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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Statement parsing classes for cmd2"""
import re
import shlex
from typing import (
import attr
from . import (
from .exceptions import (
def shlex_split(str_to_split: str) -> List[str]:
A wrapper around shlex.split() that uses cmd2's preferred arguments.
This allows other classes to easily call split() the same way StatementParser does.
:param str_to_split: the string being split
:return: A list of tokens
return shlex.split(str_to_split, comments=False, posix=False)
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True)
class MacroArg:
Information used to replace or unescape arguments in a macro value when the macro is resolved
Normal argument syntax: {5}
Escaped argument syntax: {{5}}
# The starting index of this argument in the macro value
start_index: int = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int))
# The number string that appears between the braces
# This is a string instead of an int because we support unicode digits and must be able
# to reproduce this string later
number_str: str = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# Tells if this argument is escaped and therefore needs to be unescaped
is_escaped: bool = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool))
# Pattern used to find normal argument
# Digits surrounded by exactly 1 brace on a side and 1 or more braces on the opposite side
# Match strings like: {5}, {{{{{4}, {2}}}}}
macro_normal_arg_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!{){\d+}|{\d+}(?!})')
# Pattern used to find escaped arguments
# Digits surrounded by 2 or more braces on both sides
# Match strings like: {{5}}, {{{{{4}}, {{2}}}}}
macro_escaped_arg_pattern = re.compile(r'{{2}\d+}{2}')
# Finds a string of digits
digit_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True)
class Macro:
"""Defines a cmd2 macro"""
# Name of the macro
name: str = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# The string the macro resolves to
value: str = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# The minimum number of args the user has to pass to this macro
minimum_arg_count: int = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int))
# Used to fill in argument placeholders in the macro
arg_list: List[MacroArg] = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list))
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True)
class Statement(str): # type: ignore[override]
"""String subclass with additional attributes to store the results of parsing.
The ``cmd`` module in the standard library passes commands around as a
string. To retain backwards compatibility, ``cmd2`` does the same. However,
we need a place to capture the additional output of the command parsing, so
we add our own attributes to this subclass.
Instances of this class should not be created by anything other than the
:meth:`cmd2.parsing.StatementParser.parse` method, nor should any of the
attributes be modified once the object is created.
The string portion of the class contains the arguments, but not the
command, nor the output redirection clauses.
1. `argparse <>`_ is your
friend for anything complex. ``cmd2`` has the decorator
(:func:`~cmd2.decorators.with_argparser`) which you can
use to make your command method receive a namespace of parsed arguments,
whether positional or denoted with switches.
2. For commands with simple positional arguments, use
:attr:`~cmd2.Statement.args` or :attr:`~cmd2.Statement.arg_list`
3. If you don't want to have to worry about quoted arguments, see
:attr:`argv` for a trick which strips quotes off for you.
# the arguments, but not the command, nor the output redirection clauses.
args: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# string containing exactly what we input by the user
raw: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# the command, i.e. the first whitespace delimited word
command: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# list of arguments to the command, not including any output redirection or terminators; quoted args remain quoted
arg_list: List[str] = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list))
# if the command is a multiline command, the name of the command, otherwise empty
multiline_command: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# the character which terminated the multiline command, if there was one
terminator: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# characters appearing after the terminator but before output redirection, if any
suffix: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# if output was piped to a shell command, the shell command as a string
pipe_to: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# if output was redirected, the redirection token, i.e. '>>'
output: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# if output was redirected, the destination file token (quotes preserved)
output_to: str = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
# Used in JSON dictionaries
_args_field = 'args'
def __new__(cls, value: object, *pos_args: Any, **kw_args: Any) -> 'Statement':
"""Create a new instance of Statement.
We must override __new__ because we are subclassing `str` which is
immutable and takes a different number of arguments as Statement.
NOTE: attrs takes care of initializing other members in the __init__ it
stmt = super().__new__(cls, value)
return stmt
def command_and_args(self) -> str:
"""Combine command and args with a space separating them.
Quoted arguments remain quoted. Output redirection and piping are
excluded, as are any command terminators.
if self.command and self.args:
rtn = f'{self.command} {self.args}'
elif self.command:
# there were no arguments to the command
rtn = self.command
rtn = ''
return rtn
def post_command(self) -> str:
"""A string containing any ending terminator, suffix, and redirection chars"""
rtn = ''
if self.terminator:
rtn += self.terminator
if self.suffix:
rtn += ' ' + self.suffix
if self.pipe_to:
rtn += ' | ' + self.pipe_to
if self.output:
rtn += ' ' + self.output
if self.output_to:
rtn += ' ' + self.output_to
return rtn
def expanded_command_line(self) -> str:
"""Concatenate :meth:`~cmd2.Statement.command_and_args`
and :meth:`~cmd2.Statement.post_command`"""
return self.command_and_args + self.post_command
def argv(self) -> List[str]:
"""a list of arguments a-la ``sys.argv``.
