import inspect from django.apps import AppConfig from django.conf import settings from django.core.checks import Warning, register from django.middleware.gzip import GZipMiddleware from django.utils.module_loading import import_string from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from debug_toolbar import settings as dt_settings class DebugToolbarConfig(AppConfig): name = "debug_toolbar" verbose_name = _("Debug Toolbar") def ready(self): from debug_toolbar.toolbar import DebugToolbar # Import the panels when the app is ready and call their ready() methods. This # allows panels like CachePanel to enable their instrumentation immediately. for cls in DebugToolbar.get_panel_classes(): cls.ready() def check_template_config(config): """ Checks if a template configuration is valid. The toolbar requires either the toolbars to be unspecified or ``django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader`` to be included in the loaders. If custom loaders are specified, then APP_DIRS must be True. """ app_dirs = config.get("APP_DIRS", False) loaders = config.get("OPTIONS", {}).get("loaders", None) # By default the app loader is included. has_app_loaders = ( loaders is None or "django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader" in loaders ) return has_app_loaders or app_dirs @register def check_middleware(app_configs, **kwargs): from debug_toolbar.middleware import DebugToolbarMiddleware errors = [] gzip_index = None debug_toolbar_indexes = [] if all(not check_template_config(config) for config in settings.TEMPLATES): errors.append( Warning( "At least one DjangoTemplates TEMPLATES configuration needs " "to use django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader or " "have APP_DIRS set to True.", hint=( "Include django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader " 'in ["OPTIONS"]["loaders"]. Alternatively use ' "APP_DIRS=True for at least one " "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates " "backend configuration." ), id="debug_toolbar.W006", ) ) # If old style MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES is being used, report an error. if settings.is_overridden("MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES"): errors.append( Warning( "debug_toolbar is incompatible with MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting.", hint="Use MIDDLEWARE instead of MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES", id="debug_toolbar.W004", ) ) return errors # Determine the indexes which gzip and/or the toolbar are installed at for i, middleware in enumerate(settings.MIDDLEWARE): if is_middleware_class(GZipMiddleware, middleware): gzip_index = i elif is_middleware_class(DebugToolbarMiddleware, middleware): debug_toolbar_indexes.append(i) if not debug_toolbar_indexes: # If the toolbar does not appear, report an error. errors.append( Warning( "debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware is missing " "from MIDDLEWARE.", hint="Add debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware to " "MIDDLEWARE.", id="debug_toolbar.W001", ) ) elif len(debug_toolbar_indexes) != 1: # If the toolbar appears multiple times, report an error. errors.append( Warning( "debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware occurs " "multiple times in MIDDLEWARE.", hint="Load debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware only " "once in MIDDLEWARE.", id="debug_toolbar.W002", ) ) elif gzip_index is not None and debug_toolbar_indexes[0] < gzip_index: # If the toolbar appears before the gzip index, report an error. errors.append( Warning( "debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware occurs before " "django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware in MIDDLEWARE.", hint="Move debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware to " "after django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware in MIDDLEWARE.", id="debug_toolbar.W003", ) ) return errors @register def check_panel_configs(app_configs, **kwargs): """Allow each panel to check the toolbar's integration for their its own purposes.""" from debug_toolbar.toolbar import DebugToolbar errors = [] for panel_class in DebugToolbar.get_panel_classes(): for check_message in panel_class.run_checks(): errors.append(check_message) return errors def is_middleware_class(middleware_class, middleware_path): try: middleware_cls = import_string(middleware_path) except ImportError: return return inspect.isclass(middleware_cls) and issubclass( middleware_cls, middleware_class ) @register def check_panels(app_configs, **kwargs): errors = [] panels = dt_settings.get_panels() if not panels: errors.append( Warning( "Setting DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS is empty.", hint="Set DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS to a non-empty list in your " "", id="debug_toolbar.W005", ) ) return errors