# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Remote filesystem client utilities.""" import os import re import tempfile from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils.secretutils import md5 from os_brick import exception from os_brick import executor from os_brick.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RemoteFsClient(executor.Executor): def __init__(self, mount_type, root_helper, execute=None, *args, **kwargs): super(RemoteFsClient, self).__init__(root_helper, execute=execute, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore mount_type_to_option_prefix = { 'nfs': 'nfs', 'cifs': 'smbfs', 'glusterfs': 'glusterfs', 'vzstorage': 'vzstorage', 'quobyte': 'quobyte', 'scality': 'scality' } if mount_type not in mount_type_to_option_prefix: raise exception.ProtocolNotSupported(protocol=mount_type) self._mount_type = mount_type option_prefix = mount_type_to_option_prefix[mount_type] self._mount_base: str self._mount_base = kwargs.get(option_prefix + '_mount_point_base') # type: ignore if not self._mount_base: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( err=_('%s_mount_point_base required') % option_prefix) self._mount_options = kwargs.get(option_prefix + '_mount_options') if mount_type == "nfs": self._check_nfs_options() def get_mount_base(self): return self._mount_base def _get_hash_str(self, base_str): """Return a string that represents hash of base_str (hex format).""" if isinstance(base_str, str): base_str = base_str.encode('utf-8') return md5(base_str, usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest() def get_mount_point(self, device_name: str): """Get Mount Point. :param device_name: example """ return os.path.join(self._mount_base, self._get_hash_str(device_name)) def _read_mounts(self): """Returns a dict of mounts and their mountpoint Format reference: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/fstab.5.html """ with open("/proc/mounts", "r") as mounts: # Remove empty lines and split lines by whitespace lines = [line.split() for line in mounts.read().splitlines() if line.strip()] # Return {mountpoint: mountdevice}. Fields 2nd and 1st as per # http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/fstab.5.html return {line[1]: line[0] for line in lines if line[0] != '#'} def mount(self, share, flags=None): """Mount given share.""" mount_path = self.get_mount_point(share) if mount_path in self._read_mounts(): LOG.debug('Already mounted: %s', mount_path) return self._execute('mkdir', '-p', mount_path, check_exit_code=0) if self._mount_type == 'nfs': self._mount_nfs(share, mount_path, flags) else: self._do_mount(self._mount_type, share, mount_path, self._mount_options, flags) def _do_mount(self, mount_type, share, mount_path, mount_options=None, flags=None): """Mounts share based on the specified params.""" mnt_cmd = ['mount', '-t', mount_type] if mount_options is not None: mnt_cmd.extend(['-o', mount_options]) if flags is not None: mnt_cmd.extend(flags) mnt_cmd.extend([share, mount_path]) try: self._execute(*mnt_cmd, root_helper=self._root_helper, run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=0) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc: if 'already mounted' in exc.stderr: LOG.debug("Already mounted: %s", share) # The error message can say "busy or already mounted" when the # share didn't actually mount, so look for it. if share in self._read_mounts(): return LOG.error("Failed to mount %(share)s, reason: %(reason)s", {'share': share, 'reason': exc.stderr}) raise def _mount_nfs(self, nfs_share, mount_path, flags=None): """Mount nfs share using present mount types.""" mnt_errors = {} # This loop allows us to first try to mount with NFS 4.1 for pNFS # support but falls back to mount NFS 4 or NFS 3 if either the client # or server do not support it. for mnt_type in sorted(self._nfs_mount_type_opts.keys(), reverse=True): options = self._nfs_mount_type_opts[mnt_type] try: self._do_mount('nfs', nfs_share, mount_path, options, flags) LOG.debug('Mounted %(sh)s using %(mnt_type)s.', {'sh': nfs_share, 'mnt_type': mnt_type}) return except Exception as e: mnt_errors[mnt_type] = str(e) LOG.debug('Failed to do %s mount.', mnt_type) raise exception.BrickException(_("NFS