# Copyright (C) Dnspython Contributors, see LICENSE for text of ISC license import socket import ssl import struct import time import aioquic.quic.configuration # type: ignore import aioquic.quic.connection # type: ignore import aioquic.quic.events # type: ignore import trio import dns.inet from dns._asyncbackend import NullContext from dns.quic._common import ( BaseQuicStream, AsyncQuicConnection, AsyncQuicManager, QUIC_MAX_DATAGRAM, ) class TrioQuicStream(BaseQuicStream): def __init__(self, connection, stream_id): super().__init__(connection, stream_id) self._wake_up = trio.Condition() async def wait_for(self, amount): while True: if self._buffer.have(amount): return self._expecting = amount async with self._wake_up: await self._wake_up.wait() self._expecting = 0 async def receive(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: context = NullContext(None) else: context = trio.move_on_after(timeout) with context: await self.wait_for(2) (size,) = struct.unpack("!H", self._buffer.get(2)) await self.wait_for(size) return self._buffer.get(size) async def send(self, datagram, is_end=False): data = self._encapsulate(datagram) await self._connection.write(self._stream_id, data, is_end) async def _add_input(self, data, is_end): if self._common_add_input(data, is_end): async with self._wake_up: self._wake_up.notify() async def close(self): self._close() # Streams are async context managers async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close() async with self._wake_up: self._wake_up.notify() return False class TrioQuicConnection(AsyncQuicConnection): def __init__(self, connection, address, port, source, source_port, manager=None): super().__init__(connection, address, port, source, source_port, manager) self._socket = trio.socket.socket(self._af, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) if self._source: trio.socket.bind(dns.inet.low_level_address_tuple(self._source, self._af)) self._handshake_complete = trio.Event() self._run_done = trio.Event() self._worker_scope = None async def _worker(self): await self._socket.connect(self._peer) while not self._done: (expiration, interval) = self._get_timer_values(False) with trio.CancelScope( deadline=trio.current_time() + interval ) as self._worker_scope: datagram = await self._socket.recv(QUIC_MAX_DATAGRAM) self._connection.receive_datagram(datagram, self._peer[0], time.time()) self._worker_scope = None self._handle_timer(expiration) datagrams = self._connection.datagrams_to_send(time.time()) for (datagram, _) in datagrams: await self._socket.send(datagram) await self._handle_events() async def _handle_events(self): count = 0 while True: event = self._connection.next_event() if event is None: return if isinstance(event, aioquic.quic.events.StreamDataReceived): stream = self._streams.get(event.stream_id) if stream: await stream._add_input(event.data, event.end_stream) elif isinstance(event, aioquic.quic.events.HandshakeCompleted): self._handshake_complete.set() elif isinstance( event, aioquic.quic.events.ConnectionTerminated ) or isinstance(event, aioquic.quic.events.StreamReset): self._done = True self._socket.close() count += 1 if count > 10: # yield count = 0 await trio.sleep(0) async def write(self, stream, data, is_end=False): self._connection.send_stream_data(stream, data, is_end) if self._worker_scope is not None: self._worker_scope.cancel() async def run(self): if self._closed: return async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(self._worker) self._run_done.set() async def make_stream(self): await self._handshake_complete.wait() stream_id = self._connection.get_next_available_stream_id(False) stream = TrioQuicStream(self, stream_id) self._streams[stream_id] = stream return stream async def close(self): if not self._closed: self._manager.closed(self._peer[0], self._peer[1]) self._closed = True self._connection.close() if self._worker_scope is not None: self._worker_scope.cancel() await self._run_done.wait() class TrioQuicManager(AsyncQuicManager): def __init__(self, nursery, conf=None, verify_mode=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED): super().__init__(conf, verify_mode, TrioQuicConnection) self._nursery = nursery def connect(self, address, port=853, source=None, source_port=0): (connection, start) = self._connect(address, port, source, source_port) if start: self._nursery.start_soon(connection.run) return connection async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # Copy the itertor into a list as exiting things will mutate the connections # table. connections = list(self._connections.values()) for connection in connections: await connection.close() return False