
364 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# coding=utf-8
History management classes
import json
import re
from collections import (
from typing import (
import attr
from . import (
from .parsing import (
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True)
class HistoryItem:
"""Class used to represent one command in the history list"""
_listformat = ' {:>4} {}'
_ex_listformat = ' {:>4}x {}'
# Used in JSON dictionaries
_statement_field = 'statement'
statement: Statement = attr.ib(default=None, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Statement))
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""A convenient human readable representation of the history item"""
return self.statement.raw
def raw(self) -> str:
"""The raw input from the user for this item.
Proxy property for ``self.statement.raw``
return self.statement.raw
def expanded(self) -> str:
"""Return the command as run which includes shortcuts and aliases resolved
plus any changes made in hooks
Proxy property for ``self.statement.expanded_command_line``
return self.statement.expanded_command_line
def pr(self, idx: int, script: bool = False, expanded: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) -> str:
"""Represent this item in a pretty fashion suitable for printing.
If you pass verbose=True, script and expanded will be ignored
:param idx: The 1-based index of this item in the history list
:param script: True if formatting for a script (No item numbers)
:param expanded: True if expanded command line should be printed
:param verbose: True if expanded and raw should both appear when they are different
:return: pretty print string version of a HistoryItem
if verbose:
raw = self.raw.rstrip()
expanded_command = self.expanded
ret_str = self._listformat.format(idx, raw)
if raw != expanded_command:
ret_str += '\n' + self._ex_listformat.format(idx, expanded_command)
if expanded:
ret_str = self.expanded
ret_str = self.raw.rstrip()
# In non-verbose mode, display raw multiline commands on 1 line
if self.statement.multiline_command:
# This is an approximation and not meant to be a perfect piecing together of lines.
# All newlines will be converted to spaces, including the ones in quoted strings that
# are considered literals. Also if the final line starts with a terminator, then the
# terminator will have an extra space before it in the 1 line version.
ret_str = ret_str.replace('\n', ' ')
# Display a numbered list if not writing to a script
if not script:
ret_str = self._listformat.format(idx, ret_str)
return ret_str
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Utility method to convert this HistoryItem into a dictionary for use in persistent JSON history files"""
return {HistoryItem._statement_field: self.statement.to_dict()}
def from_dict(source_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'HistoryItem':
Utility method to restore a HistoryItem from a dictionary
:param source_dict: source data dictionary (generated using to_dict())
:return: HistoryItem object
:raises KeyError: if source_dict is missing required elements
statement_dict = source_dict[HistoryItem._statement_field]
return HistoryItem(Statement.from_dict(statement_dict))
class History(List[HistoryItem]):
"""A list of :class:`~cmd2.history.HistoryItem` objects with additional methods
for searching and managing the list.
:class:`~cmd2.Cmd` instantiates this class into the :data:`~cmd2.Cmd.history`
attribute, and adds commands to it as a user enters them.
See :ref:`features/history:History` for information about the built-in command
which allows users to view, search, run, and save previously entered commands.
Developers interested in accessing previously entered commands can use this
class to gain access to the historical record.
# Used in JSON dictionaries
_history_version = '1.0.0'
_history_version_field = 'history_version'
_history_items_field = 'history_items'
def __init__(self, seq: Iterable[HistoryItem] = ()) -> None:
super(History, self).__init__(seq)
self.session_start_index = 0
def start_session(self) -> None:
"""Start a new session, thereby setting the next index as the first index in the new session."""
self.session_start_index = len(self)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _zero_based_index(self, onebased: Union[int, str]) -> int:
"""Convert a one-based index to a zero-based index."""
result = int(onebased)
if result > 0:
result -= 1
return result
def append(self, new: HistoryItem) -> None:
... # pragma: no cover
def append(self, new: Statement) -> None:
... # pragma: no cover
def append(self, new: Union[Statement, HistoryItem]) -> None:
"""Append a new statement to the end of the History list.
:param new: Statement object which will be composed into a HistoryItem
and added to the end of the list
history_item = HistoryItem(new) if isinstance(new, Statement) else new
super(History, self).append(history_item)
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Remove all items from the History list."""
def get(self, index: int) -> HistoryItem:
"""Get item from the History list using 1-based indexing.
:param index: optional item to get
:return: a single :class:`~cmd2.history.HistoryItem`
if index == 0:
raise IndexError('The first command in history is command 1.')
