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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Application base class.
import itertools
import shlex
import sys
import autopage.argparse
import cmd2
class InteractiveApp(cmd2.Cmd):
"""Provides "interactive mode" features.
Refer to the cmd2_ and cmd_ documentation for details
about subclassing and configuring this class.
.. _cmd2:
.. _cmd:
:param parent_app: The calling application (expected to be derived
from :class:`cliff.main.App`).
:param command_manager: A :class:`cliff.commandmanager.CommandManager`
:param stdin: Standard input stream
:param stdout: Standard output stream
use_rawinput = True
doc_header = "Shell commands (type help <topic>):"
app_cmd_header = "Application commands (type help <topic>):"
def __init__(self, parent_app, command_manager, stdin, stdout,
self.parent_app = parent_app
if not hasattr(sys.stdin, 'isatty') or sys.stdin.isatty():
self.prompt = '(%s) ' % parent_app.NAME
# batch/pipe mode
self.prompt = ''
self.command_manager = command_manager
self.errexit = errexit
cmd2.Cmd.__init__(self, 'tab', stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout)
def _split_line(self, line):
return shlex.split(line.parsed.raw)
except AttributeError:
# cmd2 >= 0.9.1 gives us a Statement not a PyParsing parse
# result.
parts = shlex.split(line)
if getattr(line, 'command', None):
parts.insert(0, line.command)
return parts
def default(self, line):
# Tie in the default command processor to
# dispatch commands known to the command manager.
# We send the message through our parent app,
# since it already has the logic for executing
# the subcommand.
line_parts = self._split_line(line)
ret = self.parent_app.run_subcommand(line_parts)
if self.errexit:
# Only provide this if errexit is enabled,
# otherise keep old behaviour
return ret
def completenames(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"""Tab-completion for command prefix without completer delimiter.
This method returns cmd style and cliff style commands matching
provided command prefix (text).
completions = cmd2.Cmd.completenames(self, text, line, begidx, endidx)
completions += self._complete_prefix(text)
return completions
def completedefault(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"""Default tab-completion for command prefix with completer delimiter.
This method filters only cliff style commands matching provided
command prefix (line) as cmd2 style commands cannot contain spaces.
This method returns text + missing command part of matching commands.
This method does not handle options in cmd2/cliff style commands, you
must define complete_$method to handle them.
return [x[begidx:] for x in self._complete_prefix(line)]
def _complete_prefix(self, prefix):
"""Returns cliff style commands with a specific prefix."""
if not prefix:
return [n for n, v in self.command_manager]
return [n for n, v in self.command_manager if n.startswith(prefix)]
def help_help(self):
# Use the command manager to get instructions for "help"
self.default('help help')
def do_help(self, arg):
if arg:
# Check if the arg is a builtin command or something
# coming from the command manager
arg_parts = shlex.split(arg)
method_name = '_'.join(
itertools.takewhile(lambda x: not x.startswith('-'),
# Have the command manager version of the help
# command produce the help text since cmd and
# cmd2 do not provide help for "help"
if hasattr(self, method_name):
return cmd2.Cmd.do_help(self, arg)
# Dispatch to the underlying help command,
# which knows how to provide help for extension
# commands.
# NOTE(coreycb): This try path can be removed once
# requirements.txt has cmd2 >= 0.7.3.
parsed = self.parsed
except AttributeError:
parsed = self.parser_manager.parsed
except AttributeError:
# cmd2 >= 0.9.1 does not have a parser manager
parsed = lambda x: x # noqa
self.default(parsed('help ' + arg))
stdout = self.stdout
with autopage.argparse.help_pager(stdout) as paged_out:
self.stdout = paged_out
cmd2.Cmd.do_help(self, arg)
cmd_names = sorted([n for n, v in self.command_manager])
self.print_topics(self.app_cmd_header, cmd_names, 15, 80)
self.stdout = stdout
# Create exit alias to quit the interactive shell.
do_exit = cmd2.Cmd.do_quit
def get_names(self):
# Override the base class version to filter out
# things that look like they should be hidden
# from the user.
return [n
for n in cmd2.Cmd.get_names(self)
if not n.startswith('do__')
def precmd(self, statement):
"""Hook method executed just before the command is executed by
:meth:`~cmd2.Cmd.onecmd` and after adding it to history.
:param statement: subclass of str which also contains the parsed input
:return: a potentially modified version of the input Statement object
# NOTE(mordred): The above docstring is copied in from cmd2 because
# current cmd2 has a docstring that sphinx finds if we don't override
# it, and it breaks sphinx.
# Pre-process the parsed command in case it looks like one of
# our subcommands, since cmd2 does not handle multi-part
# command names by default.
line_parts = self._split_line(statement)
the_cmd = self.command_manager.find_command(line_parts)
cmd_factory, cmd_name, sub_argv = the_cmd
except ValueError:
# Not a plugin command
if hasattr(statement, 'parsed'):
# Older cmd2 uses PyParsing
statement.parsed.command = cmd_name
statement.parsed.args = ' '.join(sub_argv)
# cmd2 >= 0.9.1 uses shlex and gives us a Statement.
statement = cmd2.Statement(
' '.join(sub_argv),
return statement
def cmdloop(self):
# We don't want the cmd2 cmdloop() behaviour, just call the old one
# directly. In part this is because cmd2.cmdloop() doe not return
# anything useful and we want to have a useful exit code.
return self._cmdloop()