mount failed for share %(sh)s. " "Error - %(error)s") % {'sh': nfs_share, 'error': mnt_errors}) def _check_nfs_options(self): """Checks and prepares nfs mount type options.""" self._nfs_mount_type_opts = {'nfs': self._mount_options} nfs_vers_opt_patterns = ['^nfsvers', '^vers', r'^v[\d]'] for opt in nfs_vers_opt_patterns: if self._option_exists(self._mount_options, opt): return # pNFS requires NFS 4.1. The mount.nfs4 utility does not automatically # negotiate 4.1 support, we have to ask for it by specifying two # options: vers=4 and minorversion=1. pnfs_opts = self._update_option(self._mount_options, 'vers', '4') pnfs_opts = self._update_option(pnfs_opts, 'minorversion', '1') self._nfs_mount_type_opts['pnfs'] = pnfs_opts def _option_exists(self, options, opt_pattern): """Checks if the option exists in nfs options and returns position.""" options = [x.strip() for x in options.split(',')] if options else [] pos = 0 for opt in options: pos = pos + 1 if re.match(opt_pattern, opt, flags=0): return pos return 0 def _update_option(self, options, option, value=None): """Update option if exists else adds it and returns new options.""" opts = [x.strip() for x in options.split(',')] if options else [] pos = self._option_exists(options, option) if pos: opts.pop(pos - 1) opt = '%s=%s' % (option, value) if value else option opts.append(opt) return ",".join(opts) if len(opts) > 1 else opts[0] class ScalityRemoteFsClient(RemoteFsClient): def __init__(self, mount_type, root_helper, execute=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ScalityRemoteFsClient, self).__init__( mount_type, root_helper, execute=execute, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore self._mount_type = mount_type self._mount_base = kwargs.get( 'scality_mount_point_base', "").rstrip('/') if not self._mount_base: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( err=_('scality_mount_point_base required')) self._mount_options = None def get_mount_point(self, device_name): return os.path.join(self._mount_base, device_name, "00") def mount(self, share, flags=None): """Mount the Scality ScaleOut FS. The `share` argument is ignored because you can't mount several SOFS at the same type on a single server. But we want to keep the same method signature for class inheritance purpose. """ if self._mount_base in self._read_mounts(): LOG.debug('Already mounted: %s', self._mount_base) return self._execute('mkdir', '-p', self._mount_base, check_exit_code=0) super(ScalityRemoteFsClient, self)._do_mount( 'sofs', '/etc/sfused.conf', self._mount_base) class VZStorageRemoteFSClient(RemoteFsClient): def _vzstorage_write_mds_list(self, cluster_name, mdss): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='vzstorage-') tmp_bs_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'bs_list') with open(tmp_bs_path, 'w') as f: for mds in mdss: f.write(mds + "\n") conf_dir = os.path.join('/etc/pstorage/clusters', cluster_name) if os.path.exists(conf_dir): bs_path = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'bs_list') self._execute('cp', '-f', tmp_bs_path, bs_path, root_helper=self._root_helper, run_as_root=True) else: self._execute('cp', '-rf', tmp_dir, conf_dir, root_helper=self._root_helper, run_as_root=True) self._execute('chown', '-R', 'root:root', conf_dir, root_helper=self._root_helper, run_as_root=True) def _do_mount(self, mount_type, vz_share, mount_path, mount_options=None, flags=None): m = re.search(r"(?:(\S+):\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?::(\S+))?", vz_share) if not m: msg = (_("Invalid Virtuozzo Storage share specification: %r." "Must be: [MDS1[,MDS2],...:/][:PASSWORD].") % vz_share) raise exception.BrickException(msg) mdss = m.group(1) cluster_name = m.group(2) passwd = m.group(3) if mdss: mdss = mdss.split(',') self._vzstorage_write_mds_list(cluster_name, mdss) if passwd: self._execute('pstorage', '-c', cluster_name, 'auth-node', '-P', process_input=passwd, root_helper=self._root_helper, run_as_root=True) mnt_cmd = ['pstorage-mount', '-c', cluster_name] if flags: mnt_cmd.extend(flags) mnt_cmd.extend([mount_path]) self._execute(*mnt_cmd, root_helper=self._root_helper, run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=0)