
189 lines
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The main DebugToolbar class that loads and renders the Toolbar.
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import lru_cache
from django.apps import apps
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.dispatch import Signal
from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.urls import path, resolve
from django.urls.exceptions import Resolver404
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.translation import get_language, override as lang_override
from debug_toolbar import APP_NAME, settings as dt_settings
class DebugToolbar:
# for internal testing use only
_created = Signal()
def __init__(self, request, get_response):
self.request = request
self.config = dt_settings.get_config().copy()
panels = []
for panel_class in reversed(self.get_panel_classes()):
panel = panel_class(self, get_response)
if panel.enabled:
get_response = panel.process_request
self.process_request = get_response
# Use OrderedDict for the _panels attribute so that items can be efficiently
# removed using FIFO order in the method. The .popitem()
# method of Python's built-in dict only supports LIFO removal.
self._panels = OrderedDict()
while panels:
panel = panels.pop()
self._panels[panel.panel_id] = panel
self.stats = {}
self.server_timing_stats = {}
self.store_id = None
self._created.send(request, toolbar=self)
# Manage panels
def panels(self):
Get a list of all available panels.
return list(self._panels.values())
def enabled_panels(self):
Get a list of panels enabled for the current request.
return [panel for panel in self._panels.values() if panel.enabled]
def get_panel_by_id(self, panel_id):
Get the panel with the given id, which is the class name by default.
return self._panels[panel_id]
# Handle rendering the toolbar in HTML
def render_toolbar(self):
Renders the overall Toolbar with panels inside.
if not self.should_render_panels():
context = {"toolbar": self}
lang = self.config["TOOLBAR_LANGUAGE"] or get_language()
with lang_override(lang):
return render_to_string("debug_toolbar/base.html", context)
except TemplateSyntaxError:
if not apps.is_installed("django.contrib.staticfiles"):
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"The debug toolbar requires the staticfiles contrib app. "
"Add 'django.contrib.staticfiles' to INSTALLED_APPS and "
"define STATIC_URL in your settings."
def should_render_panels(self):
"""Determine whether the panels should be rendered during the request
If False, the panels will be loaded via Ajax.
if (render_panels := self.config["RENDER_PANELS"]) is None:
# If wsgi.multiprocess isn't in the headers, then it's likely
# being served by ASGI. This type of set up is most likely
# incompatible with the toolbar until
# is resolved.
render_panels = self.request.META.get("wsgi.multiprocess", True)
return render_panels
# Handle storing toolbars in memory and fetching them later on
_store = OrderedDict()
def store(self):
# Store already exists.
if self.store_id:
self.store_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
self._store[self.store_id] = self
for _ in range(self.config["RESULTS_CACHE_SIZE"], len(self._store)):
def fetch(cls, store_id):
return cls._store.get(store_id)
# Manually implement class-level caching of panel classes and url patterns
# because it's more obvious than going through an abstraction.
_panel_classes = None
def get_panel_classes(cls):
if cls._panel_classes is None:
# Load panels in a temporary variable for thread safety.
panel_classes = [
import_string(panel_path) for panel_path in dt_settings.get_panels()
cls._panel_classes = panel_classes
return cls._panel_classes
_urlpatterns = None
def get_urls(cls):
if cls._urlpatterns is None:
from . import views
# Load URLs in a temporary variable for thread safety.
# Global URLs
urlpatterns = [
path("render_panel/", views.render_panel, name="render_panel"),
# Per-panel URLs
for panel_class in cls.get_panel_classes():
urlpatterns += panel_class.get_urls()
cls._urlpatterns = urlpatterns
return cls._urlpatterns
def is_toolbar_request(cls, request):
Determine if the request is for a DebugToolbar view.
# The primary caller of this function is in the middleware which may
# not have resolver_match set.
resolver_match = request.resolver_match or resolve(
request.path, getattr(request, "urlconf", None)
except Resolver404:
return False
return resolver_match.namespaces and resolver_match.namespaces[-1] == APP_NAME
def get_observe_request():
# If OBSERVE_REQUEST_CALLBACK is a string, which is the recommended
# setup, resolve it to the corresponding callable.
func_or_path = dt_settings.get_config()["OBSERVE_REQUEST_CALLBACK"]
if isinstance(func_or_path, str):
return import_string(func_or_path)
return func_or_path
def observe_request(request):
Determine whether to update the toolbar from a client side request.
return not DebugToolbar.is_toolbar_request(request)