elif index < 0:
return self[index]
return self[index - 1]
# This regular expression parses input for the span() method. There are five parts:
# ^\s* matches any whitespace at the beginning of the
# input. This is here so you don't have to trim the input
# (?P<start>-?[1-9]{1}\d*)? create a capture group named 'start' which matches an
# optional minus sign, followed by exactly one non-zero
# digit, and as many other digits as you want. This group
# is optional so that we can match an input string like '..2'.
# This regex will match 1, -1, 10, -10, but not 0 or -0.
# (?P<separator>:|(\.{2,}))? create a capture group named 'separator' which matches either
# a colon or two periods.
# (?P<end>-?[1-9]{1}\d*)? create a capture group named 'end' which matches an
# optional minus sign, followed by exactly one non-zero
# digit, and as many other digits as you want. This group is
# optional so that we can match an input string like ':'
# or '5:'. This regex will match 1, -1, 10, -10, but not
# 0 or -0.
# \s*$ match any whitespace at the end of the input. This is here so
# you don't have to trim the input
spanpattern = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<start>-?[1-9]\d*)?(?P<separator>:|(\.{2,}))(?P<end>-?[1-9]\d*)?\s*$')
def span(self, span: str, include_persisted: bool = False) -> 'OrderedDict[int, HistoryItem]':
"""Return a slice of the History list
:param span: string containing an index or a slice
:param include_persisted: if True, then retrieve full results including from persisted history
:return: a dictionary of history items keyed by their 1-based index in ascending order,
or an empty dictionary if no results were found
This method can accommodate input in any of these forms:
a..b or a:b
a.. or a:
..a or :a
-a.. or -a:
..-a or :-a
Different from native python indexing and slicing of arrays, this method
uses 1-based array numbering. Users who are not programmers can't grok
zero based numbering. Programmers can sometimes grok zero based numbering.
Which reminds me, there are only two hard problems in programming:
- naming
- cache invalidation
- off by one errors
results =
if not results:
# our regex doesn't match the input, bail out
raise ValueError('History indices must be positive or negative integers, and may not be zero.')
start_token ='start')
if start_token:
start = min(self._zero_based_index(start_token), len(self) - 1)
if start < 0:
start = max(0, len(self) + start)
start = 0 if include_persisted else self.session_start_index
end_token ='end')
if end_token:
end = min(int(end_token), len(self))
if end < 0:
end = max(0, len(self) + end + 1)
end = len(self)
return self._build_result_dictionary(start, end)
def str_search(self, search: str, include_persisted: bool = False) -> 'OrderedDict[int, HistoryItem]':
"""Find history items which contain a given string
:param search: the string to search for
:param include_persisted: if True, then search full history including persisted history
:return: a dictionary of history items keyed by their 1-based index in ascending order,
or an empty dictionary if the string was not found
def isin(history_item: HistoryItem) -> bool:
"""filter function for string search of history"""
sloppy = utils.norm_fold(search)
inraw = sloppy in utils.norm_fold(history_item.raw)
inexpanded = sloppy in utils.norm_fold(history_item.expanded)
return inraw or inexpanded
start = 0 if include_persisted else self.session_start_index
return self._build_result_dictionary(start, len(self), isin)
def regex_search(self, regex: str, include_persisted: bool = False) -> 'OrderedDict[int, HistoryItem]':
"""Find history items which match a given regular expression
:param regex: the regular expression to search for.
:param include_persisted: if True, then search full history including persisted history
:return: a dictionary of history items keyed by their 1-based index in ascending order,
or an empty dictionary if the regex was not matched
regex = regex.strip()
if regex.startswith(r'/') and regex.endswith(r'/'):
regex = regex[1:-1]
finder = re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
def isin(hi: HistoryItem) -> bool:
"""filter function for doing a regular expression search of history"""
return bool( or
start = 0 if include_persisted else self.session_start_index
return self._build_result_dictionary(start, len(self), isin)
def truncate(self, max_length: int) -> None:
"""Truncate the length of the history, dropping the oldest items if necessary
:param max_length: the maximum length of the history, if negative, all history
items will be deleted
:return: nothing
if max_length <= 0:
# remove all history
del self[:]
elif len(self) > max_length:
last_element = len(self) - max_length
del self[0:last_element]
def _build_result_dictionary(
self, start: int, end: int, filter_func: Optional[Callable[[HistoryItem], bool]] = None
) -> 'OrderedDict[int, HistoryItem]':
Build history search results
:param start: start index to search from
:param end: end index to stop searching (exclusive)
results: OrderedDict[int, HistoryItem] = OrderedDict()
for index in range(start, end):
if filter_func is None or filter_func(self[index]):
results[index + 1] = self[index]
return results
def to_json(self) -> str:
"""Utility method to convert this History into a JSON string for use in persistent history files"""
json_dict = {
History._history_version_field: History._history_version,
History._history_items_field: [hi.to_dict() for hi in self],
return json.dumps(json_dict, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
def from_json(history_json: str) -> 'History':
Utility method to restore History from a JSON string
:param history_json: history data as JSON string (generated using to_json())
:return: History object
:raises json.JSONDecodeError: if passed invalid JSON string
:raises KeyError: if JSON is missing required elements
:raises ValueError: if history version in JSON isn't supported
json_dict = json.loads(history_json)
version = json_dict[History._history_version_field]
if version != History._history_version:
raise ValueError(
f"Unsupported history file version: {version}. This application uses version {History._history_version}."
items = json_dict[History._history_items_field]
history = History()
for hi_dict in items:
return history