# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 John Rochester # # This file is part of paramiko. # # Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Paramiko is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ SSH Agent interface """ import os import socket import struct import sys import threading import time import tempfile import stat from logging import DEBUG from select import select from paramiko.common import io_sleep, byte_chr from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException, AuthenticationException from paramiko.message import Message from paramiko.pkey import PKey, UnknownKeyType from paramiko.util import asbytes, get_logger cSSH2_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES = byte_chr(11) SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER = 12 cSSH2_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST = byte_chr(13) SSH2_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE = 14 SSH_AGENT_RSA_SHA2_256 = 2 SSH_AGENT_RSA_SHA2_512 = 4 # NOTE: RFC mildly confusing; while these flags are OR'd together, OpenSSH at # least really treats them like "AND"s, in the sense that if it finds the # SHA256 flag set it won't continue looking at the SHA512 one; it # short-circuits right away. # Thus, we never want to eg submit 6 to say "either's good". ALGORITHM_FLAG_MAP = { "rsa-sha2-256": SSH_AGENT_RSA_SHA2_256, "rsa-sha2-512": SSH_AGENT_RSA_SHA2_512, } for key, value in list(ALGORITHM_FLAG_MAP.items()): ALGORITHM_FLAG_MAP[f"{key}-cert-v01@openssh.com"] = value # TODO 4.0: rename all these - including making some of their methods public? class AgentSSH: def __init__(self): self._conn = None self._keys = () def get_keys(self): """ Return the list of keys available through the SSH agent, if any. If no SSH agent was running (or it couldn't be contacted), an empty list will be returned. This method performs no IO, just returns the list of keys retrieved when the connection was made. :return: a tuple of `.AgentKey` objects representing keys available on the SSH agent """ return self._keys def _connect(self, conn): self._conn = conn ptype, result = self._send_message(cSSH2_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES) if ptype != SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER: raise SSHException("could not get keys from ssh-agent") keys = [] for i in range(result.get_int()): keys.append( AgentKey( agent=self, blob=result.get_binary(), comment=result.get_text(), ) ) self._keys = tuple(keys) def _close(self): if self._conn is not None: self._conn.close() self._conn = None self._keys = () def _send_message(self, msg): msg = asbytes(msg) self._conn.send(struct.pack(">I", len(msg)) + msg) data = self._read_all(4) msg = Message(self._read_all(struct.unpack(">I", data)[0])) return ord(msg.get_byte()), msg def _read_all(self, wanted): result = self._conn.recv(wanted) while len(result) < wanted: if len(result) == 0: raise SSHException("lost ssh-agent") extra = self._conn.recv(wanted - len(result)) if len(extra) == 0: raise SSHException("lost ssh-agent") result += extra return result class AgentProxyThread(threading.Thread): """ Class in charge of communication between two channels. """ def __init__(self, agent): threading.Thread.__init__(self, target=self.run) self._agent = agent self._exit = False def run(self): try: (r, addr) = self.get_connection() # Found that r should be either # a socket from the socket library or None self.__inr = r # The address should be an IP address as a string? or None self.__addr = addr self._agent.connect() if not isinstance(self._agent, int) and ( self._agent._conn is None or not hasattr(self._agent._conn, "fileno") ): raise AuthenticationException("Unable to connect to SSH agent") self._communicate() except: # XXX Not sure what to do here ... raise or pass ? raise def _communicate(self): import fcntl oldflags = fcntl.fcntl(self.__inr, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(self.__inr, fcntl.F_SETFL, oldflags | os.O_NONBLOCK) while not self._exit: events = select([self._agent._conn, self.__inr], [], [], 0.5) for fd in events[0]: if self._agent._conn == fd: data = self._agent._conn.recv(512) if len(data) != 0: self.__inr.send(data) else: self._close() break elif self.__inr == fd: data = self.__inr.recv(512) if len(data) != 0: self._agent._conn.send(data) else: self._close() break time.sleep(io_sleep) def _close(self): self._exit = True self.__inr.close() self._agent._conn.close() class AgentLocalProxy(AgentProxyThread): """ Class to be used when wanting to ask a local SSH Agent being asked from a remote fake agent (so use a unix socket for ex.) """ def __init__(self, agent): AgentProxyThread.__init__(self, agent) def get_connection(self): """ Return a pair of socket object and string address. May block! """ conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: conn.bind(self._agent._get_filename()) conn.listen(1) (r, addr) = conn.accept() return r, addr except: raise class AgentRemoteProxy(AgentProxyThread): """ Class to be used when wanting to ask a remote SSH Agent """ def __init__(self, agent, chan): AgentProxyThread.__init__(self, agent) self.__chan = chan def get_connection(self): return self.__chan, None def get_agent_connection(): """ Returns some SSH agent object, or None if none were found/supported. .. versionadded:: 2.10 """ if ("SSH_AUTH_SOCK" in os.environ) and (sys.platform != "win32"): conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: conn.connect(os.environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"]) return conn except: # probably a dangling env var: the ssh agent is gone return elif sys.platform == "win32": from . import win_pageant, win_openssh conn = None if win_pageant.can_talk_to_agent(): conn = win_pageant.PageantConnection() elif win_openssh.can_talk_to_agent(): conn = win_openssh.OpenSSHAgentConnection() return conn else: # no agent support return class AgentClientProxy: """ Class proxying request as a client: #. client ask for a request_forward_agent() #. server creates a proxy and a fake SSH Agent #. server ask for establishing a connection when needed, calling the forward_agent_handler at client side. #. the forward_agent_handler launch a thread for connecting the remote fake agent and the local agent #. Communication occurs ... """ def __init__(self, chanRemote): self._conn = None self.