# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import random import string from tempest.lib import decorators from novaclient.tests.functional import base from novaclient.tests.functional.v2.legacy import test_servers from novaclient.v2 import shell class TestServersBootNovaClient(test_servers.TestServersBootNovaClient): """Servers boot functional tests.""" COMPUTE_API_VERSION = "2.latest" class TestServersListNovaClient(test_servers.TestServersListNovaClient): """Servers list functional tests.""" COMPUTE_API_VERSION = "2.latest" class TestServerLockV29(base.ClientTestBase): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = "2.9" def _show_server_and_check_lock_attr(self, server, value): output = self.nova("show %s" % server.id) self.assertEqual(str(value), self._get_value_from_the_table(output, "locked")) def test_attribute_presented(self): # prepare server = self._create_server() # testing self._show_server_and_check_lock_attr(server, False) self.nova("lock %s" % server.id) self._show_server_and_check_lock_attr(server, True) self.nova("unlock %s" % server.id) self._show_server_and_check_lock_attr(server, False) class TestServersDescription(base.ClientTestBase): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = "2.19" def _boot_server_with_description(self): descr = "Some words about this test VM." server = self._create_server(description=descr) self.assertEqual(descr, server.description) return server, descr def test_create(self): # Add a description to the tests that create a server server, descr = self._boot_server_with_description() output = self.nova("show %s" % server.id) self.assertEqual(descr, self._get_value_from_the_table(output, "description")) def test_list_servers_with_description(self): # Check that the description is returned as part of server details # for a server list server, descr = self._boot_server_with_description() output = self.nova("list --fields description") self.assertEqual(server.id, self._get_column_value_from_single_row_table( output, "ID")) self.assertEqual(descr, self._get_column_value_from_single_row_table( output, "Description")) @decorators.skip_because(bug="1694371") def test_rebuild(self): # Add a description to the tests that rebuild a server server, descr = self._boot_server_with_description() descr = "New description for rebuilt VM." self.nova("rebuild --description '%s' %s %s" % (descr, server.id, self.image.name)) shell._poll_for_status( self.client.servers.get, server.id, 'rebuild', ['active']) output = self.nova("show %s" % server.id) self.assertEqual(descr, self._get_value_from_the_table(output, "description")) def test_remove_description(self): # Remove description from server booted with it server, descr = self._boot_server_with_description() self.nova("update %s --description ''" % server.id) output = self.nova("show %s" % server.id) self.assertEqual("-", self._get_value_from_the_table(output, "description")) def test_add_remove_description_on_existing_server(self): # Set and remove the description on an existing server server = self._create_server() descr = "Add a description for previously-booted VM." self.nova("update %s --description '%s'" % (server.id, descr)) output = self.nova("show %s" % server.id) self.assertEqual(descr, self._get_value_from_the_table(output, "description")) self.nova("update %s --description ''" % server.id) output = self.nova("show %s" % server.id) self.assertEqual("-", self._get_value_from_the_table(output, "description")) def test_update_with_description_longer_than_255_symbols(self): # Negative case for description longer than 255 characters server = self._create_server() descr = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(256)) output = self.nova("update %s --description '%s'" % (server.id, descr), fail_ok=True, merge_stderr=True) self.assertIn("ERROR (BadRequest): Invalid input for field/attribute" " description. Value: %s. '%s' is too long (HTTP 400)" % (descr, descr), output) class TestServersTagsV226(base.ClientTestBase): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = "2.26" def _boot_server_with_tags(self, tags=["t1", "t2"]): uuid = self._create_server().id self.client.servers.set_tags(uuid, tags) return uuid def test_show(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() output = self.nova("show %s" % uuid) self.assertEqual('["t1", "t2"]', self._get_value_from_the_table( output, "tags")) def test_unicode_tag_correctly_displayed(self): """Regression test for bug #1669683. List and dict fields with unicode cannot be correctly displayed. Ensure that once we fix this it doesn't regress. """ # create an instance with chinese tag uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags(tags=["中文标签"]) output = self.nova("show %s" % uuid) self.assertEqual('["中文标签"]', self._get_value_from_the_table( output, "tags")) def test_list(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() output = self.nova("server-tag-list %s" % uuid) tags = self._get_list_of_values_from_single_column_table( output, "Tag") self.assertEqual(["t1", "t2"], tags) def test_add(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() self.nova("server-tag-add %s t3" % uuid) self.assertEqual(["t1", "t2", "t3"], self.client.servers.tag_list(uuid)) def test_add_many(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() self.nova("server-tag-add %s t3 t4" % uuid) self.assertEqual(["t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"], self.client.servers.tag_list(uuid)) def test_set(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() self.nova("server-tag-set %s t3 t4" % uuid) self.assertEqual(["t3", "t4"], self.client.servers.tag_list(uuid)) def test_delete(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() self.nova("server-tag-delete %s t2" % uuid) self.assertEqual(["t1"], self.client.servers.tag_list(uuid)) def test_delete_many(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() self.nova("server-tag-delete %s t1 t2" % uuid) self.assertEqual([], self.client.servers.tag_list(uuid)) def test_delete_all(self): uuid = self._boot_server_with_tags() self.nova("server-tag-delete-all %s" % uuid) self.assertEqual([], self.client.servers.tag_list(uuid)) class TestServersAutoAllocateNetworkCLI(base.ClientTestBase): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = '2.37' def _find_network_in_table(self, table): # Example: # +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ # | Property | Value | # +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ # | private network | | # +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ for line in table.split('\n'): if '|' in line: l_property, l_value = line.split('|')[1:3] if ' network' in l_property.strip(): return ' '.join(l_property.strip().split()[:-1]) def test_boot_server_with_auto_network(self): """Tests that the CLI defaults to 'auto' when --nic isn't specified. """ # check to see if multiple networks are available because if so we # have to skip this test as auto will fail with a 409 conflict as it's # an ambiguous request and nova won't know which network to pick if self.multiple_networks: # we could potentially get around this by extending TenantTestBase self.skipTest('multiple networks available') server_info = self.nova('boot', params=( '%(name)s --flavor %(flavor)s --poll ' '--image %(image)s ' % {'name': self.name_generate(), 'flavor': self.flavor.id, 'image': self.image.id})) server_id = self._get_value_from_the_table(server_info, 'id') self.addCleanup(self.wait_for_resource_delete, server_id, self.client.servers) self.addCleanup(self.client.servers.delete, server_id) # get the server details to verify there is a network, we don't care # what the network name is, we just want to see an entry show up server_info = self.nova('show', params=server_id) network = self._find_network_in_table(server_info) self.assertIsNotNone( network, 'Auto-allocated network not found: %s' % server_info) def test_boot_server_with_no_network(self): """Tests that '--nic none' is honored. """ server_info = self.nova('boot', params=( '%(name)s --flavor %(flavor)s --poll ' '--image %(image)s --nic none' % {'name': self.name_generate(), 'flavor': self.flavor.id, 'image': self.image.id})) server_id = self._get_value_from_the_table(server_info, 'id') self.addCleanup(self.wait_for_resource_delete, server_id, self.client.servers) self.addCleanup(self.client.servers.delete, server_id) # get the server details to verify there is not a network server_info = self.nova('show', params=server_id) network = self._find_network_in_table(server_info) self.assertIsNone( network, 'Unexpected network allocation: %s' % server_info) class TestServersDetailsFlavorInfo(base.ClientTestBase): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = '2.47' def _validate_flavor_details(self, flavor_details, server_details): # This is a mapping between the keys used in the flavor GET response # and the keys used for the flavor information embedded in the server # details. flavor_key_mapping = { "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": "flavor:ephemeral", "disk": "flavor:disk", "extra_specs": "flavor:extra_specs", "name": "flavor:original_name", "ram": "flavor:ram", "swap": "flavor:swap", "vcpus": "flavor:vcpus", } for key in flavor_key_mapping: flavor_val = self._get_value_from_the_table( flavor_details, key) server_flavor_val = self._get_value_from_the_table( server_details, flavor_key_mapping[key]) if key == "swap" and flavor_val == "": # "flavor-show" displays zero swap as empty string. flavor_val = '0' self.assertEqual(flavor_val, server_flavor_val) def _setup_extra_specs(self, flavor_id): extra_spec_key = "dummykey" self.nova('flavor-key', params=('%(flavor)s set %(key)s=dummyval' % {'flavor': flavor_id, 'key': extra_spec_key})) unset_params = ('%(flavor)s unset %(key)s' % {'flavor': flavor_id, 'key': extra_spec_key}) self.addCleanup(self.nova, 'flavor-key', params=unset_params) def test_show(self): self._setup_extra_specs(self.flavor.id) uuid = self._create_server().id server_output = self.nova("show %s" % uuid) flavor_output = self.nova("flavor-show %s" % self.flavor.id) self._validate_flavor_details(flavor_output, server_output) def test_show_minimal(self): uuid = self._create_server().id server_output = self.nova("show --minimal %s" % uuid) server_output_flavor = self._get_value_from_the_table( server_output, 'flavor') self.assertEqual(self.flavor.name, server_output_flavor) def test_list(self): self._setup_extra_specs(self.flavor.id) self._create_server() server_output = self.nova("list --fields flavor:disk") # namespaced fields get reformatted slightly as column names server_flavor_val = self._get_column_value_from_single_row_table( server_output, 'flavor: Disk') flavor_output = self.nova("flavor-show %s" % self.flavor.id) flavor_val = self._get_value_from_the_table(flavor_output, 'disk') self.assertEqual(flavor_val, server_flavor_val) class TestInterfaceAttach(base.ClientTestBase): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = '2.latest' def test_interface_attach(self): server = self._create_server() output = self.nova("interface-attach --net-id %s %s" % (self.network.id, server.id)) for key in ('ip_address', 'mac_addr', 'port_id', 'port_state'): self._get_value_from_the_table(output, key) self.assertEqual( self.network.id, self._get_value_from_the_table(output, 'net_id')) class TestServeRebuildV274(base.ClientTestBase): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = '2.74' REBUILD_FIELDS = ["OS-DCF:diskConfig", "accessIPv4", "accessIPv6", "adminPass", "created", "description", "flavor", "hostId", "id", "image", "key_name", "locked", "locked_reason", "metadata", "name", "progress", "server_groups", "status", "tags", "tenant_id", "trusted_image_certificates", "updated", "user_data", "user_id"] def test_rebuild(self): server = self._create_server() output = self.nova("rebuild %s %s" % (server.id, self.image.name)) for field in self.REBUILD_FIELDS: self.assertIn(field, output) class TestServeRebuildV275(TestServeRebuildV274): COMPUTE_API_VERSION = '2.75' REBUILD_FIELDS_V275 = ['OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone', 'config_drive', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:kernel_id', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:launch_index', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:ramdisk_id', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:reservation_id', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:root_device_name', 'host_status', 'OS-SRV-USG:launched_at', 'OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at', 'OS-EXT-STS:task_state', 'OS-EXT-STS:vm_state', 'OS-EXT-STS:power_state', 'security_groups', 'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached'] REBUILD_FIELDS = TestServeRebuildV274.REBUILD_FIELDS + REBUILD_FIELDS_V275