# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import os import tempfile import time import urllib import uuid import fixtures from keystoneauth1 import loading as ks_loading from oslo_config import cfg from requests import structures from requests_mock.contrib import fixture as rm_fixture import openstack.cloud import openstack.config as occ import openstack.connection from openstack.fixture import connection as os_fixture from openstack.tests import base from openstack.tests import fakes _ProjectData = collections.namedtuple( 'ProjectData', 'project_id, project_name, enabled, domain_id, description, ' 'parent_id, json_response, json_request', ) _UserData = collections.namedtuple( 'UserData', 'user_id, password, name, email, description, domain_id, enabled, ' 'json_response, json_request', ) _GroupData = collections.namedtuple( 'GroupData', 'group_id, group_name, domain_id, description, json_response, ' 'json_request', ) _DomainData = collections.namedtuple( 'DomainData', 'domain_id, domain_name, description, json_response, json_request', ) _ServiceData = collections.namedtuple( 'Servicedata', 'service_id, service_name, service_type, description, enabled, ' 'json_response_v3, json_response_v2, json_request', ) _EndpointDataV3 = collections.namedtuple( 'EndpointData', 'endpoint_id, service_id, interface, region_id, url, enabled, ' 'json_response, json_request', ) # NOTE(notmorgan): Shade does not support domain-specific roles # This should eventually be fixed if it becomes a main-stream feature. _RoleData = collections.namedtuple( 'RoleData', 'role_id, role_name, json_response, json_request' ) class TestCase(base.TestCase): strict_cloud = False def setUp(self, cloud_config_fixture='clouds.yaml'): """Run before each test method to initialize test environment.""" super(TestCase, self).setUp() # Sleeps are for real testing, but unit tests shouldn't need them realsleep = time.sleep def _nosleep(seconds): return realsleep(seconds * 0.0001) self.sleep_fixture = self.useFixture( fixtures.MonkeyPatch('time.sleep', _nosleep) ) self.fixtures_directory = 'openstack/tests/unit/fixtures' self.os_fixture = self.useFixture( os_fixture.ConnectionFixture(project_id=fakes.PROJECT_ID) ) # Isolate openstack.config from test environment self.os_cloud_fixture = self.useFixture( fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('OS_CLOUD'), ) config = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) cloud_path = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, 'clouds', cloud_config_fixture, ) with open(cloud_path, 'rb') as f: content = f.read() config.write(content) config.close() vendor = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) vendor.write(b'{}') vendor.close() self.config = occ.OpenStackConfig( config_files=[config.name], vendor_files=[vendor.name], secure_files=['non-existant'], ) self.oslo_config_dict = { # All defaults for nova 'nova': {}, # monasca-api not in the service catalog 'monasca-api': {}, # Overrides for heat 'heat': { 'region_name': 'SpecialRegion', 'interface': 'internal', 'endpoint_override': 'https://example.org:8888/heat/v2', }, # test a service with dashes 'ironic_inspector': { 'endpoint_override': 'https://example.org:5050', }, } # FIXME(notmorgan): Convert the uri_registry, discovery.json, and # use of keystone_v3/v2 to a proper fixtures.Fixture. For now this # is acceptable, but eventually this should become it's own fixture # that encapsulates the registry, registering the URIs, and # assert_calls (and calling assert_calls every test case that uses # it on cleanup). Subclassing here could be 100% eliminated in the # future allowing any class to simply # self.useFixture(openstack.cloud.RequestsMockFixture) and get all # the benefits. # NOTE(notmorgan): use an ordered dict here to ensure we preserve the # order in which items are added to the uri_registry. This makes # the behavior more consistent when dealing with ensuring the # requests_mock uri/query_string matchers are ordered and parse the # request in the correct orders. self._uri_registry = collections.OrderedDict() self.discovery_json = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, 'discovery.json' ) self.use_keystone_v3() self.__register_uris_called = False def _load_ks_cfg_opts(self): conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() for group, opts in self.oslo_config_dict.items(): conf.register_group(cfg.OptGroup(group)) if opts is not None: ks_loading.register_adapter_conf_options(conf, group) for name, val in opts.items(): conf.set_override(name, val, group=group) return conf # TODO(shade) Update this to handle service type aliases def get_mock_url( self, service_type, interface='public', resource=None, append=None, base_url_append=None, qs_elements=None, ): endpoint_url = self.cloud.endpoint_for( service_type=service_type, interface=interface ) # Strip trailing slashes, so as not to produce double-slashes below if endpoint_url.endswith('/'): endpoint_url = endpoint_url[:-1] to_join = [endpoint_url] qs = '' if base_url_append: to_join.append(base_url_append) if resource: to_join.append(resource) if append: to_join.extend([urllib.parse.quote(i) for i in append]) if qs_elements is not None: qs = '?