====================================== python-glanceclient functional testing ====================================== Idea ---- Run real client/server requests in the gate to catch issues which are difficult to catch with a purely unit test approach. Many projects (nova, keystone...) already have this form of testing in the gate. Testing Theory -------------- Since python-glanceclient has two uses, CLI and python API, we should have two sets of functional tests. CLI and python API. The python API tests should never use the CLI. But the CLI tests can use the python API where adding native support to the CLI for the required functionality would involve a non trivial amount of work. Functional Test Guidelines -------------------------- The functional tests require: 1) A working Glance/Keystone installation (for example, devstack) 2) A yaml file containing valid credentials If you are using devstack, a yaml file will have been created for you with the name /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml. The test code knows where to find it, so if you're using devstack, you don't need to do anything else. If you are not using devstack you should create a yaml file with the following format: clouds: devstack-admin: auth: auth_url: password: example project_domain_id: default project_name: admin user_domain_id: default username: admin identity_api_version: '2.0' region_name: RegionOne The tests will look for a file named 'clouds.yaml' in the following locations (in this order, first found wins): * current directory * ~/.config/openstack * /etc/openstack You may also set the environment variable OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE to the absolute pathname of a file and that location will be inserted at the front of the search list.