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# Copyright 2014-present MongoDB, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tools for working with write concerns."""
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
from pymongo.errors import ConfigurationError
# Moved here to avoid a circular import.
def validate_boolean(option: str, value: Any) -> bool:
"""Validates that 'value' is True or False."""
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
raise TypeError(f"{option} must be True or False, was: {option}={value}")
class WriteConcern:
- `w`: (integer or string) Used with replication, write operations
will block until they have been replicated to the specified number
or tagged set of servers. `w=<integer>` always includes the replica
set primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until
replicated to **two** secondaries). **w=0 disables acknowledgement
of write operations and can not be used with other write concern
- `wtimeout`: (integer) Used in conjunction with `w`. Specify a value
in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation
to complete. If replication does not complete in the given
timeframe, a timeout exception is raised.
- `j`: If ``True`` block until write operations have been committed
to the journal. Cannot be used in combination with `fsync`. Write
operations will fail with an exception if this option is used when
the server is running without journaling.
- `fsync`: If ``True`` and the server is running without journaling,
blocks until the server has synced all data files to disk. If the
server is running with journaling, this acts the same as the `j`
option, blocking until write operations have been committed to the
journal. Cannot be used in combination with `j`.
__slots__ = ("__document", "__acknowledged", "__server_default")
def __init__(
w: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
wtimeout: Optional[int] = None,
j: Optional[bool] = None,
fsync: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> None:
self.__document: Dict[str, Any] = {}
self.__acknowledged = True
if wtimeout is not None:
if not isinstance(wtimeout, int):
raise TypeError("wtimeout must be an integer")
if wtimeout < 0:
raise ValueError("wtimeout cannot be less than 0")
self.__document["wtimeout"] = wtimeout
if j is not None:
validate_boolean("j", j)
self.__document["j"] = j
if fsync is not None:
validate_boolean("fsync", fsync)
if j and fsync:
raise ConfigurationError("Can't set both j and fsync at the same time")
self.__document["fsync"] = fsync
if w == 0 and j is True:
raise ConfigurationError("Cannot set w to 0 and j to True")
if w is not None:
if isinstance(w, int):
if w < 0:
raise ValueError("w cannot be less than 0")
self.__acknowledged = w > 0
elif not isinstance(w, str):
raise TypeError("w must be an integer or string")
self.__document["w"] = w
self.__server_default = not self.__document
def is_server_default(self) -> bool:
"""Does this WriteConcern match the server default."""
return self.__server_default
def document(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""The document representation of this write concern.
.. note::
:class:`WriteConcern` is immutable. Mutating the value of
:attr:`document` does not mutate this :class:`WriteConcern`.
return self.__document.copy()
def acknowledged(self) -> bool:
"""If ``True`` write operations will wait for acknowledgement before
return self.__acknowledged
def __repr__(self):
return "WriteConcern({})".format(
", ".join("{}={}".format(*kvt) for kvt in self.__document.items())
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, WriteConcern):
return self.__document == other.document
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, WriteConcern):
return self.__document != other.document
return NotImplemented