%s' % '&'.join(qs_elements) return '%(uri)s%(qs)s' % {'uri': '/'.join(to_join), 'qs': qs} def mock_for_keystone_projects( self, project=None, v3=True, list_get=False, id_get=False, project_list=None, project_count=None, ): if project: assert not (project_list or project_count) elif project_list: assert not (project or project_count) elif project_count: assert not (project or project_list) else: raise Exception( 'Must specify a project, project_list, or project_count' ) assert list_get or id_get base_url_append = 'v3' if v3 else None if project: project_list = [project] elif project_count: # Generate multiple projects project_list = [ self._get_project_data(v3=v3) for c in range(0, project_count) ] uri_mock_list = [] if list_get: uri_mock_list.append( dict( method='GET', uri=self.get_mock_url( service_type='identity', interface='admin', resource='projects', base_url_append=base_url_append, ), status_code=200, json={ 'projects': [ p.json_response['project'] for p in project_list ] }, ) ) if id_get: for p in project_list: uri_mock_list.append( dict( method='GET', uri=self.get_mock_url( service_type='identity', interface='admin', resource='projects', append=[p.project_id], base_url_append=base_url_append, ), status_code=200, json=p.json_response, ) ) self.__do_register_uris(uri_mock_list) return project_list def _get_project_data( self, project_name=None, enabled=None, domain_id=None, description=None, v3=True, project_id=None, parent_id=None, ): project_name = project_name or self.getUniqueString('projectName') project_id = uuid.UUID(project_id or uuid.uuid4().hex).hex if parent_id: parent_id = uuid.UUID(parent_id).hex response = {'id': project_id, 'name': project_name} request = {'name': project_name} domain_id = (domain_id or uuid.uuid4().hex) if v3 else None if domain_id: request['domain_id'] = domain_id response['domain_id'] = domain_id if enabled is not None: enabled = bool(enabled) response['enabled'] = enabled request['enabled'] = enabled if parent_id: request['parent_id'] = parent_id response['parent_id'] = parent_id response.setdefault('enabled', True) request.setdefault('enabled', True) if description: response['description'] = description request['description'] = description request.setdefault('description', None) return _ProjectData( project_id, project_name, enabled, domain_id, description, parent_id, {'project': response}, {'project': request}, ) def _get_group_data(self, name=None, domain_id=None, description=None): group_id = uuid.uuid4().hex name = name or self.getUniqueString('groupname') domain_id = uuid.UUID(domain_id or uuid.uuid4().hex).hex response = {'id': group_id, 'name': name, 'domain_id': domain_id} request = {'name': name, 'domain_id': domain_id} if description is not None: response['description'] = description request['description'] = description return _GroupData( group_id, name, domain_id, description, {'group': response}, {'group': request}, ) def _get_user_data(self, name=None, password=None, **kwargs): name = name or self.getUniqueString('username') password = password or self.getUniqueString('user_password') user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex response = {'name': name, 'id': user_id} request = {'name': name, 'password': password} if kwargs.get('domain_id'): kwargs['domain_id'] = uuid.UUID(kwargs['domain_id']).hex response['domain_id'] = kwargs.pop('domain_id') request['domain_id'] = response['domain_id'] response['email'] = kwargs.pop('email', None) request['email'] = response['email'] response['enabled'] = kwargs.pop('enabled', True) request['enabled'] = response['enabled'] response['description'] = kwargs.pop('description', None) if response['description']: request['description'] = response['description'] self.assertIs( 0, len(kwargs), message='extra key-word args received on _get_user_data', ) return _UserData( user_id, password, name, response['email'], response['description'], response.get('domain_id'), response.get('enabled'), {'user': response}, {'user': request}, ) def _get_domain_data( self, domain_name=None, description=None, enabled=None ): domain_id = uuid.uuid4().hex domain_name = domain_name or self.getUniqueString('domainName') response = {'id': domain_id, 'name': domain_name} request = {'name': domain_name} if enabled is not None: request['enabled'] = bool(enabled) response['enabled'] = bool(enabled) if description: response['description'] = description request['description'] = description response.setdefault('enabled', True) return _DomainData( domain_id, domain_name, description, {'domain': response}, {'domain': request}, ) def _get_service_data( self, type=None, name=None, description=None, enabled=True ): service_id = uuid.uuid4().hex name = name or uuid.uuid4().hex type = type or uuid.uuid4().hex response = { 'id': service_id, 'name': name, 'type': type, 