The first element of the list is the command after shortcut and macro
expansion. Subsequent elements of the list contain any additional
arguments, with quotes removed, just like bash would. This is very
useful if you are going to use ``argparse.parse_args()``.
If you want to strip quotes from the input, you can use ``argv[1:]``.
if self.command:
rtn = [utils.strip_quotes(self.command)]
for cur_token in self.arg_list:
rtn = []
return rtn
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Utility method to convert this Statement into a dictionary for use in persistent JSON history files"""
return self.__dict__.copy()
def from_dict(source_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Statement':
Utility method to restore a Statement from a dictionary
:param source_dict: source data dictionary (generated using to_dict())
:return: Statement object
:raises KeyError: if source_dict is missing required elements
# value needs to be passed as a positional argument. It corresponds to the args field.
value = source_dict[Statement._args_field]
except KeyError as ex:
raise KeyError(f"Statement dictionary is missing {ex} field")
# Pass the rest at kwargs (minus args)
kwargs = source_dict.copy()
del kwargs[Statement._args_field]
return Statement(value, **kwargs)
class StatementParser:
"""Parse user input as a string into discrete command components."""
def __init__(
terminators: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
multiline_commands: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
aliases: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
shortcuts: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize an instance of StatementParser.
The following will get converted to an immutable tuple before storing internally:
terminators, multiline commands, and shortcuts.
:param terminators: iterable containing strings which should terminate commands
:param multiline_commands: iterable containing the names of commands that accept multiline input
:param aliases: dictionary containing aliases
:param shortcuts: dictionary containing shortcuts
self.terminators: Tuple[str, ...]
if terminators is None:
self.terminators = (constants.MULTILINE_TERMINATOR,)
self.terminators = tuple(terminators)
self.multiline_commands: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(multiline_commands) if multiline_commands is not None else ()
self.aliases: Dict[str, str] = aliases if aliases is not None else {}
if shortcuts is None:
shortcuts = constants.DEFAULT_SHORTCUTS
# Sort the shortcuts in descending order by name length because the longest match
# should take precedence. (e.g., @@file should match '@@' and not '@'.
self.shortcuts = tuple(sorted(shortcuts.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True))
# commands have to be a word, so make a regular expression
# that matches the first word in the line. This regex has three
# parts:
# - the '\A\s*' matches the beginning of the string (even
# if contains multiple lines) and gobbles up any leading
# whitespace
# - the first parenthesis enclosed group matches one
# or more non-whitespace characters with a non-greedy match
# (that's what the '+?' part does). The non-greedy match
# ensures that this first group doesn't include anything
# matched by the second group
# - the second parenthesis group must be dynamically created
# because it needs to match either whitespace, something in
# REDIRECTION_CHARS, one of the terminators, or the end of
# the string (\Z matches the end of the string even if it
# contains multiple lines)
invalid_command_chars = []
# escape each item so it will for sure get treated as a literal
second_group_items = [re.escape(x) for x in invalid_command_chars]
# add the whitespace and end of string, not escaped because they
# are not literals
second_group_items.extend([r'\s', r'\Z'])
# join them up with a pipe
second_group = '|'.join(second_group_items)
# build the regular expression
expr = rf'\A\s*(\S*?)({second_group})'
self._command_pattern = re.compile(expr)
def is_valid_command(self, word: str, *, is_subcommand: bool = False) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""Determine whether a word is a valid name for a command.
Commands cannot include redirection characters, whitespace,
or termination characters. They also cannot start with a
:param word: the word to check as a command
:param is_subcommand: Flag whether this command name is a subcommand name
:return: a tuple of a boolean and an error string
If word is not a valid command, return ``False`` and an error string
suitable for inclusion in an error message of your choice::
checkit = '>'
valid, errmsg = statement_parser.is_valid_command(checkit)
if not valid:
errmsg = f"alias: {errmsg}"
valid = False
if not isinstance(word, str):
return False, f'must be a string. Received {str(type(word))} instead' # type: ignore[unreachable]
if not word:
return False, 'cannot be an empty string'
if word.startswith(constants.COMMENT_CHAR):
return False, 'cannot start with the comment character'
if not is_subcommand:
for (shortcut, _) in self.shortcuts:
if word.startswith(shortcut):
# Build an error string with all shortcuts listed
errmsg = 'cannot start with a shortcut: '
errmsg += ', '.join(shortcut for (shortcut, _) in self.shortcuts)
return False, errmsg
errmsg = 'cannot contain: whitespace, quotes, '
errchars = []
errmsg += ', '.join([shlex.quote(x) for x in errchars])
match =
if match:
if word ==
valid = True
errmsg = ''
return valid, errmsg
def tokenize(self, line: str) -> List[str]:
Lex a string into a list of tokens. Shortcuts and aliases are expanded and
comments are removed.
