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# Copyright 2022, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
NOTE: All classes and functions in this module are considered private and are
subject to abrupt breaking changes. Please do not use them directly.
To view the raw JSON that the objects in this module represent, please
go to any `endpoint-rule-set.json` file in /botocore/data/<service>/<api version>/
or you can look at the test files in /tests/unit/data/endpoints/valid-rules/
import logging
import re
from enum import Enum
from string import Formatter
from typing import NamedTuple
from botocore import xform_name
from botocore.compat import IPV4_RE, quote, urlparse
from botocore.exceptions import EndpointResolutionError
from botocore.utils import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TEMPLATE_STRING_RE = re.compile(r"\{[a-zA-Z#]+\}")
GET_ATTR_RE = re.compile(r"(\w+)\[(\d+)\]")
VALID_HOST_LABEL_RE = re.compile(
ARN_PARSER = ArnParser()
class RuleSetStandardLibrary:
"""Rule actions to be performed by the EndpointProvider."""
def __init__(self, partitions_data):
self.partitions_data = partitions_data
def is_func(self, argument):
"""Determine if an object is a function object.
:type argument: Any
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(argument, dict) and "fn" in argument
def is_ref(self, argument):
"""Determine if an object is a reference object.
:type argument: Any
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(argument, dict) and "ref" in argument
def is_template(self, argument):
"""Determine if an object contains a template string.
:type argument: Any
:rtpe: bool
return (
isinstance(argument, str)
and is not None
def resolve_template_string(self, value, scope_vars):
"""Resolve and inject values into a template string.
:type value: str
:type scope_vars: dict
:rtype: str
result = ""
for literal, reference, _, _ in STRING_FORMATTER.parse(value):
if reference is not None:
template_value = scope_vars
template_params = reference.split("#")
for param in template_params:
template_value = template_value[param]
result += f"{literal}{template_value}"
result += literal
return result
def resolve_value(self, value, scope_vars):
"""Return evaluated value based on type.
:type value: Any
:type scope_vars: dict
:rtype: Any
if self.is_func(value):
return self.call_function(value, scope_vars)
elif self.is_ref(value):
return scope_vars.get(value["ref"])
elif self.is_template(value):
return self.resolve_template_string(value, scope_vars)
return value
def convert_func_name(self, value):
"""Normalize function names.
:type value: str
:rtype: str
normalized_name = f"{xform_name(value)}"
if normalized_name == "not":
normalized_name = f"_{normalized_name}"
return normalized_name.replace(".", "_")
def call_function(self, func_signature, scope_vars):
"""Call the function with the resolved arguments and assign to `scope_vars`
when applicable.
:type func_signature: dict
:type scope_vars: dict
:rtype: Any
func_args = [
self.resolve_value(arg, scope_vars)
for arg in func_signature["argv"]
func_name = self.convert_func_name(func_signature["fn"])
func = getattr(self, func_name)
result = func(*func_args)
if "assign" in func_signature:
assign = func_signature["assign"]
if assign in scope_vars:
raise EndpointResolutionError(
msg=f"Assignment {assign} already exists in "
"scoped variables and cannot be overwritten"
scope_vars[assign] = result
return result
def is_set(self, value):
"""Evaluates whether a value is set.
:type value: Any
:rytpe: bool
return value is not None
def get_attr(self, value, path):
"""Find an attribute within a value given a path string. The path can contain
the name of the attribute and an index in brackets. A period separating attribute
names indicates the one to the right is nested. The index will always occur at
the end of the path.
:type value: dict or list
:type path: str
:rtype: Any
for part in path.split("."):
match =
if match is not None:
name, index = match.groups()
index = int(index)
value = value.get(name)
if value is None or index >= len(value):
return None
return value[index]
value = value[part]
return value
def format_partition_output(self, partition):
output = partition["outputs"]
output["name"] = partition["id"]
return output
def is_partition_match(self, region, partition):
matches_regex = re.match(partition["regionRegex"], region) is not None
return region in partition["regions"] or matches_regex
def aws_partition(self, value):
"""Match a region string to an AWS partition.
