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# Copyright 2016 MongoDB, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tools for working with `collations`_.
.. _collations:
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Union
from pymongo import common
class CollationStrength:
An enum that defines values for `strength` on a
"""Differentiate base (unadorned) characters."""
"""Differentiate character accents."""
"""Differentiate character case."""
"""Differentiate words with and without punctuation."""
"""Differentiate unicode code point (characters are exactly identical)."""
class CollationAlternate:
An enum that defines values for `alternate` on a
NON_IGNORABLE = "non-ignorable"
"""Spaces and punctuation are treated as base characters."""
SHIFTED = "shifted"
"""Spaces and punctuation are *not* considered base characters.
Spaces and punctuation are distinguished regardless when the
:class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation` strength is at least
class CollationMaxVariable:
An enum that defines values for `max_variable` on a
PUNCT = "punct"
"""Both punctuation and spaces are ignored."""
SPACE = "space"
"""Spaces alone are ignored."""
class CollationCaseFirst:
An enum that defines values for `case_first` on a
UPPER = "upper"
"""Sort uppercase characters first."""
LOWER = "lower"
"""Sort lowercase characters first."""
OFF = "off"
"""Default for locale or collation strength."""
class Collation:
- `locale`: (string) The locale of the collation. This should be a string
that identifies an `ICU locale ID` exactly. For example, ``en_US`` is
valid, but ``en_us`` and ``en-US`` are not. Consult the MongoDB
documentation for a list of supported locales.
- `caseLevel`: (optional) If ``True``, turn on case sensitivity if
`strength` is 1 or 2 (case sensitivity is implied if `strength` is
greater than 2). Defaults to ``False``.
- `caseFirst`: (optional) Specify that either uppercase or lowercase
characters take precedence. Must be one of the following values:
* :data:`~CollationCaseFirst.UPPER`
* :data:`~CollationCaseFirst.LOWER`
* :data:`~CollationCaseFirst.OFF` (the default)
- `strength`: (optional) Specify the comparison strength. This is also
known as the ICU comparison level. This must be one of the following
* :data:`~CollationStrength.PRIMARY`
* :data:`~CollationStrength.SECONDARY`
* :data:`~CollationStrength.TERTIARY` (the default)
* :data:`~CollationStrength.QUATERNARY`
* :data:`~CollationStrength.IDENTICAL`
Each successive level builds upon the previous. For example, a
`strength` of :data:`~CollationStrength.SECONDARY` differentiates
characters based both on the unadorned base character and its accents.
- `numericOrdering`: (optional) If ``True``, order numbers numerically
instead of in collation order (defaults to ``False``).
- `alternate`: (optional) Specify whether spaces and punctuation are
considered base characters. This must be one of the following values:
* :data:`~CollationAlternate.NON_IGNORABLE` (the default)
* :data:`~CollationAlternate.SHIFTED`
- `maxVariable`: (optional) When `alternate` is
:data:`~CollationAlternate.SHIFTED`, this option specifies what
characters may be ignored. This must be one of the following values:
* :data:`~CollationMaxVariable.PUNCT` (the default)
* :data:`~CollationMaxVariable.SPACE`
- `normalization`: (optional) If ``True``, normalizes text into Unicode
NFD. Defaults to ``False``.
- `backwards`: (optional) If ``True``, accents on characters are
considered from the back of the word to the front, as it is done in some
French dictionary ordering traditions. Defaults to ``False``.
- `kwargs`: (optional) Keyword arguments supplying any additional options
to be sent with this Collation object.
.. versionadded: 3.4
__slots__ = ("__document",)
def __init__(
locale: str,
caseLevel: Optional[bool] = None,
caseFirst: Optional[str] = None,
strength: Optional[int] = None,
numericOrdering: Optional[bool] = None,
alternate: Optional[str] = None,
maxVariable: Optional[str] = None,
normalization: Optional[bool] = None,
backwards: Optional[bool] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
locale = common.validate_string("locale", locale)
self.__document: Dict[str, Any] = {"locale": locale}
if caseLevel is not None:
self.__document["caseLevel"] = common.validate_boolean("caseLevel", caseLevel)
if caseFirst is not None:
self.__document["caseFirst"] = common.validate_string("caseFirst", caseFirst)
if strength is not None:
self.__document["strength"] = common.validate_integer("strength", strength)
if numericOrdering is not None:
self.__document["numericOrdering"] = common.validate_boolean(
"numericOrdering", numericOrdering
if alternate is not None:
self.__document["alternate"] = common.validate_string("alternate", alternate)
if maxVariable is not None:
self.__document["maxVariable"] = common.validate_string("maxVariable", maxVariable)
if normalization is not None:
self.__document["normalization"] = common.validate_boolean(
"normalization", normalization
if backwards is not None:
self.__document["backwards"] = common.validate_boolean("backwards", backwards)
def document(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""The document representation of this collation.
.. note::
:class:`Collation` is immutable. Mutating the value of
:attr:`document` does not mutate this :class:`Collation`.
return self.__document.copy()
def __repr__(self):
document = self.document
return "Collation({})".format(", ".join(f"{key}={document[key]!r}" for key in document))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Collation):
return self.document == other.document
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
return not self == other
def validate_collation_or_none(
value: Optional[Union[Mapping[str, Any], Collation]]
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, Collation):
return value.document
if isinstance(value, dict):
return value
raise TypeError("collation must be a dict, an instance of collation.Collation, or None.")