# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import logging from oslo_config import cfg import six import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse from keystoneclient import _discover from keystoneclient.auth.identity import base from keystoneclient import exceptions from keystoneclient.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_options(): return [ cfg.StrOpt('domain-id', help='Domain ID to scope to'), cfg.StrOpt('domain-name', help='Domain name to scope to'), cfg.StrOpt('tenant-id', help='Tenant ID to scope to'), cfg.StrOpt('tenant-name', help='Tenant name to scope to'), cfg.StrOpt('project-id', help='Project ID to scope to'), cfg.StrOpt('project-name', help='Project name to scope to'), cfg.StrOpt('project-domain-id', help='Domain ID containing project'), cfg.StrOpt('project-domain-name', help='Domain name containing project'), cfg.StrOpt('trust-id', help='Trust ID'), ] @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseGenericPlugin(base.BaseIdentityPlugin): """An identity plugin that is not version dependent. Internally we will construct a version dependent plugin with the resolved URL and then proxy all calls from the base plugin to the versioned one. """ def __init__(self, auth_url, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, project_id=None, project_name=None, project_domain_id=None, project_domain_name=None, domain_id=None, domain_name=None, trust_id=None): super(BaseGenericPlugin, self).__init__(auth_url=auth_url) self._project_id = project_id or tenant_id self._project_name = project_name or tenant_name self._project_domain_id = project_domain_id self._project_domain_name = project_domain_name self._domain_id = domain_id self._domain_name = domain_name self._trust_id = trust_id self._plugin = None @property def trust_id(self): # Override to remove deprecation. return self._trust_id @trust_id.setter def trust_id(self, value): # Override to remove deprecation. self._trust_id = value @abc.abstractmethod def create_plugin(self, session, version, url, raw_status=None): """Create a plugin from the given parameters. This function will be called multiple times with the version and url of a potential endpoint. If a plugin can be constructed that fits the params then it should return it. If not return None and then another call will be made with other available URLs. :param session: A session object. :type session: keystoneclient.session.Session :param tuple version: A tuple of the API version at the URL. :param string url: The base URL for this version. :param string raw_status: The status that was in the discovery field. :returns: A plugin that can match the parameters or None if nothing. """ return None # pragma: no cover @property def _has_domain_scope(self): """Are there domain parameters. Domain parameters are v3 only so returns if any are set. :returns: True if a domain parameter is set, false otherwise. """ return any([self._domain_id, self._domain_name, self._project_domain_id, self._project_domain_name]) @property def _v2_params(self): """Return parameters that are common to v2 plugins.""" return {'trust_id': self._trust_id, 'tenant_id': self._project_id, 'tenant_name': self._project_name} @property def _v3_params(self): """Return parameters that are common to v3 plugins.""" return {'trust_id': self._trust_id, 'project_id': self._project_id, 'project_name': self._project_name, 'project_domain_id': self._project_domain_id, 'project_domain_name': self._project_domain_name, 'domain_id': self._domain_id, 'domain_name': self._domain_name} def _do_create_plugin(self, session): plugin = None try: disc = self.get_discovery(session, self.auth_url, authenticated=False) except (exceptions.DiscoveryFailure, exceptions.HTTPError, exceptions.ConnectionError): LOG.warning('Discovering versions from the identity service ' 'failed when creating the password plugin. ' 'Attempting to determine version from URL.') url_parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.auth_url) path = url_parts.path.lower() if path.startswith('/v2.0') and not self._has_domain_scope: plugin = self.create_plugin(session, (2, 0), self.auth_url) elif path.startswith('/v3'): plugin = self.create_plugin(session, (3, 0), self.auth_url) else: disc_data = disc.version_data() for data in disc_data: version = data['version'] if (_discover.version_match((2,), version) and self._has_domain_scope): # NOTE(jamielennox): if there are domain parameters there # is no point even trying against v2 APIs. continue plugin = self.create_plugin(session, version, data['url'], raw_status=data['raw_status']) if plugin: break if plugin: return plugin # so there were no URLs that i could use for auth of any version. msg = _('Could not determine a suitable URL for the plugin') raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure(msg) def get_auth_ref(self, session, **kwargs): if not self._plugin: self._plugin = self._do_create_plugin(session) return self._plugin.get_auth_ref(session, **kwargs) @classmethod def get_options(cls): options = super(BaseGenericPlugin, cls).get_options() options.extend(get_options()) return options