# Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import ddt from keystoneauth1 import exceptions from openstack.tests.unit import base @ddt.ddt class TestPlacementRest(base.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestPlacementRest, self).setUp() self.use_placement() def _register_uris(self, status_code=None): uri = dict( method='GET', uri=self.get_mock_url( 'placement', 'public', append=['allocation_candidates'] ), json={}, ) if status_code is not None: uri['status_code'] = status_code self.register_uris([uri]) def _validate_resp(self, resp, status_code): self.assertEqual(status_code, resp.status_code) self.assertEqual( 'https://placement.example.com/allocation_candidates', resp.url ) self.assert_calls() @ddt.data({}, {'raise_exc': False}, {'raise_exc': True}) def test_discovery(self, get_kwargs): self._register_uris() # Regardless of raise_exc, a <400 response doesn't raise rs = self.cloud.placement.get('/allocation_candidates', **get_kwargs) self._validate_resp(rs, 200) @ddt.data({}, {'raise_exc': False}) def test_discovery_err(self, get_kwargs): self._register_uris(status_code=500) # >=400 doesn't raise by default or with explicit raise_exc=False rs = self.cloud.placement.get('/allocation_candidates', **get_kwargs) self._validate_resp(rs, 500) def test_discovery_exc(self): self._register_uris(status_code=500) # raise_exc=True raises a ksa exception appropriate to the status code ex = self.assertRaises( exceptions.InternalServerError, self.cloud.placement.get, '/allocation_candidates', raise_exc=True, ) self._validate_resp(ex.response, 500) def test_microversion_discovery(self): self.assertEqual( (1, 17), self.cloud.placement.get_endpoint_data().max_microversion ) self.assert_calls() class TestBadPlacementRest(base.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.skipTest('Need to re-add support for broken placement versions') super(TestBadPlacementRest, self).setUp() # The bad-placement.json is for older placement that was # missing the status field from its discovery doc. This # lets us show that we can talk to such a placement. self.use_placement(discovery_fixture='bad-placement.json') def _register_uris(self, status_code=None): uri = dict( method='GET', uri=self.get_mock_url( 'placement', 'public', append=['allocation_candidates'] ), json={}, ) if status_code is not None: uri['status_code'] = status_code self.register_uris([uri]) def _validate_resp(self, resp, status_code): self.assertEqual(status_code, resp.status_code) self.assertEqual( 'https://placement.example.com/allocation_candidates', resp.url ) self.assert_calls() def test_discovery(self): self._register_uris() rs = self.cloud.placement.get('/allocation_candidates') self._validate_resp(rs, 200)