from time import perf_counter from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.templatetags.static import static from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from debug_toolbar.panels import Panel try: import resource # Not available on Win32 systems except ImportError: resource = None class TimerPanel(Panel): """ Panel that displays the time a response took in milliseconds. """ def nav_subtitle(self): stats = self.get_stats() if hasattr(self, "_start_rusage"): utime = self._end_rusage.ru_utime - self._start_rusage.ru_utime stime = self._end_rusage.ru_stime - self._start_rusage.ru_stime return _("CPU: %(cum)0.2fms (%(total)0.2fms)") % { "cum": (utime + stime) * 1000.0, "total": stats["total_time"], } elif "total_time" in stats: return _("Total: %0.2fms") % stats["total_time"] else: return "" has_content = resource is not None title = _("Time") template = "debug_toolbar/panels/timer.html" @property def content(self): stats = self.get_stats() rows = ( (_("User CPU time"), _("%(utime)0.3f msec") % stats), (_("System CPU time"), _("%(stime)0.3f msec") % stats), (_("Total CPU time"), _("%(total)0.3f msec") % stats), (_("Elapsed time"), _("%(total_time)0.3f msec") % stats), ( _("Context switches"), _("%(vcsw)d voluntary, %(ivcsw)d involuntary") % stats, ), ) return render_to_string(self.template, {"rows": rows}) @property def scripts(self): scripts = super().scripts scripts.append(static("debug_toolbar/js/timer.js")) return scripts def process_request(self, request): self._start_time = perf_counter() if self.has_content: self._start_rusage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) return super().process_request(request) def generate_stats(self, request, response): stats = {} if hasattr(self, "_start_time"): stats["total_time"] = (perf_counter() - self._start_time) * 1000 if hasattr(self, "_start_rusage"): self._end_rusage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) stats["utime"] = 1000 * self._elapsed_ru("ru_utime") stats["stime"] = 1000 * self._elapsed_ru("ru_stime") stats["total"] = stats["utime"] + stats["stime"] stats["vcsw"] = self._elapsed_ru("ru_nvcsw") stats["ivcsw"] = self._elapsed_ru("ru_nivcsw") stats["minflt"] = self._elapsed_ru("ru_minflt") stats["majflt"] = self._elapsed_ru("ru_majflt") # these are documented as not meaningful under Linux. If you're # running BSD feel free to enable them, and add any others that I # hadn't gotten to before I noticed that I was getting nothing but # zeroes and that the docs agreed. :-( # # stats['blkin'] = self._elapsed_ru('ru_inblock') # stats['blkout'] = self._elapsed_ru('ru_oublock') # stats['swap'] = self._elapsed_ru('ru_nswap') # stats['rss'] = self._end_rusage.ru_maxrss # stats['srss'] = self._end_rusage.ru_ixrss # stats['urss'] = self._end_rusage.ru_idrss # stats['usrss'] = self._end_rusage.ru_isrss self.record_stats(stats) def generate_server_timing(self, request, response): stats = self.get_stats() self.record_server_timing("utime", "User CPU time", stats.get("utime", 0)) self.record_server_timing("stime", "System CPU time", stats.get("stime", 0)) self.record_server_timing("total", "Total CPU time", stats.get("total", 0)) self.record_server_timing( "total_time", "Elapsed time", stats.get("total_time", 0) ) def _elapsed_ru(self, name): return getattr(self._end_rusage, name) - getattr(self._start_rusage, name)