
481 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# Copyright 2017 MongoDB, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
# may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
"""Watch changes on a collection, a database, or the entire cluster."""
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Generic, Mapping, Optional, Union
from bson import _bson_to_dict
from bson.raw_bson import RawBSONDocument
from bson.timestamp import Timestamp
from pymongo import _csot, common
from pymongo.aggregation import (
from pymongo.collation import validate_collation_or_none
from pymongo.command_cursor import CommandCursor
from pymongo.errors import (
from pymongo.typings import _CollationIn, _DocumentType, _Pipeline
# The change streams spec considers the following server errors from the
# getMore command non-resumable. All other getMore errors are resumable.
6, # HostUnreachable
7, # HostNotFound
89, # NetworkTimeout
91, # ShutdownInProgress
189, # PrimarySteppedDown
262, # ExceededTimeLimit
9001, # SocketException
10107, # NotWritablePrimary
11600, # InterruptedAtShutdown
11602, # InterruptedDueToReplStateChange
13435, # NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk
13436, # NotPrimaryOrSecondary
63, # StaleShardVersion
150, # StaleEpoch
13388, # StaleConfig
234, # RetryChangeStream
133, # FailedToSatisfyReadPreference
from pymongo.client_session import ClientSession
from pymongo.collection import Collection
from pymongo.database import Database
from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient
def _resumable(exc: PyMongoError) -> bool:
"""Return True if given a resumable change stream error."""
if isinstance(exc, (ConnectionFailure, CursorNotFound)):
return True
if isinstance(exc, OperationFailure):
if exc._max_wire_version is None:
return False
return (
exc._max_wire_version >= 9 and exc.has_error_label("ResumableChangeStreamError")
) or (exc._max_wire_version < 9 and exc.code in _RESUMABLE_GETMORE_ERRORS)
return False
class ChangeStream(Generic[_DocumentType]):
"""The internal abstract base class for change stream cursors.
Should not be called directly by application developers. Use
:meth:``, or
:meth:`` instead.
.. versionadded:: 3.6
.. seealso:: The MongoDB documentation on `changeStreams <>`_.
def __init__(
target: Union[
MongoClient[_DocumentType], Database[_DocumentType], Collection[_DocumentType]
pipeline: Optional[_Pipeline],
full_document: Optional[str],
resume_after: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]],
max_await_time_ms: Optional[int],
batch_size: Optional[int],
collation: Optional[_CollationIn],
start_at_operation_time: Optional[Timestamp],
session: Optional[ClientSession],
start_after: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]],
comment: Optional[Any] = None,
full_document_before_change: Optional[str] = None,
show_expanded_events: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> None:
if pipeline is None:
pipeline = []
pipeline = common.validate_list("pipeline", pipeline)
common.validate_string_or_none("full_document", full_document)
common.validate_non_negative_integer_or_none("batchSize", batch_size)
self._decode_custom = False
self._orig_codec_options = target.codec_options
if target.codec_options.type_registry._decoder_map:
self._decode_custom = True
# Keep the type registry so that we support encoding custom types
# in the pipeline.
self._target = target.with_options( # type: ignore
self._target = target
self._pipeline = copy.deepcopy(pipeline)
self._full_document = full_document
self._full_document_before_change = full_document_before_change
self._uses_start_after = start_after is not None
self._uses_resume_after = resume_after is not None
self._resume_token = copy.deepcopy(start_after or resume_after)
self._max_await_time_ms = max_await_time_ms
self._batch_size = batch_size
self._collation = collation
self._start_at_operation_time = start_at_operation_time
self._session = session
self._comment = comment
self._closed = False
self._timeout = self._target._timeout
self._show_expanded_events = show_expanded_events
# Initialize cursor.
self._cursor = self._create_cursor()
def _aggregation_command_class(self):
"""The aggregation command class to be used."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _client(self):
"""The client against which the aggregation commands for
this ChangeStream will be run.
raise NotImplementedError
def _change_stream_options(self):
"""Return the options dict for the $changeStream pipeline stage."""
options: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if self._full_document is not None:
options["fullDocument"] = self._full_document
if self._full_document_before_change is not None:
options["fullDocumentBeforeChange"] = self._full_document_before_change
resume_token = self.resume_token
if resume_token is not None:
if self._uses_start_after:
options["startAfter"] = resume_token
options["resumeAfter"] = resume_token
if self._start_at_operation_time is not None:
options["startAtOperationTime"] = self._start_at_operation_time
if self._show_expanded_events:
options["showExpandedEvents"] = self._show_expanded_events
return options
def _command_options(self):
"""Return the options dict for the aggregation command."""
options = {}
if self._max_await_time_ms is not None:
options["maxAwaitTimeMS"] = self._max_await_time_ms
if self._batch_size is not None:
options["batchSize"] = self._batch_size
return options
def _aggregation_pipeline(self):
"""Return the full aggregation pipeline for this ChangeStream."""
options = self._change_stream_options()
full_pipeline: list = [{"$changeStream": options}]
return full_pipeline
def _process_result(self, result, sock_info):
"""Callback that caches the postBatchResumeToken or
startAtOperationTime from a changeStream aggregate command response
containing an empty batch of change documents.