'enabled': enabled, } if description is not None: response['description'] = description request = response.copy() request.pop('id') return _ServiceData( service_id, name, type, description, enabled, {'service': response}, {'OS-KSADM:service': response}, request, ) def _get_endpoint_v3_data( self, service_id=None, region=None, url=None, interface=None, enabled=True, ): endpoint_id = uuid.uuid4().hex service_id = service_id or uuid.uuid4().hex region = region or uuid.uuid4().hex url = url or 'https://example.com/' interface = interface or uuid.uuid4().hex response = { 'id': endpoint_id, 'service_id': service_id, 'region_id': region, 'interface': interface, 'url': url, 'enabled': enabled, } request = response.copy() request.pop('id') return _EndpointDataV3( endpoint_id, service_id, interface, region, url, enabled, {'endpoint': response}, {'endpoint': request}, ) def _get_role_data(self, role_name=None): role_id = uuid.uuid4().hex role_name = role_name or uuid.uuid4().hex request = {'name': role_name} response = request.copy() response['id'] = role_id return _RoleData( role_id, role_name, {'role': response}, {'role': request} ) def use_broken_keystone(self): self.adapter = self.useFixture(rm_fixture.Fixture()) self.calls = [] self._uri_registry.clear() self.__do_register_uris( [ dict( method='GET', uri='https://identity.example.com/', text=open(self.discovery_json, 'r').read(), ), dict( method='POST', uri='https://identity.example.com/v3/auth/tokens', status_code=400, ), ] ) self._make_test_cloud(identity_api_version='3') def use_nothing(self): self.calls = [] self._uri_registry.clear() def get_keystone_v3_token( self, project_name='admin', ): return dict( method='POST', uri='https://identity.example.com/v3/auth/tokens', headers={'X-Subject-Token': self.getUniqueString('KeystoneToken')}, json=self.os_fixture.v3_token, validate=dict( json={ 'auth': { 'identity': { 'methods': ['password'], 'password': { 'user': { 'domain': { 'name': 'default', }, 'name': 'admin', 'password': 'password', } }, }, 'scope': { 'project': { 'domain': {'name': 'default'}, 'name': project_name, } }, } } ), ) def get_keystone_discovery(self): with open(self.discovery_json, 'r') as discovery_file: return dict( method='GET', uri='https://identity.example.com/', text=discovery_file.read(), ) def use_keystone_v3(self): self.adapter = self.useFixture(rm_fixture.Fixture()) self.calls = [] self._uri_registry.clear() self.__do_register_uris( [ self.get_keystone_discovery(), self.get_keystone_v3_token(), ] ) self._make_test_cloud(identity_api_version='3') def use_keystone_v2(self): self.adapter = self.useFixture(rm_fixture.Fixture()) self.calls = [] self._uri_registry.clear() self.__do_register_uris( [ self.get_keystone_discovery(), dict( method='POST', uri='https://identity.example.com/v2.0/tokens', json=self.os_fixture.v2_token, ), ] ) self._make_test_cloud( cloud_name='_test_cloud_v2_', identity_api_version='2.0' ) def _make_test_cloud(self, cloud_name='_test_cloud_', **kwargs): test_cloud = os.environ.get('OPENSTACKSDK_OS_CLOUD', cloud_name) self.cloud_config = self.config.get_one( cloud=test_cloud, validate=True, **kwargs ) self.cloud = openstack.connection.Connection( config=self.cloud_config, strict=self.strict_cloud ) def get_cinder_discovery_mock_dict( self, block_storage_version_json='block-storage-version.json', block_storage_discovery_url='https://block-storage.example.com/', ): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, block_storage_version_json ) return dict( method='GET', uri=block_storage_discovery_url, text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def get_glance_discovery_mock_dict( self, image_version_json='image-version.json', image_discovery_url='https://image.example.com/', ): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, image_version_json ) return dict( method='GET', uri=image_discovery_url, status_code=300, text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def get_nova_discovery_mock_dict( self, compute_version_json='compute-version.json', compute_discovery_url='https://compute.example.com/v2.1/', ): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, compute_version_json ) return dict( method='GET', uri=compute_discovery_url, text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def get_placement_discovery_mock_dict( self, discovery_fixture='placement.json' ): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, discovery_fixture ) return dict( method='GET', uri="https://placement.example.com/", text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def get_designate_discovery_mock_dict(self): discovery_fixture = os.path.join(self.fixtures_directory, "dns.json") return dict( method='GET', uri="https://dns.example.com/", text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def get_ironic_discovery_mock_dict(self): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, "baremetal.json" ) return dict( method='GET', uri="https://baremetal.example.com/", text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def get_senlin_discovery_mock_dict(self): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, "clustering.json" ) return dict( method='GET', uri="https://clustering.example.com/", text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def use_compute_discovery( self, compute_version_json='compute-version.json', compute_discovery_url='https://compute.example.com/v2.1/', ): self.