""" Mako Integration ---------------- dogpile.cache includes a `Mako `_ plugin that replaces `Beaker `_ as the cache backend. Setup a Mako template lookup using the "dogpile.cache" cache implementation and a region dictionary:: from dogpile.cache import make_region from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup my_regions = { "local":make_region().configure( "dogpile.cache.dbm", expiration_time=360, arguments={"filename":"file.dbm"} ), "memcached":make_region().configure( "dogpile.cache.pylibmc", expiration_time=3600, arguments={"url":[""]} ) } mako_lookup = TemplateLookup( directories=["/myapp/templates"], cache_impl="dogpile.cache", cache_args={ 'regions':my_regions } ) To use the above configuration in a template, use the ``cached=True`` argument on any Mako tag which accepts it, in conjunction with the name of the desired region as the ``cache_region`` argument:: <%def name="mysection()" cached="True" cache_region="memcached"> some content that's cached """ from mako.cache import CacheImpl class MakoPlugin(CacheImpl): """A Mako ``CacheImpl`` which talks to dogpile.cache.""" def __init__(self, cache): super(MakoPlugin, self).__init__(cache) try: self.regions = self.cache.template.cache_args["regions"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "'cache_regions' argument is required on the " "Mako Lookup or Template object for usage " "with the dogpile.cache plugin." ) def _get_region(self, **kw): try: region = kw["region"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "'cache_region' argument must be specified with 'cache=True'" "within templates for usage with the dogpile.cache plugin." ) try: return self.regions[region] except KeyError: raise KeyError("No such region '%s'" % region) def get_and_replace(self, key, creation_function, **kw): expiration_time = kw.pop("timeout", None) return self._get_region(**kw).get_or_create( key, creation_function, expiration_time=expiration_time ) def get_or_create(self, key, creation_function, **kw): return self.get_and_replace(key, creation_function, **kw) def put(self, key, value, **kw): self._get_region(**kw).put(key, value) def get(self, key, **kw): expiration_time = kw.pop("timeout", None) return self._get_region(**kw).get(key, expiration_time=expiration_time) def invalidate(self, key, **kw): self._get_region(**kw).delete(key)