
250 lines
9.7 KiB

import contextvars
import datetime
import json
from time import perf_counter
import django.test.testcases
from django.db.backends.utils import CursorWrapper
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from debug_toolbar import settings as dt_settings
from debug_toolbar.utils import get_stack_trace, get_template_info
import psycopg
PostgresJson = psycopg.types.json.Jsonb
STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION = psycopg.pq.TransactionStatus.INTRANS
except ImportError:
from psycopg2._json import Json as PostgresJson
from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
except ImportError:
PostgresJson = None
# Prevents SQL queries from being sent to the DB. It's used
# by the TemplatePanel to prevent the toolbar from issuing
# additional queries.
allow_sql = contextvars.ContextVar("debug-toolbar-allow-sql", default=True)
class SQLQueryTriggered(Exception):
"""Thrown when template panel triggers a query"""
def wrap_cursor(connection):
# If running a Django SimpleTestCase, which isn't allowed to access the database,
# don't perform any monkey patching.
if isinstance(connection.cursor, django.test.testcases._DatabaseFailure):
if not hasattr(connection, "_djdt_cursor"):
connection._djdt_cursor = connection.cursor
connection._djdt_chunked_cursor = connection.chunked_cursor
connection._djdt_logger = None
def cursor(*args, **kwargs):
# Per the DB API cursor() does not accept any arguments. There's
# some code in the wild which does not follow that convention,
# so we pass on the arguments even though it's not clean.
# See:
logger = connection._djdt_logger
cursor = connection._djdt_cursor(*args, **kwargs)
if logger is None:
return cursor
if allow_sql.get():
wrapper = NormalCursorWrapper
wrapper = ExceptionCursorWrapper
return wrapper(cursor.cursor, connection, logger)
def chunked_cursor(*args, **kwargs):
# prevent double wrapping
# solves
logger = connection._djdt_logger
cursor = connection._djdt_chunked_cursor(*args, **kwargs)
if logger is not None and not isinstance(cursor, DjDTCursorWrapper):
if allow_sql.get():
wrapper = NormalCursorWrapper
wrapper = ExceptionCursorWrapper
return wrapper(cursor.cursor, connection, logger)
return cursor
connection.cursor = cursor
connection.chunked_cursor = chunked_cursor
class DjDTCursorWrapper(CursorWrapper):
def __init__(self, cursor, db, logger):
super().__init__(cursor, db)
# logger must implement a ``record`` method
self.logger = logger
class ExceptionCursorWrapper(DjDTCursorWrapper):
Wraps a cursor and raises an exception on any operation.
Used in Templates panel.
def __getattr__(self, attr):
raise SQLQueryTriggered()
class NormalCursorWrapper(DjDTCursorWrapper):
Wraps a cursor and logs queries.
def _quote_expr(self, element):
if isinstance(element, str):
return "'%s'" % element.replace("'", "''")
return repr(element)
def _quote_params(self, params):
if not params:
return params
if isinstance(params, dict):
return {key: self._quote_expr(value) for key, value in params.items()}
if isinstance(params, tuple):
return tuple(self._quote_expr(p) for p in params)
return [self._quote_expr(p) for p in params]
def _decode(self, param):
if PostgresJson and isinstance(param, PostgresJson):
# psycopg3
if hasattr(param, "obj"):
return param.dumps(param.obj)
# psycopg2
if hasattr(param, "adapted"):
return param.dumps(param.adapted)
# If a sequence type, decode each element separately
if isinstance(param, (tuple, list)):
return [self._decode(element) for element in param]
# If a dictionary type, decode each value separately
if isinstance(param, dict):
return {key: self._decode(value) for key, value in param.items()}
# make sure datetime, date and time are converted to string by force_str
CONVERT_TYPES = (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time)
return force_str(param, strings_only=not isinstance(param, CONVERT_TYPES))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return "(encoded string)"
def _last_executed_query(self, sql, params):
"""Get the last executed query from the connection."""
# Django's psycopg3 backend creates a new cursor in its implementation of the
# .last_executed_query() method. To avoid wrapping that cursor, temporarily set
# the DatabaseWrapper's ._djdt_logger attribute to None. This will cause the
# monkey-patched .cursor() and .chunked_cursor() methods to skip the wrapping
# process during the .last_executed_query() call.
self.db._djdt_logger = None
return self.db.ops.last_executed_query(
self.cursor, sql, self._quote_params(params)
self.db._djdt_logger = self.logger
def _record(self, method, sql, params):
alias = self.db.alias
vendor = self.db.vendor
if vendor == "postgresql":
# The underlying DB connection (as opposed to Django's wrapper)
conn = self.db.connection
initial_conn_status =
start_time = perf_counter()
return method(sql, params)
stop_time = perf_counter()
duration = (stop_time - start_time) * 1000
_params = ""
_params = json.dumps(self._decode(params))
except TypeError:
pass # object not JSON serializable
template_info = get_template_info()
# Sql might be an object (such as psycopg Composed).
# For logging purposes, make sure it's str.
if vendor == "postgresql" and not isinstance(sql, str):
sql = sql.as_string(conn)
sql = str(sql)
params = {
"vendor": vendor,
"alias": alias,
"sql": self._last_executed_query(sql, params),
"duration": duration,
"raw_sql": sql,
"params": _params,
"raw_params": params,
"stacktrace": get_stack_trace(skip=2),
"start_time": start_time,
"stop_time": stop_time,
"is_slow": (
duration > dt_settings.get_config()["SQL_WARNING_THRESHOLD"]
"is_select": sql.lower().strip().startswith("select"),
"template_info": template_info,
if vendor == "postgresql":
# If an erroneous query was ran on the connection, it might
# be in a state where checking isolation_level raises an
# exception.
iso_level = conn.isolation_level
except conn.InternalError:
iso_level = "unknown"
# PostgreSQL does not expose any sort of transaction ID, so it is
# necessary to generate synthetic transaction IDs here. If the
# connection was not in a transaction when the query started, and was
# after the query finished, a new transaction definitely started, so get
# a new transaction ID from logger.new_transaction_id(). If the query
# was in a transaction both before and after executing, make the
# assumption that it is the same transaction and get the current
# transaction ID from logger.current_transaction_id(). There is an edge
# case where Django can start a transaction before the first query
# executes, so in that case logger.current_transaction_id() will
# generate a new transaction ID since one does not already exist.
final_conn_status =
if final_conn_status == STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION:
if initial_conn_status == STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION:
trans_id = self.logger.current_transaction_id(alias)
trans_id = self.logger.new_transaction_id(alias)
trans_id = None
"trans_id": trans_id,
"iso_level": iso_level,
# We keep `sql` to maintain backwards compatibility
def callproc(self, procname, params=None):
return self._record(super().callproc, procname, params)
def execute(self, sql, params=None):
return self._record(super().execute, sql, params)
def executemany(self, sql, param_list):
return self._record(super().executemany, sql, param_list)