# fixtures: Fixtures with cleanups for testing and convenience. # # Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Robert Collins # # Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause # license at the users choice. A copy of both licenses are available in the # project source as Apache-2.0 and BSD. You may not use this file except in # compliance with one of these two licences. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under these licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # license you chose for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under that license. """Included fixtures.""" __all__ = [ 'ByteStream', 'DetailStream', 'EnvironmentVariable', 'EnvironmentVariableFixture', 'FakeLogger', 'FakePopen', 'LoggerFixture', 'LogHandler', 'MockPatch', 'MockPatchMultiple', 'MockPatchObject', 'MonkeyPatch', 'NestedTempfile', 'PackagePathEntry', 'PopenFixture', 'PythonPackage', 'PythonPathEntry', 'StringStream', 'TempDir', 'TempHomeDir', 'Timeout', 'TimeoutException', 'WarningsCapture', 'WarningsFilter', ] from fixtures._fixtures.environ import ( EnvironmentVariable, EnvironmentVariableFixture, ) from fixtures._fixtures.logger import ( FakeLogger, LoggerFixture, LogHandler, ) from fixtures._fixtures.mockpatch import ( MockPatch, MockPatchMultiple, MockPatchObject, ) from fixtures._fixtures.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from fixtures._fixtures.popen import ( FakePopen, PopenFixture, ) from fixtures._fixtures.packagepath import PackagePathEntry from fixtures._fixtures.pythonpackage import PythonPackage from fixtures._fixtures.pythonpath import PythonPathEntry from fixtures._fixtures.streams import ( ByteStream, DetailStream, StringStream, ) from fixtures._fixtures.tempdir import ( NestedTempfile, TempDir, ) from fixtures._fixtures.temphomedir import ( TempHomeDir, ) from fixtures._fixtures.timeout import ( Timeout, TimeoutException, ) from fixtures._fixtures.warnings import ( WarningsCapture, WarningsFilter, )