__do_register_uris( [ self.get_nova_discovery_mock_dict( compute_version_json, compute_discovery_url ), ] ) def get_cyborg_discovery_mock_dict(self): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, "accelerator.json" ) return dict( method='GET', uri="https://accelerator.example.com/", text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def get_manila_discovery_mock_dict(self): discovery_fixture = os.path.join( self.fixtures_directory, "shared-file-system.json" ) return dict( method='GET', uri="https://shared-file-system.example.com/", text=open(discovery_fixture, 'r').read(), ) def use_glance( self, image_version_json='image-version.json', image_discovery_url='https://image.example.com/', ): # NOTE(notmorgan): This method is only meant to be used in "setUp" # where the ordering of the url being registered is tightly controlled # if the functionality of .use_glance is meant to be used during an # actual test case, use .get_glance_discovery_mock and apply to the # right location in the mock_uris when calling .register_uris self.__do_register_uris( [ self.get_glance_discovery_mock_dict( image_version_json, image_discovery_url ) ] ) def use_cinder(self): self.__do_register_uris([self.get_cinder_discovery_mock_dict()]) def use_placement(self, **kwargs): self.__do_register_uris( [self.get_placement_discovery_mock_dict(**kwargs)] ) def use_designate(self): # NOTE(slaweq): This method is only meant to be used in "setUp" # where the ordering of the url being registered is tightly controlled # if the functionality of .use_designate is meant to be used during an # actual test case, use .get_designate_discovery_mock and apply to the # right location in the mock_uris when calling .register_uris self.__do_register_uris([self.get_designate_discovery_mock_dict()]) def use_ironic(self): # NOTE(TheJulia): This method is only meant to be used in "setUp" # where the ordering of the url being registered is tightly controlled # if the functionality of .use_ironic is meant to be used during an # actual test case, use .get_ironic_discovery_mock and apply to the # right location in the mock_uris when calling .register_uris self.__do_register_uris([self.get_ironic_discovery_mock_dict()]) def use_senlin(self): # NOTE(elachance): This method is only meant to be used in "setUp" # where the ordering of the url being registered is tightly controlled # if the functionality of .use_senlin is meant to be used during an # actual test case, use .get_senlin_discovery_mock and apply to the # right location in the mock_uris when calling .register_uris self.__do_register_uris([self.get_senlin_discovery_mock_dict()]) def use_cyborg(self): # NOTE(s_shogo): This method is only meant to be used in "setUp" # where the ordering of the url being registered is tightly controlled # if the functionality of .use_cyborg is meant to be used during an # actual test case, use .get_cyborg_discovery_mock and apply to the # right location in the mock_uris when calling .register_uris self.__do_register_uris([self.get_cyborg_discovery_mock_dict()]) def use_manila(self): # NOTE(gouthamr): This method is only meant to be used in "setUp" # where the ordering of the url being registered is tightly controlled # if the functionality of .use_manila is meant to be used during an # actual test case, use .get_manila_discovery_mock and apply to the # right location in the mock_uris when calling .register_uris self.__do_register_uris([self.get_manila_discovery_mock_dict()]) def register_uris(self, uri_mock_list=None): """Mock a list of URIs and responses via requests mock. This method may be called only once per test-case to avoid odd and difficult to debug interactions. Discovery and Auth request mocking happens separately from this method. :param uri_mock_list: List of dictionaries that template out what is passed to requests_mock fixture's `register_uri`. Format is: {'method': , 'uri': , ... } Common keys to pass in the dictionary: * json: the json response (dict) * status_code: the HTTP status (int) * validate: The request body (dict) to validate with assert_calls all key-word arguments that are valid to send to requests_mock are supported. This list should be in the order in which calls are made. When `assert_calls` is executed, order here will be validated. Duplicate URIs and Methods are allowed and will be collapsed into a single matcher. Each response will be returned in order as the URI+Method is hit. :type uri_mock_list: list :return: None """ assert not self.__register_uris_called self.__do_register_uris(uri_mock_list or []) self.