# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import os import sys from oslo_utils import strutils from glanceclient._i18n import _ from glanceclient.common import progressbar from glanceclient.common import utils from glanceclient import exc from glanceclient.v2 import cache from glanceclient.v2 import image_members from glanceclient.v2 import image_schema from glanceclient.v2 import images from glanceclient.v2 import namespace_schema from glanceclient.v2 import resource_type_schema from glanceclient.v2 import tasks MEMBER_STATUS_VALUES = image_members.MEMBER_STATUS_VALUES IMAGE_SCHEMA = None DATA_FIELDS = ('location', 'copy_from', 'file', 'uri') def get_image_schema(): global IMAGE_SCHEMA if IMAGE_SCHEMA is None: schema_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.glanceclient/image_schema.json") if os.path.isfile(schema_path): with open(schema_path, "r") as f: schema_raw = f.read() IMAGE_SCHEMA = json.loads(schema_raw) else: return image_schema._BASE_SCHEMA return IMAGE_SCHEMA @utils.schema_args(get_image_schema, omit=['locations', 'os_hidden']) # NOTE(rosmaita): to make this option more intuitive for end users, we # do not use the Glance image property name 'os_hidden' here. This means # we must include 'os_hidden' in the 'omit' list above and handle the # --hidden argument by hand @utils.arg('--hidden', type=strutils.bool_from_string, metavar='[True|False]', default=None, dest='os_hidden', help=("If true, image will not appear in default image list " "response.")) @utils.arg('--property', metavar="", action='append', default=[], help=_('Arbitrary property to associate with image.' ' May be used multiple times.')) @utils.arg('--file', metavar='', help=_('Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded ' 'during creation. Alternatively, the image data can be ' 'passed to the client via stdin.')) @utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Show upload progress bar.')) @utils.arg('--store', metavar='', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_STORE', default=None), help='Backend store to upload image to.') @utils.on_data_require_fields(DATA_FIELDS) def do_image_create(gc, args): """Create a new image.""" schema = gc.schemas.get("image") _args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()] fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and (x[0] == 'property' or schema.is_core_property(x[0])), _args)) raw_properties = fields.pop('property', []) for datum in raw_properties: key, value = datum.split('=', 1) fields[key] = value backend = args.store file_name = fields.pop('file', None) using_stdin = hasattr(sys.stdin, 'isatty') and not sys.stdin.isatty() if args.store and not (file_name or using_stdin): utils.exit("--store option should only be provided with --file " "option or stdin.") if backend: # determine if backend is valid _validate_backend(backend, gc) if file_name is not None and os.access(file_name, os.R_OK) is False: utils.exit("File %s does not exist or user does not have read " "privileges to it" % file_name) image = gc.images.create(**fields) try: if utils.get_data_file(args) is not None: backend = fields.get('store', None) args.id = image['id'] args.size = None do_image_upload(gc, args) image = gc.images.get(args.id) finally: utils.print_image(image) @utils.schema_args(get_image_schema, omit=['locations', 'os_hidden']) # NOTE: --hidden requires special handling; see note at do_image_create @utils.arg('--hidden', type=strutils.bool_from_string, metavar='[True|False]', default=None, dest='os_hidden', help=("If true, image will not appear in default image list " "response.")) @utils.arg('--property', metavar="", action='append', default=[], help=_('Arbitrary property to associate with image.' ' May be used multiple times.')) @utils.arg('--file', metavar='', help=_('Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded ' 'during creation. Alternatively, the image data can be ' 'passed to the client via stdin.')) @utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Show upload progress bar.')) @utils.arg('--import-method', metavar='', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_IMPORT_METHOD', default=None), help=_('Import method used for Image Import workflow. ' 'Valid values can be retrieved with import-info command. ' 'Defaults to env[OS_IMAGE_IMPORT_METHOD] or if that is ' 'undefined uses \'glance-direct\' if data is provided using ' '--file or stdin. Otherwise, simply creates an image ' 'record if no import-method and no data is supplied')) @utils.arg('--uri', metavar='', default=None, help=_('URI to download the external image.')) @utils.arg('--remote-region', metavar='', default=None, help=_('REMOTE_GLANCE_REGION to download the image.')) @utils.arg('--remote-image-id', metavar='', default=None, help=_('The IMAGE ID of the image of remote glance, which needs' 'to be imported with glance-download')) @utils.arg('--remote-service-interface', metavar='', default='public', help=_('The Remote Glance Service Interface for glance-download')) @utils.arg('--store', metavar='', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_STORE', default=None), help='Backend store to upload image to.') @utils.arg('--stores', metavar='', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_STORES', default=None), help=_('Stores to upload image to if multi-stores import ' 'available. Comma separated list. Available stores can be ' 'listed with "stores-info" call.')) @utils.arg('--all-stores', type=strutils.bool_from_string, metavar='[True|False]', default=None, dest='os_all_stores', help=_('"all-stores" can be ued instead of "stores"-list to ' 'indicate that image should be imported into all available ' 'stores.')) @utils.arg('--allow-failure', type=strutils.bool_from_string, metavar='[True|False]', dest='os_allow_failure', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_ALLOW_FAILURE', default=True), help=_('Indicator if all stores listed (or available) must ' 'succeed. "True" by default meaning that we allow some ' 'stores to fail and the status can be monitored from the ' 'image metadata. If this is set to "False" the import will ' 'be reverted should any of the uploads fail. Only usable ' 'with "stores" or "all-stores".')) @utils.on_data_require_fields(DATA_FIELDS) def do_image_create_via_import(gc, args): """EXPERIMENTAL: Create a new image via image import. Use the interoperable image import workflow to create an image. This command is designed to be backward compatible with the current image-create command, so its behavior is as follows: * If an import-method is specified (either on the command line or through the OS_IMAGE_IMPORT_METHOD environment variable, then you must provide a data source appropriate to that method (for example, --file for glance-direct, or --uri for web-download). * If no import-method is specified AND you provide either a --file or data to stdin, the command will assume you are using the 'glance-direct' import-method and will act accordingly. * If no import-method is specified and no data is supplied via --file or stdin, the command will simply create an image record in 'queued' status. """ schema = gc.schemas.get("image") _args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()] fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and (x[0] == 'property' or schema.is_core_property(x[0])), _args)) raw_properties = fields.pop('property', []) for datum in raw_properties: key, value = datum.split('=', 1) fields[key] = value file_name = fields.pop('file', None) using_stdin = hasattr(sys.stdin, 'isatty') and not sys.stdin.isatty() # special processing for backward compatibility with image-create if args.import_method is None and (file_name or using_stdin): args.import_method = 'glance-direct' if args.import_method == 'copy-image': utils.exit("Import method 'copy-image' cannot be used " "while creating the image.") # determine whether the requested import method is valid import_methods = gc.images.get_import_info().get('import-methods') if args.import_method and args.import_method not in import_methods.get( 'value'): utils.exit("Import method '%s' is not valid for this cloud. " "Valid values can be retrieved with import-info command." % args.import_method) # determine if backend is valid backend = None stores = getattr(args, "stores", None) all_stores = getattr(args, "os_all_stores", None) if (args.store and (stores or all_stores)) or (stores and all_stores): utils.exit("Only one of --store, --stores and --all-stores can be " "provided") elif args.store: backend = args.store # determine if backend is valid _validate_backend(backend, gc) elif stores: # NOTE(jokke): Making sure here that we do not include the stores in # the create call fields.pop("stores") stores = str(stores).split(',') for store in stores: # determine if backend is valid _validate_backend(store, gc) # make sure we have all and only correct inputs for the requested method if args.import_method is None: if args.uri: utils.exit("You cannot use --uri without specifying an import " "method.") if args.import_method == 'glance-direct': if backend and not (file_name or using_stdin): utils.exit("--store option should only be provided with --file " "option or stdin for the glance-direct import method.") if stores and not (file_name or using_stdin): utils.exit("--stores option should only be provided with --file " "option or stdin for the glance-direct import method.") if all_stores and not (file_name or using_stdin): utils.exit("--all-stores option should only be provided with " "--file option or stdin for the glance-direct import " "method.") if args.uri: utils.exit("You cannot specify a --uri with the glance-direct " "import method.") if file_name is not None and os.access(file_name, os.R_OK) is False: utils.exit("File %s does not exist or user does not have read " "privileges to it." % file_name) if file_name is not None and using_stdin: utils.exit("You cannot use both --file and stdin with the " "glance-direct import method.") if not file_name and not using_stdin: utils.exit("You must specify a --file or provide data via stdin " "for the glance-direct import method.") if args.import_method == 'web-download': if backend and not args.uri: utils.exit("--store option should only be provided with --uri " "option for the web-download import method.") if stores and not args.uri: utils.exit("--stores option should only be provided with --uri " "option for the web-download import method.") if all_stores and not args.uri: utils.exit("--all-stores option should only be provided with " "--uri option for the web-download import method.") if not args.uri: utils.exit("URI is required for web-download import method. " "Please use '--uri '.") if file_name: utils.exit("You cannot specify a --file with the web-download " "import method.") if using_stdin: utils.exit("You cannot pass data via stdin with the web-download " "import method.") if args.import_method == 'glance-download': if not (args.remote_region and args.remote_image_id): utils.exit("REMOTE GlANCE REGION and REMOTE IMAGE ID are " "required for glance-download import method. " "Please use --remote-region and " "--remote-image-id .") if args.uri: utils.exit("You cannot specify a --uri with the glance-download " "import method.") if file_name: utils.exit("You cannot specify a --file with the glance-download " "import method.") if using_stdin: utils.exit("You cannot pass data via stdin with the " "glance-download import method.") # process image = gc.images.create(**fields) try: args.id = image['id'] if args.import_method: if utils.get_data_file(args) is not None: args.size = None do_image_stage(gc, args) args.from_create = True args.stores = stores do_image_import(gc, args) image = gc.images.get(args.id) finally: utils.print_image(image) def _validate_backend(backend, gc): try: enabled_backends = gc.images.get_stores_info().get('stores') except exc.HTTPNotFound: # NOTE(abhishekk): To maintain backward compatibility return if backend: valid_backend = False for available_backend in enabled_backends: if available_backend['id'] == backend: valid_backend = True break if not valid_backend: utils.exit("Store '%s' is not valid for this cloud. Valid " "values can be retrieved with stores-info command." % backend) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to update.')) @utils.schema_args(get_image_schema, omit=['id', 'locations', 'tags', 'os_hidden']) # NOTE: --hidden requires special handling; see note at do_image_create @utils.arg('--hidden', type=strutils.bool_from_string, metavar='[True|False]', default=None, dest='os_hidden', help=("If true, image will not appear in default image list " "response.")) @utils.arg('--property', metavar="", action='append', default=[], help=_('Arbitrary property to associate with image.' ' May be used multiple times.')) @utils.arg('--remove-property', metavar="key", action='append', default=[], help=_("Name of arbitrary property to remove from the image.")) def do_image_update(gc, args): """Update an existing image.""" schema = gc.schemas.get("image") _args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()] fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and (x[0] in ['property', 'remove_property'] or schema.is_core_property(x[0])), _args)) raw_properties = fields.pop('property', []) for datum in raw_properties: key, value = datum.split('=', 1) fields[key] = value remove_properties = fields.pop('remove_property', None) image_id = fields.pop('id') image = gc.images.update(image_id, remove_properties, **fields) utils.print_image(image) @utils.arg('--limit', metavar='', default=None, type=int, help=_('Maximum number of images to get.')) @utils.arg('--page-size', metavar='', default=None, type=int, help=_('Number of images to request in each paginated request.')) @utils.arg('--visibility', metavar='', help=_('The visibility of the images to display.')) @utils.arg('--member-status', metavar='', help=_('The status of images to display.')) @utils.arg('--owner', metavar='', help=_('Display images owned by .')) @utils.arg('--property-filter', metavar='', help=_("Filter images by a user-defined image property."), action='append', dest='properties', default=[]) @utils.arg('--checksum', metavar='', help=_('Displays images that match the MD5 checksum.')) @utils.arg('--hash', dest='os_hash_value', default=None, metavar='', help=_('Displays images that match the specified hash