeError, OSError): # pragma: no cover
_rl_warn_reason = (
"this application is running in a non-standard Python environment in\n"
"which GNU readline is not loaded dynamically from a shared library file."
rl_type = RlType.GNU
vt100_support = sys.stdout.isatty()
# Check if readline was loaded
if rl_type == RlType.NONE: # pragma: no cover
if not _rl_warn_reason:
_rl_warn_reason = (
"no supported version of readline was found. To resolve this, install\n"
"pyreadline3 on Windows or gnureadline on Linux/Mac."
rl_warning = "Readline features including tab completion have been disabled because\n" + _rl_warn_reason + '\n\n'
rl_warning = ''
# noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences
def rl_force_redisplay() -> None: # pragma: no cover
Causes readline to display the prompt and input text wherever the cursor is and start
reading input from this location. This is the proper way to restore the input line after
printing to the screen
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
if rl_type == RlType.GNU:
# After manually updating the display, readline asks that rl_display_fixed be set to 1 for efficiency
display_fixed = ctypes.c_int.in_dll(readline_lib, "rl_display_fixed")
display_fixed.value = 1
elif rl_type == RlType.PYREADLINE:
# Call _print_prompt() first to set the new location of the prompt
# noinspection PyProtectedMember, PyUnresolvedReferences
def rl_get_point() -> int: # pragma: no cover
Returns the offset of the current cursor position in rl_line_buffer
if rl_type == RlType.GNU:
return ctypes.c_int.in_dll(readline_lib, "rl_point").value
elif rl_type == RlType.PYREADLINE:
return int(readline.rl.mode.l_buffer.point)
return 0
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def rl_get_prompt() -> str: # pragma: no cover
"""Gets Readline's current prompt"""
if rl_type == RlType.GNU:
encoded_prompt = ctypes.c_char_p.in_dll(readline_lib, "rl_prompt").value
if encoded_prompt is None:
prompt = ''
prompt = encoded_prompt.decode(encoding='utf-8')
elif rl_type == RlType.PYREADLINE:
prompt_data: Union[str, bytes] = readline.rl.prompt
if isinstance(prompt_data, bytes):
prompt = prompt_data.decode(encoding='utf-8')
prompt = prompt_data
prompt = ''
return rl_unescape_prompt(prompt)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def rl_set_prompt(prompt: str) -> None: # pragma: no cover
Sets Readline's prompt
:param prompt: the new prompt value
escaped_prompt = rl_escape_prompt(prompt)
if rl_type == RlType.GNU:
encoded_prompt = bytes(escaped_prompt, encoding='utf-8')
elif rl_type == RlType.PYREADLINE:
readline.rl.prompt = escaped_prompt
def rl_escape_prompt(prompt: str) -> str:
"""Overcome bug in GNU Readline in relation to calculation of prompt length in presence of ANSI escape codes
:param prompt: original prompt
:return: prompt safe to pass to GNU Readline
if rl_type == RlType.GNU:
# start code to tell GNU Readline about beginning of invisible characters
escape_start = "\x01"
# end code to tell GNU Readline about end of invisible characters
escape_end = "\x02"
escaped = False
result = ""
for c in prompt:
if c == "\x1b" and not escaped:
result += escape_start + c
escaped = True
elif c.isalpha() and escaped:
result += c + escape_end
escaped = False
result += c
return result
return prompt
def rl_unescape_prompt(prompt: str) -> str:
"""Remove escape characters from a Readline prompt"""
if rl_type == RlType.GNU:
escape_start = "\x01"
escape_end = "\x02"
prompt = prompt.replace(escape_start, "").replace(escape_end, "")
return prompt