:type value: str
:rtype: dict
partitions = self.partitions_data['partitions']
if value is not None:
for partition in partitions:
if self.is_partition_match(value, partition):
return self.format_partition_output(partition)
# return the default partition if no matches were found
aws_partition = partitions[0]
return self.format_partition_output(aws_partition)
def aws_parse_arn(self, value):
"""Parse and validate string for ARN components.
:type value: str
:rtype: dict
if value is None or not value.startswith("arn:"):
return None
arn_dict = ARN_PARSER.parse_arn(value)
except InvalidArnException:
return None
# partition, resource, and service are required
if not all(
(arn_dict["partition"], arn_dict["service"], arn_dict["resource"])
return None
arn_dict["accountId"] = arn_dict.pop("account")
resource = arn_dict.pop("resource")
arn_dict["resourceId"] = resource.replace(":", "/").split("/")
return arn_dict
def is_valid_host_label(self, value, allow_subdomains):
"""Evaluates whether a value is a valid host label per
RFC 1123. If allow_subdomains is True, split on `.` and validate
each component separately.
:type value: str
:type allow_subdomains: bool
:rtype: bool
if value is None or allow_subdomains is False and value.count(".") > 0:
return False
if allow_subdomains is True:
return all(
self.is_valid_host_label(label, False)
for label in value.split(".")
return VALID_HOST_LABEL_RE.match(value) is not None
def string_equals(self, value1, value2):
"""Evaluates two string values for equality.
:type value1: str
:type value2: str
:rtype: bool
if not all(isinstance(val, str) for val in (value1, value2)):
msg = f"Both values must be strings, not {type(value1)} and {type(value2)}."
raise EndpointResolutionError(msg=msg)
return value1 == value2
def uri_encode(self, value):
"""Perform percent-encoding on an input string.
:type value: str
:rytpe: str
if value is None:
return None
return percent_encode(value)
def parse_url(self, value):
"""Parse a URL string into components.
:type value: str
:rtype: dict
if value is None:
return None
url_components = urlparse(value)
# url_parse may assign non-integer values to
# `port` and will fail when accessed.
except ValueError:
return None
scheme = url_components.scheme
query = url_components.query
# URLs with queries are not supported
if scheme not in ("https", "http") or len(query) > 0:
return None
path = url_components.path
normalized_path = quote(normalize_url_path(path))
if not normalized_path.endswith("/"):
normalized_path = f"{normalized_path}/"
return {
"scheme": scheme,
"authority": url_components.netloc,
"path": path,
"normalizedPath": normalized_path,
"isIp": is_valid_ipv4_endpoint_url(value)
or is_valid_ipv6_endpoint_url(value),
def boolean_equals(self, value1, value2):
"""Evaluates two boolean values for equality.
:type value1: bool
:type value2: bool
:rtype: bool
if not all(isinstance(val, bool) for val in (value1, value2)):
msg = f"Both arguments must be bools, not {type(value1)} and {type(value2)}."
raise EndpointResolutionError(msg=msg)
return value1 is value2
def is_ascii(self, value):
"""Evaluates if a string only contains ASCII characters.
:type value: str
:rtype: bool
return True
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return False
def substring(self, value, start, stop, reverse):
"""Computes a substring given the start index and end index. If `reverse` is
True, slice the string from the end instead.
:type value: str
:type start: int
:type end: int
:type reverse: bool
:rtype: str
if not isinstance(value, str):
msg = f"Input must be a string, not {type(value)}."
raise EndpointResolutionError(msg=msg)
if start >= stop or len(value) < stop or not self.is_ascii(value):
return None
if reverse is True:
r_start = len(value) - stop
r_stop = len(value) - start
return value[r_start:r_stop]
return value[start:stop]
def _not(self, value):
"""A function implementation of the logical operator `not`.
