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# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Volume Type interface."""
from urllib import parse
from cinderclient.apiclient import base as common_base
from cinderclient import base
class VolumeType(base.Resource):
"""A Volume Type is the type of volume to be created."""
def __repr__(self):
return "<VolumeType: %s>" %
def is_public(self):
Provide a user-friendly accessor to os-volume-type-access:is_public
return self._info.get("os-volume-type-access:is_public",
self._info.get("is_public", 'N/A'))
def get_keys(self):
"""Get extra specs from a volume type.
:param vol_type: The :class:`VolumeType` to get extra specs from
_resp, body = self.manager.api.client.get(
"/types/%s/extra_specs" %
return body["extra_specs"]
def set_keys(self, metadata):
"""Set extra specs on a volume type.
:param type : The :class:`VolumeType` to set extra spec on
:param metadata: A dict of key/value pairs to be set
body = {'extra_specs': metadata}
return self.manager._create(
"/types/%s/extra_specs" % base.getid(self),
def unset_keys(self, keys):
"""Unset extra specs on a volue type.
:param type_id: The :class:`VolumeType` to unset extra spec on
:param keys: A list of keys to be unset
# NOTE(jdg): This wasn't actually doing all of the keys before
# the return in the loop resulted in only ONE key being unset,
# since on success the return was ListWithMeta class, we'll only
# interrupt the loop and if an exception is raised.
response_list = []
for k in keys:
resp, body = self.manager._delete(
"/types/%s/extra_specs/%s" % (
base.getid(self), k))
return common_base.ListWithMeta([], response_list)
class VolumeTypeManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
"""Manage :class:`VolumeType` resources."""
resource_class = VolumeType
def list(self, search_opts=None, is_public=None):
"""Lists all volume types.
:param search_opts: Optional search filters.
:param is_public: Whether to only get public types.
:return: List of :class:`VolumeType`.
if not search_opts:
search_opts = dict()
# Remove 'all_tenants' option added by ManagerWithFind.findall(),
# as it is not a valid search option for volume_types.
search_opts.pop('all_tenants', None)
# Need to keep backwards compatibility with is_public usage. If it
# isn't included then cinder will assume you want is_public=True, which
# negatively affects the results.
if 'is_public' not in search_opts:
search_opts['is_public'] = is_public
query_string = "?%s" % parse.urlencode(search_opts)
return self._list("/types%s" % query_string, "volume_types")
def get(self, volume_type):
"""Get a specific volume type.
:param volume_type: The ID of the :class:`VolumeType` to get.
:rtype: :class:`VolumeType`
return self._get("/types/%s" % base.getid(volume_type), "volume_type")
def default(self):
"""Get the default volume type.
:rtype: :class:`VolumeType`
return self._get("/types/default", "volume_type")
def delete(self, volume_type):
"""Deletes a specific volume_type.
:param volume_type: The name or ID of the :class:`VolumeType` to get.
return self._delete("/types/%s" % base.getid(volume_type))
def create(self, name, description=None, is_public=True):
"""Creates a volume type.
:param name: Descriptive name of the volume type
:param description: Description of the volume type
:param is_public: Volume type visibility
:rtype: :class:`VolumeType`
body = {
"volume_type": {
"name": name,
"description": description,
"os-volume-type-access:is_public": is_public,
return self._create("/types", body, "volume_type")
def update(self, volume_type, name=None, description=None, is_public=None):
"""Update the name and/or description for a volume type.
:param volume_type: The ID of the :class:`VolumeType` to update.
:param name: Descriptive name of the volume type.
:param description: Description of the volume type.
:rtype: :class:`VolumeType`
body = {
"volume_type": {
"name": name,
"description": description
if is_public is not None:
body["volume_type"]["is_public"] = is_public
return self._update("/types/%s" % base.getid(volume_type),
body, response_key="volume_type")