__chanR = chanRemote self.thread = AgentRemoteProxy(self, chanRemote) self.thread.start() def __del__(self): self.close() def connect(self): """ Method automatically called by ``AgentProxyThread.run``. """ conn = get_agent_connection() if not conn: return self._conn = conn def close(self): """ Close the current connection and terminate the agent Should be called manually """ if hasattr(self, "thread"): self.thread._exit = True self.thread.join(1000) if self._conn is not None: self._conn.close() class AgentServerProxy(AgentSSH): """ Allows an SSH server to access a forwarded agent. This also creates a unix domain socket on the system to allow external programs to also access the agent. For this reason, you probably only want to create one of these. :meth:`connect` must be called before it is usable. This will also load the list of keys the agent contains. You must also call :meth:`close` in order to clean up the unix socket and the thread that maintains it. (:class:`contextlib.closing` might be helpful to you.) :param .Transport t: Transport used for SSH Agent communication forwarding :raises: `.SSHException` -- mostly if we lost the agent """ def __init__(self, t): AgentSSH.__init__(self) self.__t = t self._dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("sshproxy") os.chmod(self._dir, stat.S_IRWXU) self._file = self._dir + "/sshproxy.ssh" self.thread = AgentLocalProxy(self) self.thread.start() def __del__(self): self.close() def connect(self): conn_sock = self.__t.open_forward_agent_channel() if conn_sock is None: raise SSHException("lost ssh-agent") conn_sock.set_name("auth-agent") self._connect(conn_sock) def close(self): """ Terminate the agent, clean the files, close connections Should be called manually """ os.remove(self._file) os.rmdir(self._dir) self.thread._exit = True self.thread.join(1000) self._close() def get_env(self): """ Helper for the environment under unix :return: a dict containing the ``SSH_AUTH_SOCK`` environment variables """ return {"SSH_AUTH_SOCK": self._get_filename()} def _get_filename(self): return self._file class AgentRequestHandler: """ Primary/default implementation of SSH agent forwarding functionality. Simply instantiate this class, handing it a live command-executing session object, and it will handle forwarding any local SSH agent processes it finds. For example:: # Connect client = SSHClient() client.connect(host, port, username) # Obtain session session = client.get_transport().open_session() # Forward local agent AgentRequestHandler(session) # Commands executed after this point will see the forwarded agent on # the remote end. session.exec_command("git clone https://my.git.repository/") """ def __init__(self, chanClient): self._conn = None self.__chanC = chanClient chanClient.request_forward_agent(self._forward_agent_handler) self.__clientProxys = [] def _forward_agent_handler(self, chanRemote): self.__clientProxys.append(AgentClientProxy(chanRemote)) def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): for p in self.__clientProxys: p.close() class Agent(AgentSSH): """ Client interface for using private keys from an SSH agent running on the local machine. If an SSH agent is running, this class can be used to connect to it and retrieve `.PKey` objects which can be used when attempting to authenticate to remote SSH servers. Upon initialization, a session with the local machine's SSH agent is opened, if one is running. If no agent is running, initialization will succeed, but `get_keys` will return an empty tuple. :raises: `.SSHException` -- if an SSH agent is found, but speaks an incompatible protocol .. versionchanged:: 2.10 Added support for native openssh agent on windows (extending previous putty pageant support) """ def __init__(self): AgentSSH.__init__(self) conn = get_agent_connection() if not conn: return self._connect(conn) def close(self): """ Close the SSH agent connection. """ self._close() class AgentKey(PKey): """ Private key held in a local SSH agent. This type of key can be used for authenticating to a remote server (signing). Most other key operations work as expected. .. versionchanged:: 3.2 Added the ``comment`` kwarg and attribute. .. versionchanged:: 3.2 Added the ``.inner_key`` attribute holding a reference to the 'real' key instance this key is a proxy for, if one was obtainable, else None. """ def __init__(self, agent, blob, comment=""): self.agent = agent self.blob = blob self.comment = comment msg = Message(blob) self.name = msg.get_text() self._logger = get_logger(__file__) self.inner_key = None try: self.inner_key = PKey.from_type_string( key_type=self.name, key_bytes=blob ) except UnknownKeyType: # Log, but don't explode, since inner_key is a best-effort thing. err = "Unable to derive inner_key for agent key of type {!r}" self.log(DEBUG, err.format(self.name)) def log(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._logger.log(*args, **kwargs) def asbytes(self): # Prefer inner_key.asbytes, since that will differ for eg RSA-CERT return self.inner_key.asbytes() if self.inner_key else self.blob def get_name(self): return self.name def get_bits(self): # Have to work around PKey's default get_bits being crap if self.inner_key is not None: return self.inner_key.get_bits() return super().get_bits() def __getattr__(self, name): """ Proxy any un-implemented methods/properties to the inner_key. """ if self.inner_key is None: # nothing to proxy to raise AttributeError(name) return getattr(self.inner_key, name) @property def _fields(self): fallback = [self.get_name(), self.blob] return self.inner_key._fields if self.inner_key else fallback def sign_ssh_data(self, data, algorithm=None): msg = Message() msg.add_byte(cSSH2_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST) # NOTE: this used to be just self.blob, which is not entirely right for # RSA-CERT 'keys' - those end up always degrading to ssh-rsa type # signatures, for reasons probably internal to OpenSSH's agent code, # even if everything else wants SHA2 (including our flag map). msg.add_string(self.asbytes()) msg.add_string(data) msg.add_int(ALGORITHM_FLAG_MAP.get(algorithm, 0)) ptype, result = self.agent._send_message(msg) if ptype != SSH2_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE: raise SSHException("key cannot be used for signing") return result.get_binary()