:param line: the command line being lexed
:return: A list of tokens
:raises: Cmd2ShlexError if a shlex error occurs (e.g. No closing quotation)
# expand shortcuts and aliases
line = self._expand(line)
# check if this line is a comment
if line.lstrip().startswith(constants.COMMENT_CHAR):
return []
# split on whitespace
tokens = shlex_split(line)
except ValueError as ex:
raise Cmd2ShlexError(ex)
# custom lexing
tokens = self.split_on_punctuation(tokens)
return tokens
def parse(self, line: str) -> Statement:
Tokenize the input and parse it into a :class:`~cmd2.Statement` object,
stripping comments, expanding aliases and shortcuts, and extracting output
redirection directives.
:param line: the command line being parsed
:return: a new :class:`~cmd2.Statement` object
:raises: Cmd2ShlexError if a shlex error occurs (e.g. No closing quotation)
# handle the special case/hardcoded terminator of a blank line
# we have to do this before we tokenize because tokenizing
# destroys all unquoted whitespace in the input
terminator = ''
if line[-1:] == constants.LINE_FEED:
terminator = constants.LINE_FEED
command = ''
args = ''
arg_list = []
# lex the input into a list of tokens
tokens = self.tokenize(line)
# of the valid terminators, find the first one to occur in the input
terminator_pos = len(tokens) + 1
for pos, cur_token in enumerate(tokens):
for test_terminator in self.terminators:
if cur_token.startswith(test_terminator):
terminator_pos = pos
terminator = test_terminator
# break the inner loop, and we want to break the
# outer loop too
# this else clause is only run if the inner loop
# didn't execute a break. If it didn't, then
# continue to the next iteration of the outer loop
# inner loop was broken, break the outer
if terminator:
if terminator == constants.LINE_FEED:
terminator_pos = len(tokens) + 1
# everything before the first terminator is the command and the args
(command, args) = self._command_and_args(tokens[:terminator_pos])
arg_list = tokens[1:terminator_pos]
# we will set the suffix later
# remove all the tokens before and including the terminator
tokens = tokens[terminator_pos + 1 :]
(testcommand, testargs) = self._command_and_args(tokens)
if testcommand in self.multiline_commands:
# no terminator on this line but we have a multiline command
# everything else on the line is part of the args
# because redirectors can only be after a terminator
command = testcommand
args = testargs
arg_list = tokens[1:]
tokens = []
pipe_to = ''
output = ''
output_to = ''
# Find which redirector character appears first in the command
pipe_index = tokens.index(constants.REDIRECTION_PIPE)
except ValueError:
pipe_index = len(tokens)
redir_index = tokens.index(constants.REDIRECTION_OUTPUT)
except ValueError:
redir_index = len(tokens)
append_index = tokens.index(constants.REDIRECTION_APPEND)
except ValueError:
append_index = len(tokens)
# Check if output should be piped to a shell command
if pipe_index < redir_index and pipe_index < append_index:
# Get the tokens for the pipe command and expand ~ where needed
pipe_to_tokens = tokens[pipe_index + 1 :]
# Build the pipe command line string
pipe_to = ' '.join(pipe_to_tokens)
# remove all the tokens after the pipe
tokens = tokens[:pipe_index]
# Check for output redirect/append
elif redir_index != append_index:
if redir_index < append_index:
output = constants.REDIRECTION_OUTPUT
output_index = redir_index
output = constants.REDIRECTION_APPEND
output_index = append_index
# Check if we are redirecting to a file
if len(tokens) > output_index + 1:
unquoted_path = utils.strip_quotes(tokens[output_index + 1])
if unquoted_path:
output_to = utils.expand_user(tokens[output_index + 1])
# remove all the tokens after the output redirect
tokens = tokens[:output_index]
if terminator:
# whatever is left is the suffix
suffix = ' '.join(tokens)
# no terminator, so whatever is left is the command and the args
suffix = ''
if not command:
# command could already have been set, if so, don't set it again
(command, args) = self._command_and_args(tokens)
arg_list = tokens[1:]
# set multiline
if command in self.multiline_commands:
multiline_command = command
multiline_command = ''
# build the statement
statement = Statement(
return statement
def parse_command_only(self, rawinput: str) -> Statement:
"""Partially parse input into a :class:`~cmd2.Statement` object.
The command is identified, and shortcuts and aliases are expanded.
Multiline commands are identified, but terminators and output
redirection are not parsed.
This method is used by tab completion code and therefore must not
generate an exception if there are unclosed quotes.
The :class:`~cmd2.Statement` object returned by this method can at most
contain values in the following attributes:
:attr:`~cmd2.Statement.args`, :attr:`~cmd2.Statement.raw`,
:attr:`~cmd2.Statement.args` will include all output redirection
clauses and command terminators.