value.')) @utils.arg('--tag', metavar='', action='append', help=_("Filter images by a user-defined tag.")) @utils.arg('--sort-key', default=[], action='append', choices=images.SORT_KEY_VALUES, help=_('Sort image list by specified fields.' ' May be used multiple times.')) @utils.arg('--sort-dir', default=[], action='append', choices=images.SORT_DIR_VALUES, help=_('Sort image list in specified directions.')) @utils.arg('--sort', metavar='[:]', default=None, help=(_("Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions in the " "form of [:]. Valid keys: %s. OPTIONAL." ) % ', '.join(images.SORT_KEY_VALUES))) @utils.arg('--hidden', dest='os_hidden', metavar='[True|False]', default=None, type=strutils.bool_from_string, const=True, nargs='?', help="Filters results by hidden status. Default=None.") @utils.arg('--include-stores', metavar='[True|False]', default=None, type=strutils.bool_from_string, const=True, nargs='?', help="Print backend store id.") def do_image_list(gc, args): """List images you can access.""" filter_keys = ['visibility', 'member_status', 'owner', 'checksum', 'tag', 'os_hidden', 'os_hash_value'] filter_items = [(key, getattr(args, key)) for key in filter_keys] if args.properties: filter_properties = [prop.split('=', 1) for prop in args.properties] if any(len(pair) != 2 for pair in filter_properties): utils.exit('Argument --property-filter expected properties in the' ' format KEY=VALUE') filter_items += filter_properties filters = dict([item for item in filter_items if item[1] is not None]) kwargs = {'filters': filters} if args.limit is not None: kwargs['limit'] = args.limit if args.page_size is not None: kwargs['page_size'] = args.page_size if args.sort_key: kwargs['sort_key'] = args.sort_key if args.sort_dir: kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir if args.sort is not None: kwargs['sort'] = args.sort elif not args.sort_dir and not args.sort_key: kwargs['sort_key'] = 'name' kwargs['sort_dir'] = 'asc' columns = ['ID', 'Name'] if args.verbose: columns += ['Disk_format', 'Container_format', 'Size', 'Status', 'Owner'] if args.include_stores: columns += ['Stores'] images = gc.images.list(**kwargs) utils.print_list(images, columns) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to describe.')) @utils.arg('--human-readable', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Print image size in a human-friendly format.')) @utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='', default=80, help=_('The max column width of the printed table.')) def do_image_show(gc, args): """Describe a specific image.""" image = gc.images.get(args.id) utils.print_image(image, args.human_readable, int(args.max_column_width)) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to get tasks.')) def do_image_tasks(gc, args): """Get tasks associated with image""" columns = ['Message', 'Status', 'Updated at'] if args.verbose: columns_to_prepend = ['Image Id', 'Task Id'] columns_to_extend = ['User Id', 'Request Id', 'Result', 'Owner', 'Input', 'Expires at'] columns = columns_to_prepend + columns + columns_to_extend try: tasks = gc.images.get_associated_image_tasks(args.id) utils.print_dict_list(tasks['tasks'], columns) except exc.HTTPNotFound: utils.exit('Image %s not found.' % args.id) except exc.HTTPNotImplemented: utils.exit('Server does not support image tasks API (v2.12)') def do_usage(gc, args): """Get quota usage information.""" columns = ['Quota', 'Limit', 'Usage'] usage = gc.info.get_usage() utils.print_dict_list( [dict(v, quota=k) for k, v in usage.items()], columns) @utils.arg('--image-id', metavar='', required=True, help=_('Image to display members of.')) def do_member_list(gc, args): """Describe sharing permissions by image.""" members = gc.image_members.list(args.image_id) columns = ['Image ID', 'Member ID', 'Status'] utils.print_list(members, columns) @utils.arg('image_id', metavar='', help=_('Image from which to display member.')) @utils.arg('member_id', metavar='', help=_('Project to display.')) def do_member_get(gc, args): """Show details of an image member""" member = gc.image_members.get(args.image_id, args.member_id) utils.print_dict(member) @utils.arg('image_id', metavar='', help=_('Image from which to remove member.')) @utils.arg('member_id', metavar='', help=_('Tenant to remove as member.')) def do_member_delete(gc, args): """Delete image member.""" if not (args.image_id and args.member_id): utils.exit('Unable to delete member. Specify image_id and member_id') else: gc.image_members.delete(args.image_id, args.member_id) @utils.arg('image_id', metavar='', help=_('Image from which to update member.')) @utils.arg('member_id', metavar='', help=_('Tenant to update.')) @utils.arg('member_status', metavar='', choices=MEMBER_STATUS_VALUES, help=(_('Updated status of member. Valid Values: %s') % ', '.join(str(val) for val in MEMBER_STATUS_VALUES))) def do_member_update(gc, args): """Update the status of a member for a given image.""" if not (args.image_id and args.member_id and args.member_status): utils.exit('Unable to update member. Specify image_id, member_id and' ' member_status') else: member = gc.image_members.update(args.image_id, args.member_id, args.member_status) member = [member] columns = ['Image ID', 'Member ID', 'Status'] utils.print_list(member, columns) @utils.arg('image_id', metavar='', help=_('Image with which to create member.')) @utils.arg('member_id', metavar='', help=_('Tenant to add as member.')) def do_member_create(gc, args): """Create member for a given image.""" if not (args.image_id and args.member_id): utils.exit('Unable to create member. Specify image_id and member_id') else: member = gc.image_members.create(args.image_id, args.member_id) member = [member] columns = ['Image ID', 'Member ID', 'Status'] utils.print_list(member, columns) @utils.arg('model', metavar='', help=_('Name of model to describe.')) def do_explain(gc, args): """Describe a specific model.""" try: schema = gc.schemas.get(args.model) except exc.HTTPNotFound: utils.exit('Unable to find requested model \'%s\'' % args.model) else: formatters = {'Attribute': lambda m: m.name} columns = ['Attribute', 'Description'] utils.print_list(schema.properties, columns, formatters) def do_import_info(gc, args): """Print import methods available from Glance.""" try: import_info = gc.images.get_import_info() except exc.HTTPNotFound: utils.exit('Target Glance does not support Image Import workflow') else: utils.print_dict(import_info) @utils.arg('--detail', default=False, action='store_true', help='Shows details of stores. Admin only.') def do_stores_info(gc, args): """Print available backends from Glance.""" try: if args.detail: stores_info = gc.images.get_stores_info_detail() else: stores_info = gc.images.get_stores_info() except exc.HTTPNotFound: utils.exit('Multi Backend support is not enabled') else: utils.print_dict(stores_info) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to update.')) @utils.arg('--store', metavar='', required=True, help=_('Store to delete image from.')) def do_stores_delete(gc, args): """Delete image from specific store.""" try: gc.images.delete_from_store(args.store, args.id) except exc.HTTPNotFound: utils.exit('Multi Backend support is not enabled or Image/store not ' 'found.') except (exc.HTTPForbidden, exc.HTTPException) as e: msg = ("Unable to delete image '%s' from store '%s'. (%s)" % ( args.id, args.store, e)) utils.exit(msg) @utils.arg('--allow-md5-fallback', action='store_true', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_ALLOW_MD5_FALLBACK', default=False), help=_('If os_hash_algo and os_hash_value properties are available ' 'on the image, they will be used to validate the downloaded ' 'image data. If the indicated secure hash algorithm is not ' 'available on the client, the download will fail. Use this ' 'flag to indicate that in such a case the legacy MD5 image ' 'checksum should be used to validate the downloaded data. ' 'You can also set the environment variable ' 'OS_IMAGE_ALLOW_MD5_FALLBACK to any value to activate this ' 'option.')) @utils.arg('--file', metavar='', help=_('Local file to save downloaded image data to. ' 'If this is not specified and there is no redirection ' 'the image data will not be saved.')) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to download.')) @utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Show download progress bar.')) def do_image_download(gc, args): """Download a specific image.""" if sys.stdout.isatty() and (args.file is None): msg = ('No redirection or local file specified for downloaded image ' 'data. Please specify a local file with --file to save ' 'downloaded image or redirect output to another source.') utils.exit(msg) try: body = gc.images.data(args.id, allow_md5_fallback=args.allow_md5_fallback) except (exc.HTTPForbidden, exc.HTTPException) as e: msg = "Unable to download image '%s'. (%s)" % (args.id, e) utils.exit(msg) if body.wrapped is None: msg = ('Image %s has no data.' % args.id) utils.exit(msg) if args.progress: body = progressbar.VerboseIteratorWrapper(body, len(body)) utils.save_image(body, args.file) @utils.arg('--file', metavar='', help=_('Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded.' ' Alternatively, images can be passed' ' to the client via stdin.')) @utils.arg('--size', metavar='', type=int, help=_('Size in bytes of image to be uploaded. Default is to get ' 'size from provided data object but this is supported in ' 'case where size cannot be inferred.'), default=None) @utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Show upload progress bar.')) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to upload data to.')) @utils.arg('--store', metavar='', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_STORE', default=None), help='Backend store to upload image to.') def do_image_upload(gc, args): """Upload data for a specific image.""" backend = None if args.store: backend = args.store # determine if backend is valid _validate_backend(backend, gc) image_data = utils.get_data_file(args) if args.progress: filesize = utils.get_file_size(image_data) if filesize is not None: # NOTE(kragniz): do not show a progress bar if the size of the # input is unknown (most likely a piped input) image_data = progressbar.VerboseFileWrapper(image_data, filesize) gc.images.upload(args.id, image_data, args.size, backend=backend) @utils.arg('--file', metavar='', help=_('Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded.' ' Alternatively, images can be passed' ' to the client via stdin.')) @utils.arg('--size', metavar='', type=int, help=_('Size in bytes of image to be uploaded. Default is to get ' 'size from provided data object but this is supported in ' 'case where size cannot be inferred.'), default=None) @utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Show upload progress bar.')) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to upload data to.')) def do_image_stage(gc, args): """Upload data for a specific image to staging.""" image_data = utils.get_data_file(args) if args.progress: filesize = utils.get_file_size(image_data) if filesize is not None: # NOTE(kragniz): do not show a progress bar if the size of the # input is unknown (most likely a piped input) image_data = progressbar.VerboseFileWrapper(image_data, filesize) gc.images.stage(args.id, image_data, args.size) @utils.arg('--import-method', metavar='', default='glance-direct', help=_('Import method used for Image Import workflow. ' 'Valid values can be retrieved with import-info command ' 'and the default "glance-direct" is used with ' '"image-stage".')) @utils.arg('--uri', metavar='', default=None, help=_('URI to download the external image.')) @utils.arg('--remote-region', metavar='', default=None, help=_('REMOTE GLANCE REGION to download the image.')) @utils.arg('--remote-image-id', metavar='', default=None, help=_('The IMAGE ID of the image of remote glance, which needs' 'to be imported with glance-download')) @utils.arg('--remote-service-interface', metavar='', default='public', help=_('The Remote Glance Service Interface for glance-download')) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to import.')) @utils.arg('--store', metavar='', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_STORE', default=None), help='Backend store to upload image to.') @utils.arg('--stores', metavar='', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_STORES', default=None), help='Stores to upload image to if multi-stores import available.') @utils.arg('--all-stores', type=strutils.bool_from_string, metavar='[True|False]', default=None, dest='os_all_stores', help=_('"all-stores" can be ued instead of "stores"-list to ' 'indicate that image should be imported all available ' 'stores.')) @utils.arg('--allow-failure', type=strutils.bool_from_string, metavar='[True|False]', dest='os_allow_failure', default=utils.env('OS_IMAGE_ALLOW_FAILURE', default=True), help=_('Indicator if all stores listed (or available) must ' 'succeed. "True" by default meaning that we allow some ' 'stores to fail and the status can be monitored from the ' 'image metadata. If this is set to "False" the import will ' 'be reverted should any of the uploads fail. Only usable ' 'with "stores" or "all-stores".')) def do_image_import(gc, args): """Initiate the image import taskflow.""" backend = getattr(args, "store", None) stores = getattr(args, "stores", None) all_stores = getattr(args, "os_all_stores", None) allow_failure = getattr(args, "os_allow_failure", True) uri = getattr(args, "uri", None) remote_region = getattr(args, "remote-region", None) remote_image_id = getattr(args, "remote-image-id", None) remote_service_interface = getattr(args, "remote-service-interface", None) if not getattr(args, 'from_create', False): if (args.store and (stores or all_stores)) or (stores and all_stores): utils.exit("Only one of --store, --stores and --all-stores can be " "provided") elif args.store: backend = args.store # determine if backend is valid _validate_backend(backend, gc) elif stores: stores = str(stores).split(',') # determine if backend is valid if stores: for store in stores: _validate_backend(store, gc) if getattr(args, 'from_create', False): # this command is being called "internally" so we can skip # validation -- just do the import and get out of here gc.images.image_import(args.id, args.import_method, args.uri, backend=backend, stores=stores, all_stores=all_stores, allow_failure=allow_failure) return # do