:type value: Any
:rtype: bool
return not value
def aws_is_virtual_hostable_s3_bucket(self, value, allow_subdomains):
"""Evaluates whether a value is a valid bucket name for virtual host
style bucket URLs. To pass, the value must meet the following criteria:
1. is_valid_host_label(value) is True
2. length between 3 and 63 characters (inclusive)
3. does not contain uppercase characters
4. is not formatted as an IP address
If allow_subdomains is True, split on `.` and validate
each component separately.
:type value: str
:type allow_subdomains: bool
:rtype: bool
if (
value is None
or len(value) < 3
or value.lower() != value
or IPV4_RE.match(value) is not None
return False
return self.is_valid_host_label(
value, allow_subdomains=allow_subdomains
# maintains backwards compatibility as `Library` was misspelled
# in earlier versions
RuleSetStandardLibary = RuleSetStandardLibrary
class BaseRule:
"""Base interface for individual endpoint rules."""
def __init__(self, conditions, documentation=None):
self.conditions = conditions
self.documentation = documentation
def evaluate(self, scope_vars, rule_lib):
raise NotImplementedError()
def evaluate_conditions(self, scope_vars, rule_lib):
"""Determine if all conditions in a rule are met.
:type scope_vars: dict
:type rule_lib: RuleSetStandardLibrary
:rtype: bool
for func_signature in self.conditions:
result = rule_lib.call_function(func_signature, scope_vars)
if result is False or result is None:
return False
return True
class RuleSetEndpoint(NamedTuple):
"""A resolved endpoint object returned by a rule."""
url: str
properties: dict
headers: dict
class EndpointRule(BaseRule):
def __init__(self, endpoint, **kwargs):
self.endpoint = endpoint
def evaluate(self, scope_vars, rule_lib):
"""Determine if conditions are met to provide a valid endpoint.
:type scope_vars: dict
:rtype: RuleSetEndpoint
if self.evaluate_conditions(scope_vars, rule_lib):
url = rule_lib.resolve_value(self.endpoint["url"], scope_vars)
properties = self.resolve_properties(
self.endpoint.get("properties", {}),
headers = self.resolve_headers(scope_vars, rule_lib)
return RuleSetEndpoint(
url=url, properties=properties, headers=headers
return None
def resolve_properties(self, properties, scope_vars, rule_lib):
"""Traverse `properties` attribute, resolving any template strings.
:type properties: dict/list/str
:type scope_vars: dict
:type rule_lib: RuleSetStandardLibrary
:rtype: dict
if isinstance(properties, list):
return [
self.resolve_properties(prop, scope_vars, rule_lib)
for prop in properties
elif isinstance(properties, dict):
return {
key: self.resolve_properties(value, scope_vars, rule_lib)
for key, value in properties.items()
elif rule_lib.is_template(properties):
return rule_lib.resolve_template_string(properties, scope_vars)
return properties
def resolve_headers(self, scope_vars, rule_lib):
"""Iterate through headers attribute resolving all values.
:type scope_vars: dict
:type rule_lib: RuleSetStandardLibrary
:rtype: dict
resolved_headers = {}
headers = self.endpoint.get("headers", {})
for header, values in headers.items():
resolved_headers[header] = [
rule_lib.resolve_value(item, scope_vars) for item in values
return resolved_headers
class ErrorRule(BaseRule):
def __init__(self, error, **kwargs):
self.error = error
def evaluate(self, scope_vars, rule_lib):
"""If an error rule's conditions are met, raise an error rule.
:type scope_vars: dict
:type rule_lib: RuleSetStandardLibrary
:rtype: EndpointResolutionError
if self.evaluate_conditions(scope_vars, rule_lib):
error = rule_lib.resolve_value(self.error, scope_vars)
raise EndpointResolutionError(msg=error)
return None
class TreeRule(BaseRule):
"""A tree rule is non-terminal meaning it will never be returned to a provider.
Additionally this means it has no attributes that need to be resolved.
def __init__(self, rules, **kwargs):
self.rules = [RuleCreator.create(**rule) for rule in rules]
def evaluate(self, scope_vars, rule_lib):
"""If a tree rule's conditions are met, iterate its sub-rules
and return first result found.