Different from :meth:`~cmd2.parsing.StatementParser.parse` this method
does not remove redundant whitespace within args. However, it does
ensure args has no leading or trailing whitespace.
:param rawinput: the command line as entered by the user
:return: a new :class:`~cmd2.Statement` object
# expand shortcuts and aliases
line = self._expand(rawinput)
command = ''
args = ''
match =
if match:
# we got a match, extract the command
command =
# take everything from the end of the first match group to
# the end of the line as the arguments (stripping leading
# and trailing spaces)
args = line[match.end(1) :].strip()
# if the command is empty that means the input was either empty
# or something weird like '>'. args should be empty if we couldn't
# parse a command
if not command or not args:
args = ''
# set multiline
if command in self.multiline_commands:
multiline_command = command
multiline_command = ''
# build the statement
statement = Statement(args, raw=rawinput, command=command, multiline_command=multiline_command)
return statement
def get_command_arg_list(
self, command_name: str, to_parse: Union[Statement, str], preserve_quotes: bool
) -> Tuple[Statement, List[str]]:
Convenience method used by the argument parsing decorators.
Retrieves just the arguments being passed to their ``do_*`` methods as a list.
:param command_name: name of the command being run
:param to_parse: what is being passed to the ``do_*`` method. It can be one of two types:
1. An already parsed :class:`~cmd2.Statement`
2. An argument string in cases where a ``do_*`` method is
explicitly called. Calling ``do_help('alias create')`` would
cause ``to_parse`` to be 'alias create'.
In this case, the string will be converted to a
:class:`~cmd2.Statement` and returned along with
the argument list.
:param preserve_quotes: if ``True``, then quotes will not be stripped from
the arguments
:return: A tuple containing the :class:`~cmd2.Statement` and a list of
strings representing the arguments
# Check if to_parse needs to be converted to a Statement
if not isinstance(to_parse, Statement):
to_parse = self.parse(command_name + ' ' + to_parse)
if preserve_quotes:
return to_parse, to_parse.arg_list
return to_parse, to_parse.argv[1:]
def _expand(self, line: str) -> str:
"""Expand aliases and shortcuts"""
# Make a copy of aliases so we can keep track of what aliases have been resolved to avoid an infinite loop
remaining_aliases = list(self.aliases.keys())
keep_expanding = bool(remaining_aliases)
while keep_expanding:
keep_expanding = False
# apply our regex to line
match =
if match:
# we got a match, extract the command
command =
# Check if this command matches an alias that wasn't already processed
if command in remaining_aliases:
# rebuild line with the expanded alias
line = self.aliases[command] + + line[match.end(2) :]
keep_expanding = bool(remaining_aliases)
# expand shortcuts
for (shortcut, expansion) in self.shortcuts:
if line.startswith(shortcut):
# If the next character after the shortcut isn't a space, then insert one
shortcut_len = len(shortcut)
if len(line) == shortcut_len or line[shortcut_len] != ' ':
expansion += ' '
# Expand the shortcut
line = line.replace(shortcut, expansion, 1)
return line
def _command_and_args(tokens: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Given a list of tokens, return a tuple of the command
and the args as a string.
command = ''
args = ''
if tokens:
command = tokens[0]
if len(tokens) > 1:
args = ' '.join(tokens[1:])
return command, args
def split_on_punctuation(self, tokens: List[str]) -> List[str]:
"""Further splits tokens from a command line using punctuation characters.
Punctuation characters are treated as word breaks when they are in
unquoted strings. Each run of punctuation characters is treated as a
single token.
:param tokens: the tokens as parsed by shlex
:return: a new list of tokens, further split using punctuation
punctuation: List[str] = []
punctuated_tokens = []
for cur_initial_token in tokens:
# Save tokens up to 1 character in length or quoted tokens. No need to parse these.
if len(cur_initial_token) <= 1 or cur_initial_token[0] in constants.QUOTES:
# Iterate over each character in this token
cur_index = 0
cur_char = cur_initial_token[cur_index]
# Keep track of the token we are building
new_token = ''
while True:
if cur_char not in punctuation:
# Keep appending to new_token until we hit a punctuation char
while cur_char not in punctuation:
new_token += cur_char
cur_index += 1
if cur_index < len(cur_initial_token):
cur_char = cur_initial_token[cur_index]
cur_punc = cur_char
# Keep appending to new_token until we hit something other than cur_punc
while cur_char == cur_punc:
new_token += cur_char
cur_index += 1
if cur_index < len(cur_initial_token):
cur_char = cur_initial_token[cur_index]
# Save the new token
new_token = ''
# Check if we've viewed all characters
if cur_index >= len(cur_initial_token):
return punctuated_tokens