input validation try: import_methods = gc.images.get_import_info().get('import-methods') except exc.HTTPNotFound: utils.exit('Target Glance does not support Image Import workflow') if args.import_method not in import_methods.get('value'): utils.exit("Import method '%s' is not valid for this cloud. " "Valid values can be retrieved with import-info command." % args.import_method) if args.import_method == 'web-download' and not args.uri: utils.exit("Provide URI for web-download import method.") if args.uri and args.import_method != 'web-download': utils.exit("Import method should be 'web-download' if URI is " "provided.") if args.import_method == 'glance-download' and \ not (remote_region and remote_image_id): utils.exit("Provide REMOTE_IMAGE_ID and remote-region for " "'glance-download' import method.") if remote_region and args.import_method != 'glance-download': utils.exit("Import method should be 'glance-download' if " "REMOTE REGION is provided.") if remote_image_id and args.import_method != 'glance-download': utils.exit("Import method should be 'glance-download' if " "REMOTE IMAGE ID is provided.") if remote_service_interface and args.import_method != 'glance-download': utils.exit("Import method should be 'glance-download' if " "REMOTE SERVICE INTERFACE is provided.") if args.import_method == 'copy-image' and not (stores or all_stores): utils.exit("Provide either --stores or --all-stores for " "'copy-image' import method.") # check image properties image = gc.images.get(args.id) container_format = image.get('container_format') disk_format = image.get('disk_format') if not (container_format and disk_format): utils.exit("The 'container_format' and 'disk_format' properties " "must be set on an image before it can be imported.") image_status = image.get('status') if args.import_method == 'glance-direct': if image_status != 'uploading': utils.exit("The 'glance-direct' import method can only be applied " "to an image in status 'uploading'") if args.import_method == 'web-download': if image_status != 'queued': utils.exit("The 'web-download' import method can only be applied " "to an image in status 'queued'") if args.import_method == 'copy-image': if image_status != 'active': utils.exit("The 'copy-image' import method can only be used on " "an image with status 'active'.") # finally, do the import gc.images.image_import(args.id, args.import_method, uri=uri, remote_region=remote_region, remote_image_id=remote_image_id, remote_service_interface=remote_service_interface, backend=backend, stores=stores, all_stores=all_stores, allow_failure=allow_failure) image = gc.images.get(args.id) utils.print_image(image) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', nargs='+', help=_('ID of image(s) to delete.')) def do_image_delete(gc, args): """Delete specified image.""" failure_flag = False for args_id in args.id: try: gc.images.delete(args_id) except exc.HTTPForbidden: msg = "You are not permitted to delete the image '%s'." % args_id utils.print_err(msg) failure_flag = True except exc.HTTPNotFound: msg = "No image with an ID of '%s' exists." % args_id utils.print_err(msg) failure_flag = True except exc.HTTPConflict: msg = "Unable to delete image '%s' because it is in use." % args_id utils.print_err(msg) failure_flag = True except exc.HTTPException as e: msg = "'%s': Unable to delete image '%s'" % (e, args_id) utils.print_err(msg) failure_flag = True if failure_flag: utils.exit() @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to deactivate.')) def do_image_deactivate(gc, args): """Deactivate specified image.""" gc.images.deactivate(args.id) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to reactivate.')) def do_image_reactivate(gc, args): """Reactivate specified image.""" gc.images.reactivate(args.id) @utils.arg('image_id', metavar='', help=_('Image to be updated with the given tag.')) @utils.arg('tag_value', metavar='', help=_('Value of the tag.')) def do_image_tag_update(gc, args): """Update an image with the given tag.""" if not (args.image_id and args.tag_value): utils.exit('Unable to update tag. Specify image_id and tag_value') else: gc.image_tags.update(args.image_id, args.tag_value) image = gc.images.get(args.image_id) image = [image] columns = ['ID', 'Tags'] utils.print_list(image, columns) @utils.arg('image_id', metavar='', help=_('ID of the image from which to delete tag.')) @utils.arg('tag_value', metavar='', help=_('Value of the tag.')) def do_image_tag_delete(gc, args): """Delete the tag associated with the given image.""" if not (args.image_id and args.tag_value): utils.exit('Unable to delete tag. Specify image_id and tag_value') else: gc.image_tags.delete(args.image_id, args.tag_value) @utils.arg('--url', metavar='', required=True, help=_('URL of location to add.')) @utils.arg('--metadata', metavar='', default='{}', help=_('Metadata associated with the location. ' 'Must be a valid JSON object (default: %(default)s)')) @utils.arg('--checksum', metavar='', help=_('md5 checksum of image contents')) @utils.arg('--hash-algo', metavar='', help=_('Multihash algorithm')) @utils.arg('--hash-value', metavar='', help=_('Multihash value')) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image to which the location is to be added.')) def do_location_add(gc, args): """Add a location (and related metadata) to an image.""" validation_data = {} if args.checksum: validation_data['checksum'] = args.checksum if args.hash_algo: validation_data['os_hash_algo'] = args.hash_algo if args.hash_value: validation_data['os_hash_value'] = args.hash_value try: metadata = json.loads(args.metadata) except ValueError: utils.exit('Metadata is not a valid JSON object.') else: image = gc.images.add_location(args.id, args.url, metadata, validation_data=validation_data) utils.print_dict(image) @utils.arg('--url', metavar='', action='append', required=True, help=_('URL of location to remove. May be used multiple times.')) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image whose locations are to be removed.')) def do_location_delete(gc, args): """Remove locations (and related metadata) from an image.""" gc.images.delete_locations(args.id, set(args.url)) @utils.arg('--url', metavar='', required=True, help=_('URL of location to update.')) @utils.arg('--metadata', metavar='', default='{}', help=_('Metadata associated with the location. ' 'Must be a valid JSON object (default: %(default)s)')) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('ID of image whose location is to be updated.')) def do_location_update(gc, args): """Update metadata of an image's location.""" try: metadata = json.loads(args.metadata) if metadata == {}: print("WARNING -- The location's metadata will be updated to " "an empty JSON object.") except ValueError: utils.exit('Metadata is not a valid JSON object.') else: image = gc.images.update_location(args.id, args.url, metadata) utils.print_dict(image) # Metadata - catalog NAMESPACE_SCHEMA = None def get_namespace_schema(): global NAMESPACE_SCHEMA if NAMESPACE_SCHEMA is None: schema_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.glanceclient/" "namespace_schema.json") if os.path.isfile(schema_path): with open(schema_path, "r") as f: schema_raw = f.read() NAMESPACE_SCHEMA = json.loads(schema_raw) else: return namespace_schema.BASE_SCHEMA return NAMESPACE_SCHEMA def _namespace_show(namespace, max_column_width=None): namespace = dict(namespace) # Warlock objects are compatible with dicts # Flatten dicts for display if 'properties' in namespace: props = [k for k in namespace['properties']] namespace['properties'] = props if 'resource_type_associations' in namespace: assocs = [assoc['name'] for assoc in namespace['resource_type_associations']] namespace['resource_type_associations'] = assocs if 'objects' in namespace: objects = [obj['name'] for obj in namespace['objects']] namespace['objects'] = objects if 'tags' in namespace: tags = [tag['name'] for tag in namespace['tags']] namespace['tags'] = tags if max_column_width: utils.print_dict(namespace, max_column_width) else: utils.print_dict(namespace) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='', help=_('Name of the namespace.')) @utils.schema_args(get_namespace_schema, omit=['namespace', 'property_count', 'properties', 'tag_count', 'tags', 'object_count', 'objects', 'resource_types']) def do_md_namespace_create(gc, args): """Create a new metadata definitions namespace.""" schema = gc.schemas.get('metadefs/namespace') _args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()] fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and (schema.is_core_property(x[0])), _args)) namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.create(**fields) _namespace_show(namespace) @utils.arg('--file', metavar='', help=_('Path to file with namespace schema to import. ' 'Alternatively, namespaces schema can be passed to the ' 'client via stdin.')) def do_md_namespace_import(gc, args): """Import a metadata definitions namespace from file or standard input.""" namespace_data = utils.get_data_file(args) if not namespace_data: utils.exit('No metadata definition namespace passed via stdin or ' '--file argument.') try: namespace_json = json.load(namespace_data) except ValueError: utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.') else: namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.create(**namespace_json) _namespace_show(namespace) @utils.arg('id', metavar='', help=_('Name of namespace to update.')) @utils.schema_args(get_namespace_schema, omit=['property_count', 'properties', 'tag_count', 'tags', 'object_count', 'objects', 'resource_type_associations']) def do_md_namespace_update(gc, args): """Update an existing metadata definitions namespace.""" schema = gc.schemas.get('metadefs/namespace') _args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()] fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and (schema.is_core_property(x[0])), _args)) namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.update(args.id, **fields) _namespace_show(namespace) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='', help=_('Name of namespace to describe.')) @utils.arg('--resource-type', metavar='', help=_('Applies prefix of given resource type associated to a ' 'namespace to all properties of a namespace.'), default=None) @utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='', default=80, help=_('The max column width of the printed table.')) def do_md_namespace_show(gc, args): """Describe a specific metadata definitions namespace. Lists also the namespace properties, objects and resource type associations. """ kwargs = {} if args.resource_type: kwargs['resource_type'] = args.resource_type namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.get(args.namespace, **kwargs) _namespace_show(namespace, int(args.max_column_width)) @utils.arg('--resource-types', metavar='', action='append', help=_('Resource type to filter namespaces.')) @utils.arg('--visibility', metavar='', help=_('Visibility parameter to filter namespaces.')) @utils.arg('--page-size', metavar='', default=None, type=int, help=_('Number of namespaces to request ' 'in each paginated request.')) def do_md_namespace_list(gc, args): """List metadata definitions namespaces.""" filter_keys = ['resource_types', 'visibility'] filter_items = [(key, getattr(args, key, None)) for key in filter_keys] filters = dict([item for item in filter_items if item[1] is not None]) kwargs = {'filters': filters} if args.page_size is not None: kwargs['page_size'] = args.page_size namespaces = gc.metadefs_namespace.list(**kwargs) columns = ['namespace'] utils.print_list(namespaces, columns) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='', help=_('Name of namespace to delete.')) def do_md_namespace_delete(gc, args): """Delete specified metadata definitions namespace with its contents.""" gc.metadefs_namespace.delete(args.namespace) # Metadata - catalog RESOURCE_TYPE_SCHEMA = None def get_resource_type_schema(): global RESOURCE_TYPE_SCHEMA if RESOURCE_TYPE_SCHEMA is None: schema_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.glanceclient/" "resource_type_schema.json") if os.path.isfile(schema_path): with open(schema_path, "r") as f: schema_raw = f.read() RESOURCE_TYPE_SCHEMA = json.loads(schema_raw) else: return resource_type_schema.BASE_SCHEMA return RESOURCE_TYPE_SCHEMA @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='', help=_('Name of namespace.')) @utils.schema_args(get_resource_type_schema) def do_md_resource_type_associate(gc, args): """Associate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace.""" schema = gc.schemas.get('metadefs/resource_type') _args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()] fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and (schema.is_core_property(x[0])), _args)) resource_type = gc.metadefs_resource_type.associate(args.namespace, **fields) utils.print_dict(resource_type) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='', help=_('Name of namespace.')) @utils.arg('resource_type', metavar='', help=_('Name of resource type.')) def do_md_resource_type_deassociate(gc, args): """Deassociate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace.""" gc.metadefs_resource_type.deassociate(args.namespace, args.resource_type) def do_md_resource_type_list(gc, args): """List available resource type names.""" resource_types = gc.metadefs_resource_type.list() utils.print_list(resource_types, ['name']) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='', help=_('Name of namespace.')) def do_md_namespace_resource_type_list(gc, args): """List resource types associated to specific namespace.""" resource_types = gc.metadefs_resource_type.get(args.namespace) utils.print_list(resource_types, ['name', 'prefix', 'properties_target']) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='', help=_('Name of namespace the property will belong.')) @utils.arg('--name', metavar='', required=True, help=_('Internal name of a property.')) @utils.arg('--title', metavar='', required=True, help=_('Property name displayed to the user.')) @utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', required=True, help=_('Valid JSON schema of a property.')) def do_md_property_create(gc, args): """Create a new metadata definitions property inside a namespace.""" try: schema = json.loads(args.schema) except ValueError: utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.') else: fields = {'name': args.name, 'title': args.title} fields.update(schema) new_property = gc.metadefs_property.create(args.namespace, **fields) utils.print_dict(new_property) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the property belongs.')) @utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help=_('Name of a property.')) @utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', default=None, help=_('New name of a property.')) @utils.arg('--title', metavar='<TITLE>', default=None, help=_('Property name displayed to the user.')) @utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', default=None, help=_('Valid JSON schema of a property.')) def do_md_property_update(gc, args): """Update metadata definitions property inside a namespace.""" fields = {} if args.name: fields['name'] = args.name if args.title: fields['title'] = args.title if args.schema: try: schema = json.loads(args.schema) except ValueError: utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.') else: fields.update(schema) new_property = gc.metadefs_property.update(args.namespace, args.property, **fields) utils.print_dict(new_property) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the property belongs.')) @utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help=_('Name of a property.')) @utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80, help=_('The max column width of the printed table.')) def do_md_property_show(gc, args): """Describe a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace.""" prop = gc.metadefs_property.get(args.namespace, args.property) utils.print_dict(prop, int(args.max_column_width)) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the property belongs.')) @utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help=_('Name of a property.')) def do_md_property_delete(gc, args): """Delete a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace.""" gc.metadefs_property.delete(args.namespace, args.property) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace.')) def do_md_namespace_properties_delete(gc, args): """Delete all metadata definitions property inside a specific namespace.""" gc.metadefs_property.delete_all(args.namespace) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace.')) def do_md_property_list(gc, args): """List metadata definitions properties inside a specific namespace.""" properties = gc.metadefs_property.list(args.namespace) columns = ['name', 'title', 'type'] utils.print_list(properties, columns) def _object_show(obj, max_column_width=None): obj = dict(obj) # Warlock objects are compatible with dicts # Flatten dicts for display if 'properties' in obj: objects = [k for k in obj['properties']] obj['properties'] = objects if max_column_width: utils.print_dict(obj, max_column_width) else: utils.print_dict(obj) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the object will belong.')) @utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', required=True, help=_('Internal name of an object.')) @utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', required=True, help=_('Valid JSON schema of an object.')) def do_md_object_create(gc, args): """Create a new metadata definitions object inside a namespace.""" try: schema = json.loads(args.schema) except ValueError: utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.') else: fields = {'name': args.name} fields.update(schema) new_object = gc.metadefs_object.create(args.namespace, **fields) _object_show(new_object) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the object belongs.')) @utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help=_('Name of an object.')) @utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', default=None, help=_('New name of an object.')) @utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', default=None, help=_('Valid JSON schema of an object.')) def do_md_object_update(gc, args): """Update metadata definitions object inside a namespace.""" fields = {} if args.name: fields['name'] = args.name if args.schema: try: schema = json.loads(args.schema) except ValueError: utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.') else: fields.update(schema) new_object = gc.metadefs_object.update(args.namespace, args.object, **fields) _object_show(new_object) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the object belongs.')) @utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help=_('Name of an object.')) @utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80, help=_('The max column width of the printed table.')) def do_md_object_show(gc, args): """Describe a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace.""" obj = gc.metadefs_object.get(args.namespace, args.object) _object_show(obj, int(args.max_column_width)) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the object belongs.')) @utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help=_('Name of an object.')) @utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help=_('Name of a property.')) @utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80, help=_('The max column width of the printed table.')) def do_md_object_property_show(gc, args): """Describe a specific metadata definitions property inside an object.""" obj = gc.metadefs_object.get(args.namespace, args.object) try: prop = obj['properties'][args.property] prop['name'] = args.property except KeyError: utils.exit('Property %s not found in object %s.' % (args.property, args.object)) utils.print_dict(prop, int(args.max_column_width)) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace the object belongs.')) @utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help=_('Name of an object.')) def do_md_object_delete(gc, args): """Delete a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace.""" gc.metadefs_object.delete(args.namespace, args.object) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace.')) def do_md_namespace_objects_delete(gc, args): """Delete all metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace.""" gc.metadefs_object.delete_all(args.namespace) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace.')) def do_md_object_list(gc, args): """List metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace.""" objects = gc.metadefs_object.list(args.namespace) columns = ['name', 'description'] column_settings = { "description": { "max_width": 50, "align": "l" } } utils.print_list(objects, columns, field_settings=column_settings) def _tag_show(tag, max_column_width=None): tag = dict(tag) # Warlock objects are compatible with dicts if max_column_width: utils.print_dict(tag, max_column_width) else: utils.print_dict(tag) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of the namespace the tag will belong to.')) @utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', required=True, help=_('The name of the new tag to add.')) def do_md_tag_create(gc, args): """Add a new metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.""" name = args.name.strip() if name: new_tag = gc.metadefs_tag.create(args.namespace, name) _tag_show(new_tag) else: utils.exit('Please supply at least one non-blank tag name.') @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of the