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# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import importlib
from openstack import _log
from openstack.config import cloud_region
import os_client_config
from os_client_config import constructors
from os_client_config import exceptions
def _get_client(service_key):
class_mapping = constructors.get_constructor_mapping()
if service_key not in class_mapping:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"Service {service_key} is unkown. Please pass in a client"
" constructor or submit a patch to os-client-config".format(
mod_name, ctr_name = class_mapping[service_key].rsplit('.', 1)
lib_name = mod_name.split('.')[0]
mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
except ImportError:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"Client for '{service_key}' was requested, but"
" {mod_name} was unable to be imported. Either import"
" the module yourself and pass the constructor in as an argument,"
" or perhaps you do not have python-{lib_name} installed.".format(
ctr = getattr(mod, ctr_name)
except AttributeError:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"Client for '{service_key}' was requested, but although"
" {mod_name} imported fine, the constructor at {fullname}"
" as not found. Please check your installation, we have no"
" clue what is wrong with your computer.".format(
return ctr
class CloudConfig(cloud_region.CloudRegion):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CloudConfig, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.log = _log.setup_logging(__name__)
def __getattr__(self, key):
"""Return arbitrary attributes."""
if key.startswith('os_'):
key = key[3:]
if key in [attr.replace('-', '_') for attr in self.config]:
return self.config[key]
return None
def insert_user_agent(self):
('os-client-config', os_client_config.__version__))
super(CloudConfig, self).insert_user_agent()
def region(self):
return self.region_name
def get_region_name(self, *args):
return self.region_name
def get_cache_expiration(self):
return self.get_cache_expirations()
def get_legacy_client(
self, service_key, client_class=None, interface_key=None,
pass_version_arg=True, version=None, min_version=None,
max_version=None, **kwargs):
"""Return a legacy OpenStack client object for the given config.
Most of the OpenStack python-*client libraries have the same
interface for their client constructors, but there are several
parameters one wants to pass given a :class:`CloudConfig` object.
In the future, OpenStack API consumption should be done through
the OpenStack SDK, but that's not ready yet. This is for getting
Client objects from python-*client only.
:param service_key: Generic key for service, such as 'compute' or
:param client_class: Class of the client to be instantiated. This
should be the unversioned version if there
is one, such as novaclient.client.Client, or
the versioned one, such as
neutronclient.v2_0.client.Client if there isn't
:param interface_key: (optional) Some clients, such as glanceclient
only accept the parameter 'interface' instead
of 'endpoint_type' - this is a get-out-of-jail
parameter for those until they can be aligned.
os-client-config understands this to be the
case if service_key is image, so this is really
only for use with other unknown broken clients.
:param pass_version_arg: (optional) If a versioned Client constructor
was passed to client_class, set this to
False, which will tell get_client to not
pass a version parameter. os-client-config
already understand that this is the
case for network, so it can be omitted in
that case.
:param version: (optional) Version string to override the configured
version string.
:param min_version: (options) Minimum version acceptable.
:param max_version: (options) Maximum version acceptable.
:param kwargs: (optional) keyword args are passed through to the
Client constructor, so this is in case anything
additional needs to be passed in.
if not client_class:
client_class = _get_client(service_key)
interface = self.get_interface(service_key)
# trigger exception on lack of service
endpoint = self.get_session_endpoint(
service_key, min_version=min_version, max_version=max_version)
endpoint_override = self.get_endpoint(service_key)
if service_key == 'object-store':
constructor_kwargs = dict(
constructor_kwargs = dict(
if service_key == 'image':
# os-client-config does not depend on glanceclient, but if
# the user passed in glanceclient.client.Client, which they
# would need to do if they were requesting 'image' - then
# they necessarily have glanceclient installed
from glanceclient.common import utils as glance_utils
endpoint, detected_version = glance_utils.strip_version(endpoint)
# If the user has passed in a version, that's explicit, use it
if not version:
version = detected_version
# If the user has passed in or configured an override, use it.
# Otherwise, ALWAYS pass in an endpoint_override becuase
# we've already done version stripping, so we don't want version
# reconstruction to happen twice
if not endpoint_override:
constructor_kwargs['endpoint_override'] = endpoint
if pass_version_arg and service_key != 'object-store':
if not version:
version = self.get_api_version(service_key)
if not version and service_key == 'volume':
from cinderclient import client as cinder_client
version = cinder_client.get_volume_api_from_url(endpoint)
# Temporary workaround while we wait for python-openstackclient
# to be able to handle 2.0 which is what neutronclient expects
if service_key == 'network' and version == '2':
version = '2.0'
if service_key == 'identity':
# Workaround for bug#1513839
if 'endpoint' not in constructor_kwargs:
endpoint = self.get_session_endpoint('identity')
constructor_kwargs['endpoint'] = endpoint
if service_key == 'network':
constructor_kwargs['api_version'] = version
elif service_key == 'baremetal':
if version != '1':
# Set Ironic Microversion
constructor_kwargs['os_ironic_api_version'] = version
# Version arg is the major version, not the full microstring
constructor_kwargs['version'] = version[0]
constructor_kwargs['version'] = version
if min_version and min_version > float(version):
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigVersionException(
"Minimum version {min_version} requested but {version}"
" found".format(min_version=min_version, version=version),
if max_version and max_version < float(version):
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigVersionException(
"Maximum version {max_version} requested but {version}"
" found".format(max_version=max_version, version=version),
if service_key == 'database':
# TODO(mordred) Remove when
# has landed and released. We're passing in a Session, but the
# trove Client object has username and password as required
# args
constructor_kwargs['username'] = None
constructor_kwargs['password'] = None
if not interface_key:
if service_key in ('image', 'key-manager'):
interface_key = 'interface'
elif (service_key == 'identity'
and version and version.startswith('3')):
interface_key = 'interface'
interface_key = 'endpoint_type'
if service_key == 'object-store':
constructor_kwargs['os_options'][interface_key] = interface
constructor_kwargs[interface_key] = interface
return client_class(**constructor_kwargs)