# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org) # Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Paste Configuration Middleware and Objects""" import re import threading # Loaded lazily wsgilib = None local = None __all__ = ['DispatchingConfig', 'CONFIG', 'ConfigMiddleware', 'PrefixMiddleware'] def local_dict(): global config_local, local try: return config_local.wsgi_dict except NameError: config_local = threading.local() config_local.wsgi_dict = result = {} return result except AttributeError: config_local.wsgi_dict = result = {} return result class DispatchingConfig: """ This is a configuration object that can be used globally, imported, have references held onto. The configuration may differ by thread (or may not). Specific configurations are registered (and deregistered) either for the process or for threads. """ # @@: What should happen when someone tries to add this # configuration to itself? Probably the conf should become # resolved, and get rid of this delegation wrapper _constructor_lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self): self._constructor_lock.acquire() try: self.dispatching_id = 0 while 1: self._local_key = 'paste.processconfig_%i' % self.dispatching_id if self._local_key not in local_dict(): break self.dispatching_id += 1 finally: self._constructor_lock.release() self._process_configs = [] def push_thread_config(self, conf): """ Make ``conf`` the active configuration for this thread. Thread-local configuration always overrides process-wide configuration. This should be used like:: conf = make_conf() dispatching_config.push_thread_config(conf) try: ... do stuff ... finally: dispatching_config.pop_thread_config(conf) """ local_dict().setdefault(self._local_key, []).append(conf) def pop_thread_config(self, conf=None): """ Remove a thread-local configuration. If ``conf`` is given, it is checked against the popped configuration and an error is emitted if they don't match. """ self._pop_from(local_dict()[self._local_key], conf) def _pop_from(self, lst, conf): popped = lst.pop() if conf is not None and popped is not conf: raise AssertionError( f"The config popped ({popped}) is not the same as the config " f"expected ({conf})" ) def push_process_config(self, conf): """ Like push_thread_config, but applies the configuration to the entire process. """ self._process_configs.append(conf) def pop_process_config(self, conf=None): self._pop_from(self._process_configs, conf) def __getattr__(self, attr): conf = self.current_conf() if conf is None: raise AttributeError( "No configuration has been registered for this process or thread" ) return getattr(conf, attr) def current_conf(self): thread_configs = local_dict().get(self._local_key) if thread_configs: return thread_configs[-1] elif self._process_configs: return self._process_configs[-1] else: return None def __getitem__(self, key): # I thought __getattr__ would catch this, but apparently not conf = self.current_conf() if conf is None: raise TypeError( "No configuration has been registered for this process or thread" ) return conf[key] def __contains__(self, key): # I thought __getattr__ would catch this, but apparently not return key in self def __setitem__(self, key, value): # I thought __getattr__ would catch this, but apparently not conf = self.current_conf() conf[key] = value CONFIG = DispatchingConfig() class ConfigMiddleware: """ A WSGI middleware that adds a ``paste.config`` key to the request environment, as well as registering the configuration temporarily (for the length of the request) with ``paste.CONFIG``. """ def __init__(self, application, config): """ This delegates all requests to `application`, adding a *copy* of the configuration `config`. """ self.application = application self.config = config def __call__(self, environ, start_response): global wsgilib if wsgilib is None: from paste import wsgilib popped_config = None if 'paste.config' in environ: popped_config = environ['paste.config'] conf = environ['paste.config'] = self.config.copy() app_iter = None CONFIG.push_thread_config(conf) try: app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response) finally: if app_iter is None: # An error occurred... CONFIG.pop_thread_config(conf) if popped_config is not None: environ['paste.config'] = popped_config if type(app_iter) in (list, tuple): # Because it is a concrete iterator (not a generator) we # know the configuration for this thread is no longer # needed: CONFIG.pop_thread_config(conf) if popped_config is not None: environ['paste.config'] = popped_config return app_iter else: def close_config(): CONFIG.pop_thread_config(conf) new_app_iter = wsgilib.add_close(app_iter, close_config) return new_app_iter def make_config_filter(app, global_conf, **local_conf): conf = global_conf.copy() conf.update(local_conf) return ConfigMiddleware(app, conf) make_config_middleware = ConfigMiddleware.