:type scope_vars: dict
:type rule_lib: RuleSetStandardLibrary
:rtype: RuleSetEndpoint/EndpointResolutionError
if self.evaluate_conditions(scope_vars, rule_lib):
for rule in self.rules:
# don't share scope_vars between rules
rule_result = rule.evaluate(scope_vars.copy(), rule_lib)
if rule_result:
return rule_result
return None
class RuleCreator:
endpoint = EndpointRule
error = ErrorRule
tree = TreeRule
def create(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create a rule instance from metadata.
:rtype: TreeRule/EndpointRule/ErrorRule
rule_type = kwargs.pop("type")
rule_class = getattr(cls, rule_type)
except AttributeError:
raise EndpointResolutionError(
msg=f"Unknown rule type: {rule_type}. A rule must "
"be of type tree, endpoint or error."
return rule_class(**kwargs)
class ParameterType(Enum):
"""Translation from `type` attribute to native Python type."""
string = str
boolean = bool
class ParameterDefinition:
"""The spec of an individual parameter defined in a RuleSet."""
def __init__(
): = name
self.parameter_type = getattr(
ParameterType, parameter_type.lower()
except AttributeError:
raise EndpointResolutionError(
msg=f"Unknown parameter type: {parameter_type}. "
"A parameter must be of type string or boolean."
self.documentation = documentation
self.builtin = builtIn
self.default = default
self.required = required
self.deprecated = deprecated
def validate_input(self, value):
"""Perform base validation on parameter input.
:type value: Any
:raises: EndpointParametersError
if not isinstance(value, self.parameter_type):
raise EndpointResolutionError(
msg=f"Value ({}) is the wrong "
f"type. Must be {self.parameter_type}."
if self.deprecated is not None:
depr_str = f"{} has been deprecated."
msg = self.deprecated.get("message")
since = self.deprecated.get("since")
if msg:
depr_str += f"\n{msg}"
if since:
depr_str += f"\nDeprecated since {since}."
return None
def process_input(self, value):
"""Process input against spec, applying default if value is None."""
if value is None:
if self.default is not None:
return self.default
if self.required:
raise EndpointResolutionError(
f"Cannot find value for required parameter {}"
# in all other cases, the parameter will keep the value None
return value
class RuleSet:
"""Collection of rules to derive a routable service endpoint."""
def __init__(
self, version, parameters, rules, partitions, documentation=None
self.version = version
self.parameters = self._ingest_parameter_spec(parameters)
self.rules = [RuleCreator.create(**rule) for rule in rules]
self.rule_lib = RuleSetStandardLibrary(partitions)
self.documentation = documentation
def _ingest_parameter_spec(self, parameters):
return {
name: ParameterDefinition(
for name, spec in parameters.items()
def process_input_parameters(self, input_params):
"""Process each input parameter against its spec.
:type input_params: dict
for name, spec in self.parameters.items():
value = spec.process_input(input_params.get(name))
if value is not None:
input_params[name] = value
return None
def evaluate(self, input_parameters):
"""Evaluate input parameters against rules returning first match.
:type input_parameters: dict
for rule in self.rules:
evaluation = rule.evaluate(input_parameters.copy(), self.rule_lib)
if evaluation is not None:
return evaluation
return None
class EndpointProvider:
"""Derives endpoints from a RuleSet for given input parameters."""
def __init__(self, ruleset_data, partition_data):
self.ruleset = RuleSet(**ruleset_data, partitions=partition_data)
def resolve_endpoint(self, **input_parameters):
"""Match input parameters to a rule.
:type input_parameters: dict
:rtype: RuleSetEndpoint
params_for_error = input_parameters.copy()
endpoint = self.ruleset.evaluate(input_parameters)
if endpoint is None:
param_string = "\n".join(
[f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in params_for_error.items()]
raise EndpointResolutionError(
msg=f"No endpoint found for parameters:\n{param_string}"
return endpoint