import datetime import importlib import os import sys from django.apps import apps from import OutputWrapper from django.db.models import NOT_PROVIDED from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.version import get_docs_version from .loader import MigrationLoader class MigrationQuestioner: """ Give the autodetector responses to questions it might have. This base class has a built-in noninteractive mode, but the interactive subclass is what the command-line arguments will use. """ def __init__(self, defaults=None, specified_apps=None, dry_run=None): self.defaults = defaults or {} self.specified_apps = specified_apps or set() self.dry_run = dry_run def ask_initial(self, app_label): """Should we create an initial migration for the app?""" # If it was specified on the command line, definitely true if app_label in self.specified_apps: return True # Otherwise, we look to see if it has a migrations module # without any Python files in it, apart from # Apps from the new app template will have these; the Python # file check will ensure we skip South ones. try: app_config = apps.get_app_config(app_label) except LookupError: # It's a fake app. return self.defaults.get("ask_initial", False) migrations_import_path, _ = MigrationLoader.migrations_module(app_config.label) if migrations_import_path is None: # It's an application with migrations disabled. return self.defaults.get("ask_initial", False) try: migrations_module = importlib.import_module(migrations_import_path) except ImportError: return self.defaults.get("ask_initial", False) else: if getattr(migrations_module, "__file__", None): filenames = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(migrations_module.__file__)) elif hasattr(migrations_module, "__path__"): if len(migrations_module.__path__) > 1: return False filenames = os.listdir(list(migrations_module.__path__)[0]) return not any(x.endswith(".py") for x in filenames if x != "") def ask_not_null_addition(self, field_name, model_name): """Adding a NOT NULL field to a model.""" # None means quit return None def ask_not_null_alteration(self, field_name, model_name): """Changing a NULL field to NOT NULL.""" # None means quit return None def ask_rename(self, model_name, old_name, new_name, field_instance): """Was this field really renamed?""" return self.defaults.get("ask_rename", False) def ask_rename_model(self, old_model_state, new_model_state): """Was this model really renamed?""" return self.defaults.get("ask_rename_model", False) def ask_merge(self, app_label): """Should these migrations really be merged?""" return self.defaults.get("ask_merge", False) def ask_auto_now_add_addition(self, field_name, model_name): """Adding an auto_now_add field to a model.""" # None means quit return None def ask_unique_callable_default_addition(self, field_name, model_name): """Adding a unique field with a callable default.""" # None means continue. return None class InteractiveMigrationQuestioner(MigrationQuestioner): def __init__( self, defaults=None, specified_apps=None, dry_run=None, prompt_output=None ): super().__init__( defaults=defaults, specified_apps=specified_apps, dry_run=dry_run ) self.prompt_output = prompt_output or OutputWrapper(sys.stdout) def _boolean_input(self, question, default=None): self.prompt_output.write(f"{question} ", ending="") result = input() if not result and default is not None: return default while not result or result[0].lower() not in "yn": self.prompt_output.write("Please answer yes or no: ", ending="") result = input() return result[0].lower() == "y" def _choice_input(self, question, choices): self.prompt_output.write(f"{question}") for i, choice in enumerate(choices): self.prompt_output.write(" %s) %s" % (i + 1, choice)) self.prompt_output.write("Select an option: ", ending="") result = input() while True: try: value = int(result) except ValueError: pass else: if 0 < value <= len(choices): return value self.prompt_output.write("Please select a valid option: ", ending="") result = input() def _ask_default(self, default=""): """ Prompt for a default value. The ``default`` argument allows providing a custom default value (as a string) which will be shown to the user and used as the return value if the user doesn't provide any other input. """ self.prompt_output.write("Please enter the default value as valid Python.") if default: self.prompt_output.write( f"Accept the default '{default}' by pressing 'Enter' or " f"provide another value." ) self.prompt_output.write( "The datetime and django.utils.timezone modules are available, so " "it is possible to provide e.g. as a value." ) self.prompt_output.write("Type 'exit' to exit this prompt") while True: if default: prompt = "[default: {}] >>> ".format(default) else: prompt = ">>> " self.prompt_output.write(prompt, ending="") code = input() if not code and default: code = default if not code: self.prompt_output.write( "Please enter some code, or 'exit' (without quotes) to exit." ) elif code == "exit": sys.exit(1) else: try: return eval(code, {}, {"datetime": datetime, "timezone": timezone}) except (SyntaxError, NameError) as e: self.prompt_output.write("Invalid input: %s" % e) def ask_not_null_addition(self, field_name, model_name): """Adding a NOT NULL field to a model.""" if not self.dry_run: choice = self._choice_input( f"It is impossible to add a non-nullable field '{field_name}' " f"to {model_name} without specifying a default. This is " f"because the database needs something to populate existing " f"rows.