from __future__ import annotations import os from posixpath import basename from urllib.parse import urlparse from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders from import staticfiles_storage from django.http import FileResponse from django.urls import get_script_prefix from .base import WhiteNoise from .string_utils import ensure_leading_trailing_slash __all__ = ["WhiteNoiseMiddleware"] class WhiteNoiseFileResponse(FileResponse): """ Wrap Django's FileResponse to prevent setting any default headers. For the most part these just duplicate work already done by WhiteNoise but in some cases (e.g. the content-disposition header introduced in Django 3.0) they are actively harmful. """ def set_headers(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class WhiteNoiseMiddleware(WhiteNoise): """ Wrap WhiteNoise to allow it to function as Django middleware, rather than WSGI middleware. """ def __init__(self, get_response=None, settings=settings): self.get_response = get_response try: autorefresh: bool = settings.WHITENOISE_AUTOREFRESH except AttributeError: autorefresh = settings.DEBUG try: max_age = settings.WHITENOISE_MAX_AGE except AttributeError: if settings.DEBUG: max_age = 0 else: max_age = 60 try: allow_all_origins = settings.WHITENOISE_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS except AttributeError: allow_all_origins = True try: charset = settings.WHITENOISE_CHARSET except AttributeError: charset = "utf-8" try: mimetypes = settings.WHITENOISE_MIMETYPES except AttributeError: mimetypes = None try: add_headers_function = settings.WHITENOISE_ADD_HEADERS_FUNCTION except AttributeError: add_headers_function = None try: index_file = settings.WHITENOISE_INDEX_FILE except AttributeError: index_file = None try: immutable_file_test = settings.WHITENOISE_IMMUTABLE_FILE_TEST except AttributeError: immutable_file_test = None super().__init__( application=None, autorefresh=autorefresh, max_age=max_age, allow_all_origins=allow_all_origins, charset=charset, mimetypes=mimetypes, add_headers_function=add_headers_function, index_file=index_file, immutable_file_test=immutable_file_test, ) try: self.use_finders = settings.WHITENOISE_USE_FINDERS except AttributeError: self.use_finders = settings.DEBUG try: self.static_prefix = settings.WHITENOISE_STATIC_PREFIX except AttributeError: self.static_prefix = urlparse(settings.STATIC_URL or "").path script_prefix = get_script_prefix().rstrip("/") if script_prefix: if self.static_prefix.startswith(script_prefix): self.static_prefix = self.static_prefix[len(script_prefix) :] self.static_prefix = ensure_leading_trailing_slash(self.static_prefix) self.static_root = settings.STATIC_ROOT if self.static_root: self.add_files(self.static_root, prefix=self.static_prefix) try: root = settings.WHITENOISE_ROOT except AttributeError: root = None if root: self.add_files(root) if self.use_finders and not self.autorefresh: self.add_files_from_finders() def __call__(self, request): if self.autorefresh: static_file = self.find_file(request.path_info) else: static_file = self.files.get(request.path_info) if static_file is not None: return self.serve(static_file, request) return self.get_response(request) @staticmethod def serve(static_file, request): response = static_file.get_response(request.method, request.META) status = int(response.status) http_response = WhiteNoiseFileResponse(response.file or (), status=status) # Remove default content-type del http_response["content-type"] for key, value in response.headers: http_response[key] = value return http_response def add_files_from_finders(self): files = {} for finder in finders.get_finders(): for path, storage in finder.list(None): prefix = (getattr(storage, "prefix", None) or "").strip("/") url = "".join( ( self.static_prefix, prefix, "/" if prefix else "", path.replace("\\", "/"), ) ) # Use setdefault as only first matching file should be used files.setdefault(url, storage.path(path)) stat_cache = {path: os.stat(path) for path in files.values()} for url, path in files.items(): self.add_file_to_dictionary(url, path, stat_cache=stat_cache) def candidate_paths_for_url(self, url): if self.use_finders and url.startswith(self.static_prefix): path = finders.find(url[len(self.static_prefix) :]) if path: yield path paths = super().candidate_paths_for_url(url) for path in paths: yield path def immutable_file_test(self, path, url): """ Determine whether given URL represents an immutable file (i.e. a file with a hash of its contents as part of its name) which can therefore be cached forever """ if not url.startswith(self.static_prefix): return False name = url[len(self.static_prefix) :] name_without_hash = self.get_name_without_hash(name) if name == name_without_hash: return False static_url = self.get_static_url(name_without_hash) # If the static_url function maps the name without hash # back to the original name, then we know we've got a # versioned filename if static_url and basename(static_url) == basename(url): return True return False def get_name_without_hash(self, filename): """ Removes the version hash from a filename e.g, transforms 'css/application.f3ea4bcc2.css' into 'css/application.css' Note: this is specific to the naming scheme used by Django's CachedStaticFilesStorage. You may have to override this if you are using a different static files versioning system """ name_with_hash, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) name = os.path.splitext(name_with_hash)[0] return name + ext def get_static_url(self, name): try: return staticfiles_storage.url(name) except ValueError: return None