This is implemented as a callback because we need access to the wire
version in order to determine whether to cache this value.
if not result["cursor"]["firstBatch"]:
if "postBatchResumeToken" in result["cursor"]:
self._resume_token = result["cursor"]["postBatchResumeToken"]
elif (
self._start_at_operation_time is None
and self._uses_resume_after is False
and self._uses_start_after is False
and sock_info.max_wire_version >= 7
self._start_at_operation_time = result.get("operationTime")
# PYTHON-2181: informative error on missing operationTime.
if self._start_at_operation_time is None:
raise OperationFailure(
"Expected field 'operationTime' missing from command "
"response : {!r}".format(result)
def _run_aggregation_cmd(self, session, explicit_session):
"""Run the full aggregation pipeline for this ChangeStream and return
the corresponding CommandCursor.
cmd = self._aggregation_command_class(
return self._client._retryable_read(
cmd.get_cursor, self._target._read_preference_for(session), session
def _create_cursor(self):
with self._client._tmp_session(self._session, close=False) as s:
return self._run_aggregation_cmd(session=s, explicit_session=self._session is not None)
def _resume(self):
"""Reestablish this change stream after a resumable error."""
except PyMongoError:
self._cursor = self._create_cursor()
def close(self) -> None:
"""Close this ChangeStream."""
self._closed = True
def __iter__(self) -> "ChangeStream[_DocumentType]":
return self
def resume_token(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]:
"""The cached resume token that will be used to resume after the most
recently returned change.
.. versionadded:: 3.9
return copy.deepcopy(self._resume_token)
def next(self) -> _DocumentType:
"""Advance the cursor.
This method blocks until the next change document is returned or an
unrecoverable error is raised. This method is used when iterating over
all changes in the cursor. For example::
resume_token = None
pipeline = [{'$match': {'operationType': 'insert'}}]
with as stream:
for insert_change in stream:
resume_token = stream.resume_token
except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError:
# The ChangeStream encountered an unrecoverable error or the
# resume attempt failed to recreate the cursor.
if resume_token is None:
# There is no usable resume token because there was a
# failure during ChangeStream initialization.
# Use the interrupted ChangeStream's resume token to create
# a new ChangeStream. The new stream will continue from the
# last seen insert change without missing any events.
pipeline, resume_after=resume_token) as stream:
for insert_change in stream:
Raises :exc:`StopIteration` if this ChangeStream is closed.
while self.alive:
doc = self.try_next()
if doc is not None:
return doc
raise StopIteration
__next__ = next
def alive(self) -> bool:
"""Does this cursor have the potential to return more data?
.. note:: Even if :attr:`alive` is ``True``, :meth:`next` can raise
:exc:`StopIteration` and :meth:`try_next` can return ``None``.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
return not self._closed
def try_next(self) -> Optional[_DocumentType]:
"""Advance the cursor without blocking indefinitely.
This method returns the next change document without waiting
indefinitely for the next change. For example::
with as stream:
while stream.alive:
change = stream.try_next()
# Note that the ChangeStream's resume token may be updated
# even when no changes are returned.
print("Current resume token: %r" % (stream.resume_token,))
if change is not None:
print("Change document: %r" % (change,))
# We end up here when there are no recent changes.
# Sleep for a while before trying again to avoid flooding
# the server with getMore requests when no changes are
# available.
If no change document is cached locally then this method runs a single
getMore command. If the getMore yields any documents, the next
document is returned, otherwise, if the getMore returns no documents
(because there have been no changes) then ``None`` is returned.
The next change document or ``None`` when no document is available
after running a single getMore or when the cursor is closed.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
if not self._closed and not self._cursor.alive:
# Attempt to get the next change with at most one getMore and at most
# one resume attempt.
change = self._cursor._try_next(True)
except PyMongoError as exc:
if not _resumable(exc):
change = self._cursor._try_next(False)
except PyMongoError as exc:
# Close the stream after a fatal error.
if not _resumable(exc) and not exc.timeout:
except Exception:
# Check if the cursor was invalidated.
if not self._cursor.alive:
self._closed = True
# If no changes are available.
if change is None:
# We have either iterated over all documents in the cursor,
# OR the most-recently returned batch is empty. In either case,
# update the cached resume token with the postBatchResumeToken if
# one was returned. We also clear the startAtOperationTime.
if self._cursor._post_batch_resume_token is not None:
self._resume_token = self._cursor._post_batch_resume_token
self._start_at_operation_time = None
return change
# Else, changes are available.
resume_token = change["_id"]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidOperation(
"Cannot provide resume functionality when the resume token is missing."
# If this is the last change document from the current batch, cache the
# postBatchResumeToken.
if not self._cursor._has_next() and self._cursor._post_batch_resume_token:
resume_token = self._cursor._post_batch_resume_token
# Hereafter, don't use startAfter; instead use resumeAfter.
self._uses_start_after = False
self._uses_resume_after = True
# Cache the resume token and clear startAtOperationTime.
self._resume_token = resume_token
self._start_at_operation_time = None
if self._decode_custom:
return _bson_to_dict(change.raw, self._orig_codec_options)
return change
def __enter__(self) -> "ChangeStream":
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None:
class CollectionChangeStream(ChangeStream, Generic[_DocumentType]):
"""A change stream that watches changes on a single collection.
Should not be called directly by application developers. Use
helper method :meth:`` instead.
.. versionadded:: 3.7
def _aggregation_command_class(self):
return _CollectionAggregationCommand
def _client(self):
return self._target.database.client
class DatabaseChangeStream(ChangeStream, Generic[_DocumentType]):
"""A change stream that watches changes on all collections in a database.
Should not be called directly by application developers. Use
helper method :meth:`` instead.
.. versionadded:: 3.7
def _aggregation_command_class(self):
return _DatabaseAggregationCommand
def _client(self):
return self._target.client
class ClusterChangeStream(DatabaseChangeStream, Generic[_DocumentType]):
"""A change stream that watches changes on all collections in the cluster.
Should not be called directly by application developers. Use
helper method :meth:`` instead.
.. versionadded:: 3.7
def _change_stream_options(self):
options = super()._change_stream_options()
options["allChangesForCluster"] = True
return options