# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import warnings from openstack.cloud import exc from openstack import exceptions from openstack.image.v1 import image as _image from openstack import proxy from openstack import utils from openstack import warnings as os_warnings def _get_name_and_filename(name, image_format): # See if name points to an existing file if os.path.exists(name): # Neat. Easy enough return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0], name # Try appending the disk format name_with_ext = '.'.join((name, image_format)) if os.path.exists(name_with_ext): return os.path.basename(name), name_with_ext return name, None class Proxy(proxy.Proxy): retriable_status_codes = [503] _IMAGE_MD5_KEY = 'owner_specified.openstack.md5' _IMAGE_SHA256_KEY = 'owner_specified.openstack.sha256' _IMAGE_OBJECT_KEY = 'owner_specified.openstack.object' # NOTE(shade) shade keys were owner_specified.shade.md5 - we need to add # those to freshness checks so that a shade->sdk transition # doesn't result in a re-upload _SHADE_IMAGE_MD5_KEY = 'owner_specified.shade.md5' _SHADE_IMAGE_SHA256_KEY = 'owner_specified.shade.sha256' _SHADE_IMAGE_OBJECT_KEY = 'owner_specified.shade.object' # ====== IMAGES ====== def create_image( self, name, filename=None, container=None, md5=None, sha256=None, disk_format=None, container_format=None, disable_vendor_agent=True, allow_duplicates=False, meta=None, data=None, validate_checksum=False, tags=None, **kwargs, ): """Create an image and optionally upload data. Create a new image. If ``filename`` or ``data`` are provided, it will also upload data to this image. :param str name: Name of the image to create. If it is a path name of an image, the name will be constructed from the extensionless basename of the path. :param str filename: The path to the file to upload, if needed. (optional, defaults to None) :param data: Image data (string or file-like object). It is mutually exclusive with filename :param str container: Name of the container in swift where images should be uploaded for import if the cloud requires such a thing. (optional, defaults to 'images') :param str md5: md5 sum of the image file. If not given, an md5 will be calculated. :param str sha256: sha256 sum of the image file. If not given, an md5 will be calculated. :param str disk_format: The disk format the image is in. (optional, defaults to the os-client-config config value for this cloud) :param str container_format: The container format the image is in. (optional, defaults to the os-client-config config value for this cloud) :param list tags: List of tags for this image. Each tag is a string of at most 255 chars. :param bool disable_vendor_agent: Whether or not to append metadata flags to the image to inform the cloud in question to not expect a vendor agent to be runing. (optional, defaults to True) :param allow_duplicates: If true, skips checks that enforce unique image name. (optional, defaults to False) :param meta: A dict of key/value pairs to use for metadata that bypasses automatic type conversion. :param bool validate_checksum: If true and cloud returns checksum, compares return value with the one calculated or passed into this call. If value does not match - raises exception. Default is 'false' Additional kwargs will be passed to the image creation as additional metadata for the image and will have all values converted to string except for min_disk, min_ram, size and virtual_size which will be converted to int. If you are sure you have all of your data types correct or have an advanced need to be explicit, use meta. If you are just a normal consumer, using kwargs is likely the right choice. If a value is in meta and kwargs, meta wins. :returns: The results of image creation :rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` :raises: SDKException if there are problems uploading """ # these were previously provided for API (method) compatibility; that # was a bad idea if ( 'use_import' in kwargs or 'stores' in kwargs or 'all_stores' in kwargs or 'all_stores_must_succeed' in kwargs ): raise exceptions.InvalidRequest( "Glance v1 does not support stores or image import" ) # silently ignore these; they were never supported and were only given # for API (method) compatibility kwargs.pop('wait') kwargs.pop('timeout') if container is None: container = self._connection._OBJECT_AUTOCREATE_CONTAINER if not meta: meta = {} if not disk_format: disk_format = self._connection.config.config['image_format'] if not container_format: # https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/image-formats.html container_format = 'bare' if data and filename: raise exceptions.SDKException( 'Passing filename and data simultaneously is not supported' ) # If there is no filename, see if name is actually the filename if not filename and not data: name, filename = _get_name_and_filename( name, self._connection.config.config['image_format'], ) if validate_checksum and data and not isinstance(data, bytes): raise exceptions.SDKException( 'Validating checksum is not possible when data is not a ' 'direct binary object' ) if not (md5 or sha256) and validate_checksum: if filename: md5, sha256 = utils._get_file_hashes(filename) elif data and isinstance(data, bytes): md5, sha256 = utils._calculate_data_hashes(data) if allow_duplicates: current_image = None else: current_image = self.find_image(name) if current_image: # NOTE(pas-ha) 'properties' may be absent or be None props = current_image.get('properties') or {} md5_key = props.get( self._IMAGE_MD5_KEY, props.get(self._SHADE_IMAGE_MD5_KEY, ''), ) sha256_key = props.get( self._IMAGE_SHA256_KEY, props.get(self._SHADE_IMAGE_SHA256_KEY, ''), ) up_to_date = utils._hashes_up_to_date( md5=md5, sha256=sha256, md5_key=md5_key, sha256_key=sha256_key, ) if up_to_date: self.log.debug( "image %(name)s exists and is up to date", {'name': name}, ) return current_image else: self.log.debug( "image %(name)s exists, but contains different " "checksums. Updating.", {'name': name}, ) if disable_vendor_agent: kwargs.update( self._connection.config.config['disable_vendor_agent'] ) # If a user used the v1 calling format, they will have # passed a dict called properties along properties = kwargs.pop('properties', {}) properties[self._IMAGE_MD5_KEY] = md5 or '' properties[self._IMAGE_SHA256_KEY] = sha256 or '' properties[self._IMAGE_OBJECT_KEY] = '/'.join([container, name]) kwargs.update(properties) image_kwargs = {'properties': kwargs} if disk_format: image_kwargs['disk_format'] = disk_format if container_format: