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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions
from keystoneauth1 import plugin
from keystoneclient import access
from keystoneclient import base
from keystoneclient.i18n import _
class Token(base.Resource):
def __repr__(self):
"""Return string representation of resource information."""
return "<Token %s>" % self._info
def id(self):
return self._info['token']['id']
def expires(self):
return self._info['token']['expires']
def tenant(self):
return self._info['token'].get('tenant')
class TokenManager(base.Manager):
resource_class = Token
def authenticate(self, username=None, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None,
password=None, token=None, return_raw=False):
if token:
params = {"auth": {"token": {"id": token}}}
elif username and password:
params = {"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": username,
"password": password}}}
raise ValueError(
_('A username and password or token is required.'))
if tenant_id:
params['auth']['tenantId'] = tenant_id
elif tenant_name:
params['auth']['tenantName'] = tenant_name
args = ['/tokens', params, 'access']
kwargs = {'return_raw': return_raw, 'log': False}
# NOTE(jamielennox): try doing a regular admin query first. If there is
# no endpoint that can satisfy the request (eg an unscoped token) then
# issue it against the auth_url.
token_ref = self._post(*args, **kwargs)
except exceptions.EndpointNotFound:
kwargs['endpoint_filter'] = {'interface': plugin.AUTH_INTERFACE}
token_ref = self._post(*args, **kwargs)
return token_ref
def delete(self, token):
return self._delete("/tokens/%s" % base.getid(token))
def endpoints(self, token):
return self._get("/tokens/%s/endpoints" % base.getid(token), "token")
def validate(self, token):
"""Validate a token.
:param token: Token to be validated.
:rtype: :py:class:`.Token`
return self._get('/tokens/%s' % base.getid(token), 'access')
def get_token_data(self, token):
"""Fetch the data about a token from the identity server.
:param str token: The token id.
:rtype: dict
url = '/tokens/%s' % token
resp, body = self.client.get(url)
return body
def validate_access_info(self, token):
"""Validate a token.
:param token: Token to be validated. This can be an instance of
:py:class:`keystoneclient.access.AccessInfo` or a string
:rtype: :py:class:`keystoneclient.access.AccessInfoV2`
def calc_id(token):
if isinstance(token, access.AccessInfo):
return token.auth_token
return base.getid(token)
token_id = calc_id(token)
body = self.get_token_data(token_id)
return access.AccessInfo.factory(auth_token=token_id, body=body)
def get_revoked(self):
"""Return the revoked tokens response.
The response will be a dict containing 'signed' which is a CMS-encoded
resp, body = self.client.get('/tokens/revoked')
return body