__register_uris_called = True def __do_register_uris(self, uri_mock_list=None): for to_mock in uri_mock_list: kw_params = { k: to_mock.pop(k) for k in ('request_headers', 'complete_qs', '_real_http') if k in to_mock } method = to_mock.pop('method') uri = to_mock.pop('uri') # NOTE(notmorgan): make sure the delimiter is non-url-safe, in this # case "|" is used so that the split can be a bit easier on # maintainers of this code. key = '{method}|{uri}|{params}'.format( method=method, uri=uri, params=kw_params ) validate = to_mock.pop('validate', {}) valid_keys = set(['json', 'headers', 'params', 'data']) invalid_keys = set(validate.keys()) - valid_keys if invalid_keys: raise TypeError( "Invalid values passed to validate: {keys}".format( keys=invalid_keys ) ) headers = structures.CaseInsensitiveDict( to_mock.pop('headers', {}) ) if 'content-type' not in headers: headers[u'content-type'] = 'application/json' if 'exc' not in to_mock: to_mock['headers'] = headers self.calls += [dict(method=method, url=uri, **validate)] self._uri_registry.setdefault( key, {'response_list': [], 'kw_params': kw_params} ) if self._uri_registry[key]['kw_params'] != kw_params: raise AssertionError( 'PROGRAMMING ERROR: key-word-params ' 'should be part of the uri_key and cannot change, ' 'it will affect the matcher in requests_mock. ' '%(old)r != %(new)r' % { 'old': self._uri_registry[key]['kw_params'], 'new': kw_params, } ) self._uri_registry[key]['response_list'].append(to_mock) for mocked, params in self._uri_registry.items(): mock_method, mock_uri, _ignored = mocked.split('|', 2) self.adapter.register_uri( mock_method, mock_uri, params['response_list'], **params['kw_params'] ) def assert_no_calls(self): # TODO(mordred) For now, creating the adapter for self.conn is # triggering catalog lookups. Make sure no_calls is only 2. # When we can make that on-demand through a descriptor object, # drop this to 0. self.assertEqual(2, len(self.adapter.request_history)) def assert_calls(self, stop_after=None, do_count=True): for x, (call, history) in enumerate( zip(self.calls, self.adapter.request_history) ): if stop_after and x > stop_after: break call_uri_parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(call['url']) history_uri_parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(history.url) self.assertEqual( ( call['method'], call_uri_parts.scheme, call_uri_parts.netloc, call_uri_parts.path, call_uri_parts.params, urllib.parse.parse_qs(call_uri_parts.query), ), ( history.method, history_uri_parts.scheme, history_uri_parts.netloc, history_uri_parts.path, history_uri_parts.params, urllib.parse.parse_qs(history_uri_parts.query), ), ( 'REST mismatch on call %(index)d. Expected %(call)r. ' 'Got %(history)r). ' 'NOTE: query string order differences wont cause mismatch' % { 'index': x, 'call': '{method} {url}'.format( method=call['method'], url=call['url'] ), 'history': '{method} {url}'.format( method=history.method, url=history.url ), } ), ) if 'json' in call: self.assertEqual( call['json'], history.json(), 'json content mismatch in call {index}'.format(index=x), ) # headers in a call isn't exhaustive - it's checking to make sure # a specific header or headers are there, not that they are the # only headers if 'headers' in call: for key, value in call['headers'].items(): self.assertEqual( value, history.headers[key], 'header mismatch in call {index}'.format(index=x), ) if do_count: self.assertEqual( len(self.calls), len(self.adapter.request_history), "Expected:\n{}'\nGot:\n{}".format( '\n'.join([c['url'] for c in self.calls]), '\n'.join([h.url for h in self.adapter.request_history]), ), ) def assertResourceEqual(self, actual, expected, resource_type): """Helper for the assertEqual which compares Resource object against dictionary representing expected state. :param Resource actual: actual object. :param dict expected: dictionary representing expected object. :param class resource_type: class type to be applied for the expected resource. """ return self.assertEqual( resource_type(**expected).to_dict(computed=False), actual.to_dict(computed=False), ) def assertResourceListEqual(self, actual, expected, resource_type): """Helper for the assertEqual which compares Resource lists object against dictionary representing expected state. :param list actual: List of actual objects. :param listexpected: List of dictionaries representing expected objects. :param class resource_type: class type to be applied for the expected resource. """ self.assertEqual( [resource_type(**f).to_dict(computed=False) for f in expected], [f.to_dict(computed=False) for f in actual], ) class IronicTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): super(IronicTestCase, self).setUp() self.use_ironic() self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.name = self.getUniqueString('name') def get_mock_url(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('service_type', 'baremetal') kwargs.setdefault('interface', 'public') kwargs.setdefault('base_url_append', 'v1') return super(IronicTestCase, self).get_mock_url(**kwargs)