from functools import lru_cache from html import escape import sqlparse from django.dispatch import receiver from django.test.signals import setting_changed from sqlparse import tokens as T from debug_toolbar import settings as dt_settings class ElideSelectListsFilter: """sqlparse filter to elide the select list from top-level SELECT ... FROM clauses, if present""" def process(self, stream): allow_elision = True for token_type, value in stream: yield token_type, value if token_type in T.Keyword: keyword = value.upper() if allow_elision and keyword == "SELECT": yield from self.elide_until_from(stream) allow_elision = keyword in ["EXCEPT", "INTERSECT", "UNION"] @staticmethod def elide_until_from(stream): has_dot = False saved_tokens = [] for token_type, value in stream: if token_type in T.Keyword and value.upper() == "FROM": # Do not elide a select lists that do not contain dots (used to separate # table names from column names) in order to preserve # SELECT COUNT(*) AS `__count` FROM ... # and # SELECT (1) AS `a` FROM ... # queries. if not has_dot: yield from saved_tokens else: # U+2022: Unicode character 'BULLET' yield T.Other, " \u2022\u2022\u2022 " yield token_type, value break if not has_dot: if token_type in T.Punctuation and value == ".": has_dot = True else: saved_tokens.append((token_type, value)) class BoldKeywordFilter: """sqlparse filter to bold SQL keywords""" def process(self, stmt): idx = 0 while idx < len(stmt.tokens): token = stmt[idx] if token.is_keyword: stmt.insert_before(idx, sqlparse.sql.Token(T.Other, "")) stmt.insert_after( idx + 1, sqlparse.sql.Token(T.Other, ""), skip_ws=False, ) idx += 2 elif token.is_group: self.process(token) idx += 1 def escaped_value(token): # Don't escape T.Whitespace tokens because AlignedIndentFilter inserts its tokens as # T.Whitesapce, and in our case those tokens are actually HTML. if token.ttype in (T.Other, T.Whitespace): return token.value return escape(token.value, quote=False) class EscapedStringSerializer: """sqlparse post-processor to convert a Statement into a string escaped for inclusion in HTML .""" @staticmethod def process(stmt): return "".join(escaped_value(token) for token in stmt.flatten()) def reformat_sql(sql, with_toggle=False): formatted = parse_sql(sql) if not with_toggle: return formatted simplified = parse_sql(sql, simplify=True) uncollapsed = f'{simplified}' collapsed = f'{formatted}' return collapsed + uncollapsed @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def parse_sql(sql, *, simplify=False): stack = get_filter_stack(simplify=simplify) return "".join( @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_filter_stack(*, simplify): stack = sqlparse.engine.FilterStack() if simplify: stack.preprocess.append(ElideSelectListsFilter()) else: if dt_settings.get_config()["PRETTIFY_SQL"]: stack.enable_grouping() stack.stmtprocess.append( sqlparse.filters.AlignedIndentFilter(char=" ", n="
") ) stack.stmtprocess.append(BoldKeywordFilter()) stack.postprocess.append(EscapedStringSerializer()) # Statement -> str return stack @receiver(setting_changed) def clear_caches(*, setting, **kwargs): if setting == "DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG": parse_sql.cache_clear() get_filter_stack.cache_clear() def contrasting_color_generator(): """ Generate contrasting colors by varying most significant bit of RGB first, and then vary subsequent bits systematically. """ def rgb_to_hex(rgb): return "#%02x%02x%02x" % tuple(rgb) triples = [ (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), ] n = 1 << 7 so_far = [[0, 0, 0]] while True: if n == 0: # This happens after 2**24 colours; presumably, never yield "#000000" # black copy_so_far = list(so_far) for triple in triples: for previous in copy_so_far: rgb = [n * triple[i] + previous[i] for i in range(3)] so_far.append(rgb) yield rgb_to_hex(rgb) n >>= 1