\n" f"Please select a fix:", [ ( "Provide a one-off default now (will be set on all existing " "rows with a null value for this column)" ), "Quit and manually define a default value in", ], ) if choice == 2: sys.exit(3) else: return self._ask_default() return None def ask_not_null_alteration(self, field_name, model_name): """Changing a NULL field to NOT NULL.""" if not self.dry_run: choice = self._choice_input( f"It is impossible to change a nullable field '{field_name}' " f"on {model_name} to non-nullable without providing a " f"default. This is because the database needs something to " f"populate existing rows.\n" f"Please select a fix:", [ ( "Provide a one-off default now (will be set on all existing " "rows with a null value for this column)" ), "Ignore for now. Existing rows that contain NULL values " "will have to be handled manually, for example with a " "RunPython or RunSQL operation.", "Quit and manually define a default value in", ], ) if choice == 2: return NOT_PROVIDED elif choice == 3: sys.exit(3) else: return self._ask_default() return None def ask_rename(self, model_name, old_name, new_name, field_instance): """Was this field really renamed?""" msg = "Was %s.%s renamed to %s.%s (a %s)? [y/N]" return self._boolean_input( msg % ( model_name, old_name, model_name, new_name, field_instance.__class__.__name__, ), False, ) def ask_rename_model(self, old_model_state, new_model_state): """Was this model really renamed?""" msg = "Was the model %s.%s renamed to %s? [y/N]" return self._boolean_input( msg % (old_model_state.app_label,,, False, ) def ask_merge(self, app_label): return self._boolean_input( "\nMerging will only work if the operations printed above do not conflict\n" + "with each other (working on different fields or models)\n" + "Should these migration branches be merged? [y/N]", False, ) def ask_auto_now_add_addition(self, field_name, model_name): """Adding an auto_now_add field to a model.""" if not self.dry_run: choice = self._choice_input( f"It is impossible to add the field '{field_name}' with " f"'auto_now_add=True' to {model_name} without providing a " f"default. This is because the database needs something to " f"populate existing rows.\n", [ "Provide a one-off default now which will be set on all " "existing rows", "Quit and manually define a default value in", ], ) if choice == 2: sys.exit(3) else: return self._ask_default(default="") return None def ask_unique_callable_default_addition(self, field_name, model_name): """Adding a unique field with a callable default.""" if not self.dry_run: version = get_docs_version() choice = self._choice_input( f"Callable default on unique field {model_name}.{field_name} " f"will not generate unique values upon migrating.\n" f"Please choose how to proceed:\n", [ f"Continue making this migration as the first step in " f"writing a manual migration to generate unique values " f"described here: " f"{version}/howto/" f"writing-migrations/#migrations-that-add-unique-fields.", "Quit and edit field options in", ], ) if choice == 2: sys.exit(3) return None class NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner(MigrationQuestioner): def __init__( self, defaults=None, specified_apps=None, dry_run=None, verbosity=1, log=None, ): self.verbosity = verbosity self.log = log super().__init__( defaults=defaults, specified_apps=specified_apps, dry_run=dry_run, ) def log_lack_of_migration(self, field_name, model_name, reason): if self.verbosity > 0: self.log( f"Field '{field_name}' on model '{model_name}' not migrated: " f"{reason}." ) def ask_not_null_addition(self, field_name, model_name): # We can't ask the user, so act like the user aborted. self.log_lack_of_migration( field_name, model_name, "it is impossible to add a non-nullable field without specifying " "a default", ) sys.exit(3) def ask_not_null_alteration(self, field_name, model_name): # We can't ask the user, so set as not provided. self.log( f"Field '{field_name}' on model '{model_name}' given a default of " f"NOT PROVIDED and must be corrected." ) return NOT_PROVIDED def ask_auto_now_add_addition(self, field_name, model_name): # We can't ask the user, so act like the user aborted. self.log_lack_of_migration( field_name, model_name, "it is impossible to add a field with 'auto_now_add=True' without " "specifying a default", ) sys.exit(3)