# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ test_zone ---------------------------------- Functional tests for `shade` zone methods. """ from testtools import content from openstack.tests.functional import base class TestZone(base.BaseFunctionalTest): def setUp(self): super(TestZone, self).setUp() if not self.user_cloud.has_service('dns'): self.skipTest('dns service not supported by cloud') def test_zones(self): '''Test DNS zones functionality''' name = 'example.net.' zone_type = 'primary' email = 'test@example.net' description = 'Test zone' ttl = 3600 masters = None self.addDetail('zone', content.text_content(name)) self.addCleanup(self.cleanup, name) # Test we can create a zone and we get it returned zone = self.user_cloud.create_zone( name=name, zone_type=zone_type, email=email, description=description, ttl=ttl, masters=masters, ) self.assertEqual(zone['name'], name) self.assertEqual(zone['type'], zone_type.upper()) self.assertEqual(zone['email'], email) self.assertEqual(zone['description'], description) self.assertEqual(zone['ttl'], ttl) self.assertEqual(zone['masters'], []) # Test that we can list zones zones = self.user_cloud.list_zones() self.assertIsNotNone(zones) # Test we get the same zone with the get_zone method zone_get = self.user_cloud.get_zone(zone['id']) self.assertEqual(zone_get['id'], zone['id']) # Test the get method also works by name zone_get = self.user_cloud.get_zone(name) self.assertEqual(zone_get['name'], zone['name']) # Test we can update a field on the zone and only that field # is updated zone_update = self.user_cloud.update_zone(zone['id'], ttl=7200) self.assertEqual(zone_update['id'], zone['id']) self.assertEqual(zone_update['name'], zone['name']) self.assertEqual(zone_update['type'], zone['type']) self.assertEqual(zone_update['email'], zone['email']) self.assertEqual(zone_update['description'], zone['description']) self.assertEqual(zone_update['ttl'], 7200) self.assertEqual(zone_update['masters'], zone['masters']) # Test we can delete and get True returned zone_delete = self.user_cloud.delete_zone(zone['id']) self.assertTrue(zone_delete) def cleanup(self, name): self.user_cloud.delete_zone(name)