import re from datetime import ( date, datetime, ) from collections import namedtuple from webob.byterange import ( ContentRange, Range, ) from webob.compat import ( PY2, text_type, ) from webob.datetime_utils import ( parse_date, serialize_date, ) from webob.util import ( header_docstring, warn_deprecation, ) CHARSET_RE = re.compile(r';\s*charset=([^;]*)', re.I) SCHEME_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z]+:', re.I) _not_given = object() def environ_getter(key, default=_not_given, rfc_section=None): if rfc_section: doc = header_docstring(key, rfc_section) else: doc = "Gets and sets the ``%s`` key in the environment." % key if default is _not_given: def fget(req): return req.environ[key] def fset(req, val): req.environ[key] = val fdel = None else: def fget(req): return req.environ.get(key, default) def fset(req, val): if val is None: if key in req.environ: del req.environ[key] else: req.environ[key] = val def fdel(req): del req.environ[key] return property(fget, fset, fdel, doc=doc) def environ_decoder(key, default=_not_given, rfc_section=None, encattr=None): if rfc_section: doc = header_docstring(key, rfc_section) else: doc = "Gets and sets the ``%s`` key in the environment." % key if default is _not_given: def fget(req): return req.encget(key, encattr=encattr) def fset(req, val): return req.encset(key, val, encattr=encattr) fdel = None else: def fget(req): return req.encget(key, default, encattr=encattr) def fset(req, val): if val is None: if key in req.environ: del req.environ[key] else: return req.encset(key, val, encattr=encattr) def fdel(req): del req.environ[key] return property(fget, fset, fdel, doc=doc) def upath_property(key): if PY2: def fget(req): encoding = req.url_encoding return req.environ.get(key, '').decode(encoding) def fset(req, val): encoding = req.url_encoding if isinstance(val, text_type): val = val.encode(encoding) req.environ[key] = val else: def fget(req): encoding = req.url_encoding return req.environ.get(key, '').encode('latin-1').decode(encoding) def fset(req, val): encoding = req.url_encoding req.environ[key] = val.encode(encoding).decode('latin-1') return property(fget, fset, doc='upath_property(%r)' % key) def deprecated_property(attr, name, text, version): # pragma: no cover """ Wraps a descriptor, with a deprecation warning or error """ def warn(): warn_deprecation('The attribute %s is deprecated: %s' % (name, text), version, 3 ) def fget(self): warn() return attr.__get__(self, type(self)) def fset(self, val): warn() attr.__set__(self, val) def fdel(self): warn() attr.__delete__(self) return property(fget, fset, fdel, '' % name ) def header_getter(header, rfc_section): doc = header_docstring(header, rfc_section) key = header.lower() def fget(r): for k, v in r._headerlist: if k.lower() == key: return v def fset(r, value): fdel(r) if value is not None: if '\n' in value or '\r' in value: raise ValueError('Header value may not contain control characters') if isinstance(value, text_type) and PY2: value = value.encode('latin-1') r._headerlist.append((header, value)) def fdel(r): r._headerlist[:] = [(k, v) for (k, v) in r._headerlist if k.lower() != key] return property(fget, fset, fdel, doc) def converter(prop, parse, serialize, convert_name=None): assert isinstance(prop, property) convert_name = convert_name or "``%s`` and ``%s``" % (parse.__name__, serialize.__name__) doc = prop.__doc__ or '' doc += " Converts it using %s." % convert_name hget, hset = prop.fget, prop.fset def fget(r): return parse(hget(r)) def fset(r, val): if val is not None: val = serialize(val) hset(r, val) return property(fget, fset, prop.fdel, doc) def list_header(header, rfc_section): prop = header_getter(header, rfc_section) return converter(prop, parse_list, serialize_list, 'list') def parse_list(value): if not value: return None return tuple(filter(None, [v.strip() for v in value.split(',')])) def serialize_list(value): if isinstance(value, (text_type, bytes)): return str(value) else: return ', '.join(map(str, value)) def converter_date(prop): return converter(prop, parse_date, serialize_date, 'HTTP date') def date_header(header, rfc_section): return converter_date(header_getter(header, rfc_section)) ######################## ## Converter functions ######################## _rx_etag = re.compile(r'(?:^|\s)(W/)?"((?:\\"|.)*?)"') def parse_etag_response(value, strong=False): """ Parse a response ETag. See: * * """ if not value: return None m = _rx_etag.match(value) if not m: # this etag is invalid, but we'll just return it anyway return value elif strong and # this is a weak etag and we want only strong ones return None else: return'\\"', '"') def serialize_etag_response(value): #return '"%s"' % value.replace('"', '\\"') strong = True if isinstance(value, tuple): value, strong = value elif _rx_etag.match(value): # this is a valid etag already return value # let's quote the value r = '"%s"' % value.replace('"', '\\"') if not strong: r = 'W/' + r return r def serialize_if_range(value): if isinstance(value, (datetime, date)): return serialize_date(value) value = str(value) return value or None def parse_range(value): if not value: return None # Might return None too: return Range.parse(value) def serialize_range(value): if not value: return None elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return str(Range(*value)) else: assert isinstance(value, str) return value def parse_int(value): if value is None or value == '': return None return int(value) def parse_int_safe(value): if value is None or value == '': return None try: return int(value) except ValueError: return None serialize_int = str def parse_content_range(value): if not value or not value.strip(): return None # May still return None return ContentRange.parse(value) def serialize_content_range(value): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): if len(value) not in (2, 3): raise ValueError( "When setting content_range to a list/tuple, it must " "be length 2 or 3 (not %r)" % value) if len(value) == 2: begin, end = value length = None else: begin, end, length = value value = ContentRange(begin, end, length) value = str(value).strip() if not value: return None return value _rx_auth_param = re.compile(r'([a-z]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(".*?"|[^,]*?)[ \t]*(?:\Z|, *)') def parse_auth_params(params): r = {} for k, v in _rx_auth_param.findall(params): r[k] = v.strip('"') return r # see known_auth_schemes = ['Basic', 'Digest', 'WSSE', 'HMACDigest', 'GoogleLogin', 'Cookie', 'OpenID'] known_auth_schemes = dict.fromkeys(known_auth_schemes, None) _authorization = namedtuple('Authorization', ['authtype', 'params']) def parse_auth(val): if val is not None: authtype, sep, params = val.partition(' ') if authtype in known_auth_schemes: if authtype == 'Basic' and '"' not in params: # this is the "Authentication: Basic XXXXX==" case pass else: params = parse_auth_params(params) return _authorization(authtype, params) return val def serialize_auth(val): if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): authtype, params = val if isinstance(params, dict): params = ', '.join(map('%s="%s"'.__mod__, params.items())) assert isinstance(params, str) return '%s %s' % (authtype, params) return val