image_kwargs['container_format'] = container_format if tags: image_kwargs['tags'] = tags if filename or data: image = self._upload_image( name, filename=filename, data=data, meta=meta, validate_checksum=validate_checksum, **image_kwargs, ) else: image = self._create(_image.Image, name=name, **kwargs) self._connection._get_cache(None).invalidate() return image def upload_image(self, **attrs): """Upload a new image from attributes .. warning: This method is deprecated - and also doesn't work very well. Please stop using it immediately and switch to `create_image`. :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create a :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image`, comprised of the properties on the Image class. :returns: The results of image creation :rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` """ warnings.warn( "upload_image is deprecated. Use create_image instead.", os_warnings.OpenStackDeprecationWarning, ) return self._create(_image.Image, **attrs) def _upload_image( self, name, filename, data, meta, **image_kwargs, ): if filename and not data: image_data = open(filename, 'rb') else: image_data = data image_kwargs['properties'].update(meta) image_kwargs['name'] = name # TODO(mordred) Convert this to use image Resource image = self._connection._get_and_munchify( 'image', self.post('/images', json=image_kwargs) ) checksum = image_kwargs['properties'].get(self._IMAGE_MD5_KEY, '') try: # Let us all take a brief moment to be grateful that this # is not actually how OpenStack APIs work anymore headers = { 'x-glance-registry-purge-props': 'false', } if checksum: headers['x-image-meta-checksum'] = checksum image = self._connection._get_and_munchify( 'image', self.put( '/images/{id}'.format(id=image.id), headers=headers, data=image_data, ), ) except exc.OpenStackCloudHTTPError: self.log.debug("Deleting failed upload of image %s", name) try: self.delete('/images/{id}'.format(id=image.id)) except exc.OpenStackCloudHTTPError: # We're just trying to clean up - if it doesn't work - shrug self.log.warning( "Failed deleting image after we failed uploading it.", exc_info=True, ) raise return image def _existing_image(self, **kwargs): return _image.Image.existing(connection=self._connection, **kwargs) def delete_image(self, image, ignore_missing=True): """Delete an image :param image: The value can be either the ID of an image or a :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the image does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent image. :returns: ``None`` """ self._delete(_image.Image, image, ignore_missing=ignore_missing) def find_image(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single image :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a image. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` or None """ return self._find( _image.Image, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing ) def get_image(self, image): """Get a single image :param image: The value can be the ID of an image or a :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` instance. :returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_image.Image, image) def images(self, **query): """Return a generator of images :param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the resources being returned. :returns: A generator of image objects :rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` """ return self._list(_image.Image, base_path='/images/detail', **query) def update_image(self, image, **attrs): """Update a image :param image: Either the ID of a image or a :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` instance. :param attrs: The attributes to update on the image represented by ``image``. :returns: The updated image :rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v1.image.Image` """ return self._update(_image.Image, image, **attrs) def download_image( self, image, stream=False, output=None, chunk_size=1024, ): """Download an image This will download an image to memory when ``stream=False``, or allow streaming downloads using an iterator when ``stream=True``. For examples of working with streamed responses, see :ref:`download_image-stream-true`. :param image: The value can be either the ID of an image or a :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance. :param bool stream: When ``True``, return a :class:`requests.Response` instance allowing you to iterate over the response data stream instead of storing its entire contents in memory. See :meth:`requests.Response.iter_content` for more details. *NOTE*: If you do not consume the entirety of the response you must explicitly call :meth:`requests.Response.close` or otherwise risk inefficiencies with the ``requests`` library's handling of connections. When ``False``, return the entire contents of the response. :param output: Either a file object or a path to store data into. :param int chunk_size: size in bytes to read from the wire and buffer at one time. Defaults to 1024 :returns: When output is not given - the bytes comprising the given Image when stream is False, otherwise a :class:`requests.Response` instance. When output is given - a :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance. """ image = self._get_resource(_image.Image, image) return image.download( self, stream=stream, output=output, chunk_size=chunk_size, ) def _update_image_properties(self, image, meta, properties): properties.update(meta) img_props = {} for k, v in iter(properties.items()): if image.properties.get(k, None) != v: img_props['x-image-meta-{key}'.format(key=k)] = v if not img_props: return False self.put('/images/{id}'.format(id=image.id), headers=img_props) self._connection.list_images.invalidate(self._connection) return True def update_image_properties( self, image=None, meta=None, **kwargs, ): """ Update the properties of an existing image. :param image: Name or id of an image or an Image object. :param meta: A dict of key/value pairs to use for metadata that bypasses automatic type conversion. Additional kwargs will be passed to the image creation as additional metadata for the image and will have all values converted to string except for min_disk, min_ram, size and virtual_size which will be converted to int. """ if isinstance(image, str): image = self._connection.get_image(image) if not meta: meta = {} img_props = {} for k, v in iter(kwargs.items()): if v and k in ['ramdisk', 'kernel']: v = self._connection.get_image_id(v) k = '{0}_id'.format(k) img_props[k] = v return self._update_image_properties(image, meta, img_props)