__doc__ class PrefixMiddleware: """Translate a given prefix into a SCRIPT_NAME for the filtered application. PrefixMiddleware provides a way to manually override the root prefix (SCRIPT_NAME) of your application for certain, rare situations. When running an application under a prefix (such as '/james') in FastCGI/apache, the SCRIPT_NAME environment variable is automatically set to to the appropriate value: '/james'. Pylons' URL generating functions, such as url_for, always take the SCRIPT_NAME value into account. One situation where PrefixMiddleware is required is when an application is accessed via a reverse proxy with a prefix. The application is accessed through the reverse proxy via the the URL prefix '/james', whereas the reverse proxy forwards those requests to the application at the prefix '/'. The reverse proxy, being an entirely separate web server, has no way of specifying the SCRIPT_NAME variable; it must be manually set by a PrefixMiddleware instance. Without setting SCRIPT_NAME, url_for will generate URLs such as: '/purchase_orders/1', when it should be generating: '/james/purchase_orders/1'. To filter your application through a PrefixMiddleware instance, add the following to the '[app:main]' section of your .ini file: .. code-block:: ini filter-with = proxy-prefix [filter:proxy-prefix] use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix prefix = /james The name ``proxy-prefix`` simply acts as an identifier of the filter section; feel free to rename it. Also, unless disabled, the ``X-Forwarded-Server`` header will be translated to the ``Host`` header, for cases when that header is lost in the proxying. Also ``X-Forwarded-Host``, ``X-Forwarded-Scheme``, and ``X-Forwarded-Proto`` are translated. If ``force_port`` is set, SERVER_PORT and HTTP_HOST will be rewritten with the given port. You can use a number, string (like '80') or the empty string (whatever is the default port for the scheme). This is useful in situations where there is port forwarding going on, and the server believes itself to be on a different port than what the outside world sees. You can also use ``scheme`` to explicitly set the scheme (like ``scheme = https``). """ def __init__( self, app, global_conf=None, prefix='/', translate_forwarded_server=True, force_port=None, scheme=None, ): self.app = app self.prefix = prefix.rstrip('/') self.translate_forwarded_server = translate_forwarded_server self.regprefix = re.compile("^%s(.*)$" % self.prefix) self.force_port = force_port self.scheme = scheme def __call__(self, environ, start_response): url = environ['PATH_INFO'] url = re.sub(self.regprefix, r'\1', url) if not url: url = '/' environ['PATH_INFO'] = url environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = self.prefix if self.translate_forwarded_server: if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER' in environ: environ['SERVER_NAME'] = environ['HTTP_HOST'] = environ.pop( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER' ).split(',')[0] if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in environ: environ['HTTP_HOST'] = environ.pop('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST').split(',')[ 0 ] if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in environ: environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = environ.pop('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR').split(',')[ 0 ] if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME' in environ: environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = environ.pop('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME') elif 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO' in environ: environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = environ.pop('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') if self.force_port is not None: host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '').split(':', 1)[0] if self.force_port: host = f'{host}:{self.force_port}' environ['SERVER_PORT'] = str(self.force_port) else: if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'http': port = '80' else: port = '443' environ['SERVER_PORT'] = port environ['HTTP_HOST'] = host if self.scheme is not None: environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = self.scheme return self.app(environ, start_response) def make_prefix_middleware( app, global_conf, prefix='/', translate_forwarded_server=True, force_port=None, scheme=None, ): from paste.deploy.converters import asbool translate_forwarded_server = asbool(translate_forwarded_server) return PrefixMiddleware( app, prefix=prefix, translate_forwarded_server=translate_forwarded_server, force_port=force_port, scheme=scheme, ) make_prefix_middleware.__doc__ = PrefixMiddleware.__doc__