# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import uuid from oslo_utils import timeutils from keystoneclient import exceptions from keystoneclient.tests.unit.v3 import utils from keystoneclient.v3.contrib import trusts class TrustTests(utils.ClientTestCase, utils.CrudTests): def setUp(self): super(TrustTests, self).setUp() self.key = 'trust' self.collection_key = 'trusts' self.model = trusts.Trust self.manager = self.client.trusts self.path_prefix = 'OS-TRUST' def new_ref(self, **kwargs): kwargs = super(TrustTests, self).new_ref(**kwargs) kwargs.setdefault('project_id', uuid.uuid4().hex) return kwargs def test_create(self): ref = self.new_ref() ref['trustor_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['trustee_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['impersonation'] = False super(TrustTests, self).test_create(ref=ref) def test_create_limited_uses(self): ref = self.new_ref() ref['trustor_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['trustee_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['impersonation'] = False ref['remaining_uses'] = 5 super(TrustTests, self).test_create(ref=ref) def test_create_roles(self): ref = self.new_ref() ref['trustor_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['trustee_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['impersonation'] = False req_ref = ref.copy() req_ref.pop('id') # Note the TrustManager takes a list of role_names, and converts # internally to the slightly odd list-of-dict API format, so we # have to pass the expected request data to allow correct stubbing ref['role_names'] = ['atestrole'] req_ref['roles'] = [{'name': 'atestrole'}] super(TrustTests, self).test_create(ref=ref, req_ref=req_ref) def test_create_role_id_and_names(self): ref = self.new_ref() ref['trustor_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['trustee_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['impersonation'] = False req_ref = ref.copy() req_ref.pop('id') # Note the TrustManager takes a list of role_names, and converts # internally to the slightly odd list-of-dict API format, so we # have to pass the expected request data to allow correct stubbing ref['role_names'] = ['atestrole'] ref['role_ids'] = [uuid.uuid4().hex] req_ref['roles'] = [{'name': 'atestrole'}, {'id': ref['role_ids'][0]}] super(TrustTests, self).test_create(ref=ref, req_ref=req_ref) def test_create_expires(self): ref = self.new_ref() ref['trustor_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['trustee_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['impersonation'] = False ref['expires_at'] = timeutils.parse_isotime( '2013-03-04T12:00:01.000000Z') req_ref = ref.copy() req_ref.pop('id') # Note the TrustManager takes a datetime.datetime object for # expires_at, and converts it internally into an iso format datestamp req_ref['expires_at'] = '2013-03-04T12:00:01.000000Z' super(TrustTests, self).test_create(ref=ref, req_ref=req_ref) def test_create_imp(self): ref = self.new_ref() ref['trustor_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['trustee_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['impersonation'] = True super(TrustTests, self).test_create(ref=ref) def test_create_roles_imp(self): ref = self.new_ref() ref['trustor_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['trustee_user_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex ref['impersonation'] = True req_ref = ref.copy() req_ref.pop('id') ref['role_names'] = ['atestrole'] req_ref['roles'] = [{'name': 'atestrole'}] super(TrustTests, self).test_create(ref=ref, req_ref=req_ref) def test_list_filter_trustor(self): expected_query = {'trustor_user_id': '12345'} super(TrustTests, self).test_list(expected_query=expected_query, trustor_user='12345') def test_list_filter_trustee(self): expected_query = {'trustee_user_id': '12345'} super(TrustTests, self).test_list(expected_query=expected_query, trustee_user='12345') def test_update(self): # Update not supported for the OS-TRUST API self.assertRaises(exceptions.MethodNotImplemented, self.manager.update)