namespace the tags will belong to.')) @utils.arg('--names', metavar='<NAMES>', required=True, help=_('A comma separated list of tag names.')) @utils.arg('--delim', metavar='<DELIM>', required=False, help=_('The delimiter used to separate the names' ' (if none is provided then the default is a comma).')) @utils.arg('--append', default=False, action='store_true', required=False, help=_('Append the new tags to the existing ones instead of' 'overwriting them')) def do_md_tag_create_multiple(gc, args): """Create new metadata definitions tags inside a namespace.""" delim = args.delim or ',' tags = [] names_list = args.names.split(delim) for name in names_list: name = name.strip() if name: tags.append(name) if not tags: utils.exit('Please supply at least one tag name. For example: ' '--names Tag1') fields = {'tags': tags, 'append': args.append} new_tags = gc.metadefs_tag.create_multiple(args.namespace, **fields) columns = ['name'] column_settings = { "description": { "max_width": 50, "align": "l" } } utils.print_list(new_tags, columns, field_settings=column_settings) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of the namespace to which the tag belongs.')) @utils.arg('tag', metavar='<TAG>', help=_('Name of the old tag.')) @utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', default=None, required=True, help=_('New name of the new tag.')) def do_md_tag_update(gc, args): """Rename a metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.""" name = args.name.strip() if name: fields = {'name': name} new_tag = gc.metadefs_tag.update(args.namespace, args.tag, **fields) _tag_show(new_tag) else: utils.exit('Please supply at least one non-blank tag name.') @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of the namespace to which the tag belongs.')) @utils.arg('tag', metavar='<TAG>', help=_('Name of the tag.')) def do_md_tag_show(gc, args): """Describe a specific metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.""" tag = gc.metadefs_tag.get(args.namespace, args.tag) _tag_show(tag) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of the namespace to which the tag belongs.')) @utils.arg('tag', metavar='<TAG>', help=_('Name of the tag.')) def do_md_tag_delete(gc, args): """Delete a specific metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.""" gc.metadefs_tag.delete(args.namespace, args.tag) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace.')) def do_md_namespace_tags_delete(gc, args): """Delete all metadata definitions tags inside a specific namespace.""" gc.metadefs_tag.delete_all(args.namespace) @utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help=_('Name of namespace.')) def do_md_tag_list(gc, args): """List metadata definitions tags inside a specific namespace.""" tags = gc.metadefs_tag.list(args.namespace) columns = ['name'] column_settings = { "description": { "max_width": 50, "align": "l" } } utils.print_list(tags, columns, field_settings=column_settings) @utils.arg('--target', default='both', choices=cache.TARGET_VALUES, help=_('Specify which target you want to clear')) def do_cache_clear(gc, args): """Clear all images from cache, queue or both""" if not gc.endpoint_provided: utils.exit("Direct server endpoint needs to be provided. Do not use " "loadbalanced or catalog endpoints.") try: gc.cache.clear(args.target) except exc.HTTPForbidden: msg = _("You are not permitted to delete image(s) " "from cache.") utils.print_err(msg) except exc.HTTPException as e: msg = _("'%s': Unable to delete image(s) from cache." % e) utils.print_err(msg) @utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', nargs='+', help=_('ID of image(s) to delete from cache/queue.')) def do_cache_delete(gc, args): """Delete image from cache/caching queue.""" if not gc.endpoint_provided: utils.exit("Direct server endpoint needs to be provided. Do not use " "loadbalanced or catalog endpoints.") for args_id in args.id: try: gc.cache.delete(args_id) except exc.HTTPForbidden: msg = _("You are not permitted to delete the image '%s' " "from cache." % args_id) utils.print_err(msg) except exc.HTTPException as e: msg = _("'%s': Unable to delete image '%s' from cache." % (e, args_id)) utils.print_err(msg) def do_cache_list(gc, args): """Get cache state.""" if not gc.endpoint_provided: utils.exit("Direct server endpoint needs to be provided. Do not use " "loadbalanced or catalog endpoints.") cached_images = gc.cache.list() utils.print_cached_images(cached_images) @utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', nargs='+', help=_('ID of image(s) to queue for caching.')) def do_cache_queue(gc, args): """Queue image(s) for caching.""" if not gc.endpoint_provided: utils.exit("Direct server endpoint needs to be provided. Do not use " "loadbalanced or catalog endpoints.") for args_id in args.id: try: gc.cache.queue(args_id) except exc.HTTPForbidden: msg = _("You are not permitted to queue the image '%s' " "for caching." % args_id) utils.print_err(msg) except exc.HTTPException as e: msg = _("'%s': Unable to queue image '%s' for caching." % (e, args_id)) utils.print_err(msg) @utils.arg('--sort-key', default='status', choices=tasks.SORT_KEY_VALUES, help=_('Sort task list by specified field.')) @utils.arg('--sort-dir', default='desc', choices=tasks.SORT_DIR_VALUES, help=_('Sort task list in specified direction.')) @utils.arg('--page-size', metavar='<SIZE>', default=None, type=int, help=_('Number of tasks to request in each paginated request.')) @utils.arg('--type', metavar='<TYPE>', help=_('Filter tasks to those that have this type.')) @utils.arg('--status', metavar='<STATUS>', help=_('Filter tasks to those that have this status.')) def do_task_list(gc, args): """List tasks you can access.""" filter_keys = ['type', 'status'] filter_items = [(key, getattr(args, key)) for key in filter_keys] filters = dict([item for item in filter_items if item[1] is not None]) kwargs = {'filters': filters} if args.page_size is not None: kwargs['page_size'] = args.page_size kwargs['sort_key'] = args.sort_key kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir tasks = gc.tasks.list(**kwargs) columns = ['ID', 'Type', 'Status', 'Owner'] utils.print_list(tasks, columns) @utils.arg('id', metavar='<TASK_ID>', help=_('ID of task to describe.')) def do_task_show(gc, args): """Describe a specific task.""" task = gc.tasks.get(args.id) ignore = ['self', 'schema'] task = dict([item for item in task.items() if item[0] not in ignore]) utils.print_dict(task) @utils.arg('--type', metavar='<TYPE>', help=_('Type of Task. Please refer to Glance schema or ' 'documentation to see which tasks are supported.')) @utils.arg('--input', metavar='<STRING>', default='{}', help=_('Parameters of the task to be launched')) def do_task_create(gc, args): """Create a new task.""" if not (args.type and args.input): utils.exit('Unable to create task. Specify task type and input.') else: try: input = json.loads(args.input) except ValueError: utils.exit('Failed to parse the "input" parameter. Must be a ' 'valid JSON object.') task_values = {'type': args.type, 'input': input} task = gc.tasks.create(**task_values) ignore = ['self', 'schema'] task = dict([item for item in task.items() if item[0] not in ignore]) utils.print_dict(task)